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Рекомендательные письма.

Один джентльмен подал объявление о том, что ему нужен помощник в офисе. Около 50 юношей ответили на рекламу. Джентльмен вскоре выбрал одного, остальным отказал.

Его друг спросил: “Хотел бы я знать, на каком основании ты выбрал этого юношу. Ведь у него не было ни одной рекомендации.”

“Ты ошибаешься – сказал джентльмен – их было много. Он вытер ноги, когда вошел, закрыл за собой дверь. Ясно, что он аккуратен и любит порядок. Он немедленно уступил место старому человеку, показывая, что он добр и предусмотрителен. Он снял шляпу, когда вошел, и отвечая на мои вопросы быстро и уважительно, показывая, что он вежлив. Он поднял книгу, которую я намеренно положил на пол до этого, и положил ее на стол, тогда как все остальные перешагивали через нее. Это показывает, что он очень внимателен. Он спокойно ждал своей очереди, а не расталкивал других. Это говорит о том, что он скромен. Когда я говорил с ним, я видел, что его одежда чистая, волосы причесаны, зубы белые. Когда он писал свое имя, я заметил, что у него чистые ногти. Разве ты не назовешь все эти вещи рекомендательными письмами? То что я могу увидеть собственными глазами за 10 минут, стоит больше, чем все прекрасные письма, которые ты можешь принести с собой.”

Ex. 3. Read the classified ads and:

a) write a letter to the agency to make a personal appointment with the candidate.

b) Imagine you meet her / him, get acquainted and try to know more about the person.

c) send your add to the newspaper.

Ex. 4. Using a colored picture from a magazine, try to give a detailed description of a man / woman in the picture.

Ex. 5. Try to find two characters of whole different types and describe them. Point out the most striking features in their appearance.

Ex. 6. describe the appearance of a famous actor (actress, singer, politician, etc.) without naming him (or her) so that your friend could guess who was described.

Ex. 7. Topics for discussion and essays:

      1. Do you think that opposites attract? (Somebody simple-hearted and cheerful will make a good match for someone serious, calm, deeply, intelligent or that someone stingy will get along well with a generous person ).

      2. What are the traits of an ideal wife/husband? Do you think it's good to live with an ideal?

      3. What makes a student popular with others?

      4. What makes a student unpopular with others?

      5. What traits of character in your opinion do students appreciate in a teacher?

Learning recommendations:

Class activity: In this unit of the course book students are supposed to get introduced with the new material: read the text, translate into their native language, summarize in English, complete post-reading tasks and grammar exercises, discuss new speech topics, compose monologues and dialogues in the class.

Home task: Students are assigned to find out additional short information about specific topic of the unit, complete grammar exercises, prepare reports given by the teacher.


1. Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов 1 курса неязыковых специальностей, М.Ж. Тусупбекова, А.М. Мухтарханова, 2008, Астана, _____стр.

Unit 6


Text: The American Home.

Grammar: Adverbs.

Практические цели: Ознакомление с лексическим материалом по теме “Dwelling”. Ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом, развитие навыков изучающего чтения и перевода на основе текста “The American home”, развитие умений и навыков аудирования, просмотрового чтения.

The American Home.

American apartments are usually described as one-bedroom (studio apartments), two-bedroom or three-bedroom apartments. Two- and three-bedroom apartments usually have a connecting living-room; frequently they have two bathrooms. Virtually all apartments have built-in closets with doors, which are used instead of wardrobes. Frequently apartments are without lights but have several outlets for tables or floor lamps. The walls are often painted rather than wall-papered. The entrance generally is directly into the living room area; halls are rarely in evidence. Floors are generally covered with wall-to-wall carpeting. Apartment buildings usually have laundry facilities on the ground floor. Almost all apartments have refrigerators, most people now use microwave ovens which provide very convenient and fast cooking. Most apartments and houses have central thermostat which regulate the temperature.

There are two types of apartments: a rented apartment and a condominium, which an individual owns rather than rents. In addition there are town-houses which are joint houses or apartments in a compact planned group in a town. Town-houses can be purchased or rented. Rented apartments can range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars per month. The purchase price of condominiums and town-houses can range from thirty thousand to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In the US the historical preference since the 1950's has been for people to purchase their own houses in the suburbs rather than in central areas of the cities. Private houses are the most expensive. Real estate firms advertise lands, houses and apartments and provide a market for buyers and sellers. The cost of private houses has escalated sharply in recent years and consequently people have sought to buy town houses and condominiums which generally are cheaper.

A mobile home is the cheapest form of housing that can be purchased. Mobile homes can be moved from place to place by trucks. Mobile homes are located in special mobile home parks, which are sometimes called mobile villages. They are usually on the outskirts of cities. Retired people and young people with low income reside in mobile homes which can be purchased or rented.

Topical vocabulary.

  1. building здание, сооружение, дом

  2. dwelling жилище, дом dwelling house жилой дом

  3. house дом, жилище, здание

  4. lodgings жилище

  5. home жилище, дом, домашний очаг

6. residential area район жилых зданий в городе

7. counsel house жилой дом, принадлежащий

городскому совету

8. property собственность частная, мэрии,

объект собственности, недвижимость

buy a property купить недвижимость

9. condominium кондоминиум (одни из видов

кооперативной собственности)

10. residence местожительство, большой

жилой дом

registration регистрация (подобно "прописке".

