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Lesson 14. Soil resources

I. Выучите новую лексику урока:

maintain v содержать, time v рассчитывать время; назначать время;

поддерживать, сохранять удачно выбиpaть время

abundant а обильный worsen v ухудшать(ся)

sustain v поддерживать, irreparable а непоправимый,

подкреплять невозвратимый

deterioration п порча, ухудшение destructive a разрушительный,

rapid а быстрый, скорый вредный

safeguard v 1. охранять, защищать; occur v случаться, происходить

2. гарантировать, обеспечивать recurrent а периодический,


II. Прочтите и переведите текст: Text a. What is Soil Conservation?

Soil conservation is the application on the land of all necessary measures in proper combinations to build up and maintain soil productivity for efficient, abundant agricul­tural production on a sustained basis.

Soil conservation, therefore, means proper land uses, pro­tecting the land against all the forms of soil deterioration. It is rebuilding eroded and depleted soils, conserving moisture for plant use. It includes proper agricultural drainage and irrigation where needed and other measures which contribute to maximum practical yields and conserve the soils for fu­ture uses — all at the same time.

With proper management, most soil resources can be used and still retain their productive capacity over long periods of time. The problem of conserving these resources is thus one of accepting practices that permit their effective use while at the same time safeguarding their productive capacity over time. Soil conservation is a matter of good land use and management.

The State Land Use Planning provides a system of using and managing land based on the capabilities of the land itself, involving the application of the best measures or prac­tices known, and designed to result in the greatest production without damage to the land. The State Land Use Control of Land Uses has to secure the wise uses of soil resources. The land users must show care in selecting their production prac­tices so as to secure the practicable return. They also must show comparable care in choosing and timing the conserva­tion investments and practices which are used to build up and maintain the productivity of soils.

The State Land Use Control provides the control of all the land uses. The land users should accept practices that do not damage the soils and permit their effective use. To build up and maintain the productivity of the soils is their prime concern.

A special problem arises with soil erosion. Rapid soil destruction means irreparable loss of land at least as far as cropping is concerned. Soil conservation is directed against the destructive effects of wind and water. The land use plan­ners should keep the soils in such shape that they would re­main productive as long as possible.

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