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Сборник упражнений.doc
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1. Read and translate the following sentences:

1. His childhood is said to have been very difficult. 2. He didn’t seem to know you.

3. You are expected to know these things. 4. The actress is said to be very beautiful. 5. He was said to have organized the whole business. 6. The man doesn’t seem to recognize you. 7. He is said to have a very good library. 8. She is unlikely to arrive by this train today. 9. They are sure to invite us to their party. 10. She seems to have done it especially for you. 11. He is known to be a very honest man. 12. The experiment is supposed to be made next week. 13. They are said to have a wonderful collection of stamps.

2. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Infinitive:

1. He seems (to read) since morning. 2. He is said (to know) French well. 3. They are supposed (to work) at the problem for the last two months. 4. They turned out (to quarrel). I could hear their angry voices. 5. You are likely (to miss) the train if you don’t take a taxi. 6. Her ring was believed (to lose) until she happened (to find) it while cleaning the house. 7. You seem (to look) for trouble. 8. He is said (to spend) his youth in China. 9. She is known (to teach) by her father. 10. He is unlikely (to come). It is raining heavily. 11. She turned out (to know) the subject well. 12. Even if she is out, you needn’t worry. She is sure (to leave) the key under the door-mat. 13. A young woman is supposed (to write) this book.

3. Choose the sentences with the Complex Subject:

1. I am sorry to have troubled you. 2. He seems to be sleeping. 3. He was said to have played tennis well. 4. To follow such advice isn’t easy. 5. He is a wonderful person to know. 6. We’ve got nothing to worry about. 7. Our plans are likely to change. 8. He doesn’t allow us to read his letters. 9. English is known to have borrowed a lot of French words. 10. We expect everybody to take part in the discussion. 11. Many passengers were reported to have been saved. 12. He happened to see this film twice. 13. She is sure to know some foreign languages. 14. I saw him run. 15. I am sorry to have done it. 16. This river is believed to be suitable for navigation. 17. Do you want me to help you? 18. The performance was said to have been a success.

4. Translate into English:

1. Говорят, что он в Москве. 2. Ожидают, что контракт будет подписан на этой неделе. 3. Сообщают, что экспедиция прибыла 15 мая. 4. Известно, что он написал этот роман. 5. Он, кажется, болен. 6. Кажется, эта статья была опубликована на прошлой неделе. 7. Говорят, что этот дом был построен около двухсот лет тому назад. 8. Он оказался хорошим спортсменом. 9. Я случайно встретил его в Сочи. 10. Считают, что он один из лучших преподавателей в нашем университете. 11. Самолет, вероятно, уже прибыл в Лондон. 12. Он, наверное, придет вечером. 13. Они вряд ли скоро вернутся. 14. Он, вероятно, будет дома после шести. 15. Говорят, в нашем городе будет построен новый завод.

The Gerund

Форма: к основе глагола прибавляется суффикс ing. Герундий выражает действие в процессе и сочетает в себе свойства глагола и существительного.

Solving this problem is a very difficult task.

Решение этой проблемы (решить эту проблему) – очень трудная задача.





being read


having read

having been read


а) часть составного сказуемого в сочетаниях с глаголами to start начинать, to finish заканчивать, to go on продолжать, to stop прекращать и др.

Everybody went on applauding.

Все продолжали аплодировать.

После глагола to stop кроме герундия может употребляться и инфинитив, но употребление инфинитива меняет смысл высказывания.

The man stopped reading the advertisement.

Человек перестал читать объявление.

The man stopped to read the advertisement.

Человек остановился, чтобы прочитать объявление.

б) прямое дополнение – после глаголов to like нравиться, to prefer предпочитать, to enjoy наслаждаться, получать удовольствие от чего-либо, to be worth стоить и др.

The machines are worth exhibiting.

Эти машины стоит экспонировать.

в) предложное дополнение – после глагола, причастия прошедшего времени или прилагательного, требующего предлога: to look forward to с нетерпением ждать, to object to возражать против чего-либо, to depend on зависеть, to be interested in интересоваться, to be fond of любить, увлекаться

He objects to my going away on Sunday.

Он возражает против того, чтобы я уехала в воскресенье.

I am fond of reading.

Я люблю читать.

We are interested in buying these goods.

Мы заинтересованы в покупке этого товара.

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