но выбирается человеком по

желанию в любом месте

story/story (floor) этажtop floor последний этаж

11. move (v) переезжать housewarming party новоселье

12. block квартал

13. inhabitant жилец, обитатель

14.owner собственник, владелец

landlord (landlady) владелец (владелица) дама

(помещения), сдаваемого внаем

15. tenant (lodger) жилец

16. tenement снимаемый дом. Квартира

tenement house дешевый многоквартирный дом

  1. host (hostess) хозяин (хозяйка), принимающий гостей

  2. boarding house пансион ( rooming house)

  3. decorate (v) отделывать (квартиру)

interior designer (decorator) художник по интерьеру, дизайнер

furnish (v) smth. обставлять (мебелью) well furnished хорошо обставленная

arrange(v) furniture расставлять мебель

rearrange переставлять

20. set (v) smth. устанавливать что-либо

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.

Ex. 2. Answer the questions.

  1. How can American apartments usually be described?

  2. What rooms do they usually have?

  3. What is the most typical decoration of the apartments?

  4. Where are laundry facilities installed?

  5. What do they use to regulate the temperature?

  6. What are the two types of apartments?

  7. Can town-houses be purchased or rented?

  8. What is the purchase price of condominiums?

9. What houses are the most expensive?10. What can you say about mobile homes?

Ex. 3. Find Russian equivalents to the following:

  1. a studio apartment; 8. to purchase;

  2. a closet; 9. to range;

  3. an outlet; 10. to escalate;

  4. a floor lamp; 11.a mobile home;

  5. facility; 12. outskirts;

  6. a condominium; 13. to reside;

  7. a town-house; 14. to locate.

Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English.

-У меня замечательная новость. Мы живем в новой квартире. У нас последний этаж.

-Вид прекрасный, не так ли?

-Да. Перед домом газоны. Много цветов и деревьев.

-Счастлива слышать это. Сколько у вас комнат?

-У нас четырех комнатная квартира. Комнаты большие и солнечные. У нас есть спальня, кабинет, гостиная, столовая и кухня.

-А вся мебель новая?

-Наша мебель вся новая и очень элегантная.

-А что у вас в кабинете?

-Первое, что вы видите, когда входите в комнату, это книжный шкаф. Он стоит у стены.

-А что у вас в кухне?

-Кухня очень удобная. Моя жена ее очень любит.

-Жена готовит там?

-Да. Обычно мы там и едим.

-У вас есть стиральная машина и пылесос?

-Да. Время от времени я чищу ковры.

-О, Пит, ты хороший муж! Твоей жене повезло!

-Да, и мне тоже. У нас хорошая квартира. У нас дома очень уютно. Приезжайте к нам сегодня вечером.

Grammar: Adverbs.

Kinds of adverbs:

Manner: bravely, fast, happily, hard, well

Place: by, down, here, near, there, up

Time: now, soon, still, then, today, yet

Frequency: always, never, occasionally, often, twice

Sentence: certainly, definitely, luckily, surely

Degree: fairly, hardly, rather, quite, too, very

Interrogative: when, where, why

Relative: when, where, why

Form and use.

The formation of adverbs with -ly

  • Many adverbs of manner and some adverbs of degree are formed by adding to the corresponding adjectives:

final, finally slow, slowly

note that the adverb of good is well.

  • Adjectives ending in -ly

daily, weekly, monthly, kindly and sometimes leisurely can be adjectives or adverbs, but most other adjectives ending in -ly, e.g. friendly, likely, lonely etc., cannot be used as adverbs and have no adverb form. To supply this deficiency we use a similar adverb or adverb phrase:

likely (adjective) probably (adverb)

friendly (adjective) in a friendly way (adverb phrase)

  • Some adverbs have a narrower meaning that their corresponding adjectives or differ from them.

Coldly, coolly, hotly, warmly are used mainly of feelings:

We received them coldly.

They defined the accusation hotly.

Ex. 5. Say whether the word in italics type is an adjective or an adverb.

1. The task was so easy that we did not need time to get prepared. 2. I could do it easily if I had the time. 3. He spoke loudly. 4. We heard a loud noise in the street. 5. We went straight to the city without stopping anywhere. 6. He looked at us with a perfectly straight face. 7. You would play better if you had a better instrument. 8. They have very little space for the garden. 9. He works more and better than he used to. 10. She is singing worse than usual.

Ex. 6. Form adverbs from the given adjectives and nouns and make up your own sentences.

Sweet, careful, real, slow, usual, day, calm, stupid, heroic, firm, loud, happy, safe, dry, gradual, soft, brave, hour.

Ex. 7. Change the italicized noun into a verb and the italicized adjective into an adverb.

Example: His answer was very quick.- He answered very quickly.

1. They gave a beautiful performance. 2. She gave me a formal answer. 3. His was a heroic action. 4. He gave an accurate description of the incident. 5. We heard their happy laugh in the room. 6. The actors got a warm greeting from the audience.

Ex. 8. Translate into English, paying your attention to the italicized words. Choose the right word in the brackets.

1. Вы часто пропускаете занятия в последнее время. Они поздно ложатся спать. В том году была поздняя весна. (late, lately)

2. Что-то было не так. Он набрал не тот номер телефона. Он дал неправильный ответ. Она неправильно с ним поступила. (wrong, wrongly)

3. Мы едва знаем друг друга. Они упорно работали. Она упорный работник. (hard, hardly)

4. Мы почти опаздали на поезд. Рядом с нашим домом есть небольшое озеро. Он всегда интересовался историей Ближнего Востока. (near, neraly)