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IV. Определите без словаря значение следующих словосочетаний:

data collection; analysis operation; in a plan form; land use planning process; agricultural associations; administrative regions; specialization and concentration of farming; scientific and technological progress; biological process; physical factor

V. Употребите глагол, стоящий в скобках, в нужной форме:

1. The specialist (to give) a large amount of preparatory work by his chief-engineer. 2. The work (to give) to a study group two months ago. 3. The chief engineer explained the main goal of the project that (to give) the study group. 4. The formation of land uses of agricultural enterprises (to encom­pass) in interfarm land use planning. 5. Some questions about effective land use (to answer) by a sound land use plan. 6. Both existing and future interconnections of a group of agricultur­al enterprises (must take) into consideration by the land use planners. 7. When the planner knows the size of the lives­tock farm the acreage of pasture or grassland (to consider) in the project.

VI. Закончите следующие предложения, используя текст b:

1. The planners can delineate new land uses taking into consideration modern trends to... . 2. Due to the scientific and technological progress in agriculture our farm-land can be used for... . 3. What is the successful interfarm land use plan? It is the one which... . 4. The broad patterns of agriculture are still influenced by...5. Physical factors are the ones that....

VII. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

well-conceived objective; general goals; overemphasize; infarm planning; interfarm planning; co-operate; biological process; livestock farm

VIII. Переделайте предложения, употребив глаголы-сказуемые форме страдательного залога:

1.The actual land use planning requires much preparation work made by land use planning engineers. 2. We cannot over­emphasize the significance of a plan for interfarm land use planning. 3. Interfarm land use planning solves the problems of taking the land for agricultural purposes. 4. The planners can design sound development proposals. 5. In their work the planners must take into consideration modern trends to specialization and concentration of farming. 6. We use our farm-land for many different purposes. 7. The planners should consider all the factors before they develop new land uses. 8. While planning road network the engineers must carefully evaluate the farm-land losses.

IX. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова. Переведите предложе­ния на русский язык:

1.The interfarm land use planning includes the improve­ment of the ... land uses. 2. The characteristics of land still set ... to the use of land for agricultural purposes. 3. Climate, soil, topography, elevation, water supply and the like are considered to be ... factors. 4. The interfarm land use plan considers the optimum ... of the livestock farm. 5. The sta­bility of farm people is one of the most significant elements in the ... process. 6. It's necessary to know the true effect of road ... on farm-land and food production before taking the land for ... network.