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Сборник упражнений.doc
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Длительные времена в пассиве.

Настоящее длительное

(Present Continuous)

I am being asked

You/we/they are being asked

He/she is being asked

Прошедшее длительное

(Past Continuous)

I/he/she was being asked

We/you/they were being asked

Формы будущего длительного времени в пассиве (Ill be being asked и т.д.) употребляются редко.

Ultrasound is being used in diagnostics and treatment.

Work in this field is being concluded jointly by scientists of different countries.

Ультразвук применяется в диагностике и лечении.

Работа в этой области ведется совместно учеными разных стран.

Совершенные времена в пассиве.

Настоящее совершенное

(Present Perfect)

I/you/we/they have been asked

He/she has been asked

Прошедшее совершенное

(Present Perfect)

I/you/he/she/it/we/they had been asked

Since 1983 large-scale introduction of remote telecardiodiagnostics has been realized in our country.

С 1983 года в нашей стране осуществлено крупномасштабное введение дистанционной телекардиодиагностики.

The equipment had been repaired by the time the work began.

Оборудование было отремонтировано к началу работ.

Формы будущего совершенного времени в пассиве употребляются крайне редко.

By 8 o’clock all the experiments will have been finished. К 8 часам все эксперименты будут закончены.

1. Read and translate the following sentences in the Passive Voice:

1. Almaty was founded in 1854. 2. The text has already been translated. 3. Books by Jack London are read by many readers with great interest. 4. Many books by American writers have been translated into Russian. 5. When was our University set up? 6. This grammar rule is being discussed at the lesson today. 7. When was the capital transferred from Almaty to Astana? 8. What specialists are trained at this University? 9. All the exams will be passed by me well. 10. Some new phrases must be used in your story. 11. What questions are being discussed now? 12. He was being told the news when I entered the room. 13. The article will be translated at the lesson. 14. The experiment has been carried out successfully, and the results will soon be published. 15. During the experiment the temperature was maintained at the point of 20 degrees. 16. The new apparatus had already been installed when the delegation arrived. 17. The letter will be answered at once. 18. I am often helped by my elder brother.

2. Change these sentences according to the given model. Change the adverbs accordingly:

M o d e l: A lot of business letters are translated every day.

A lot of business letters were translated last week.

A lot of business letters will be translated tomorrow.

1. He is often sent on business abroad. 2. These books are sold everywhere.

3. Professor Brown is usually asked a lot of questions after his lectures. 4. What questions are discussed during business talks? 5. Passengers are taken to the plane a few minutes before it takes off. 6. Whose pictures are shown there? 7. Tickets for planes are booked in advance.

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