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Срсп 14-15. Leisure time.

Практические цели: формирование умений и навыков устной речи и письменного выражения мыслей. Овладение дополнительной информацией о проведении свободного времени. Обсуждение тематического материала, поиск нового материала.

                  1. MY LEISURE TIME

There’s plenty to do after school hours, particularly sport which I enjoy most. My favourite sport is hockey. Almost all my friends are here. We train hard and we play for the school and in various regional youth tournaments.

As most young people I spend my after school hours at home watching TV or doing domestic chores, or listening to music , or reading. We don’t have a computer at home , so I spend a considerable time playing computer games at my friend’s. Of course, all these I do there are no training spells.

I think, it’s common with most young people to spend some time outdoors. Street life is important for us. We meet somewhere in streets and talk and then go to town center to do window shopping and ‘see what’s going on’.

My friends use some of their spare time to earn many by working in different places. Some of them wash cars for people, others do a part-time job for shops and cafes. As for me I earn my pocket money delivering newspapers three times a week.

I’ve usually got enough to do the things I want. I can buy the records and CDs I want without asking the permission from my parents.

Ex. 1. Read the text and make up 4-5 questions to it.

Ex. 2. Answer the questions.

1. Why can a man's character be told by the way he uses his leisure?

2. How does a creative type of character spend his leisure time?

3. Why should leisure be refreshment?

4. How do you spend your leisure time?

5. How and where do the students spend their leisure time?

Ex.. 3. Read the text and discuss it.

Theatres in britain

Theatres are much the same in London as anywhere else; the chief theatres, music-halls and cinemas are in the West End.

If you're staying in London for a few days, you'll have no difficulty whatever in finding somewhere to spend an enjoyable evening. You'll find opera, ballet, comedy, drama, review, musical comedy and variety. The best seats at the theatres are those in the stalls, the circle, and the upper circle. Then comes the pit, and last of all the gallery, where the seats are cheapest. Boxes, of course, are the most expensive. Most theatres and music-halls have good orchestras with popular conductors. You ought to make a point of going to the opera at least once during the season, if you can. There you can get the best of everything — an excellent orchestra, famous conductors, celebrated singers and a well-dressed audience. But, of course, if you're not fond of music and singing, opera won't interest you. At the West-End theatres you can see most of the famous English actors and actresses. As a rule, the plays are magnificently staged — costumes, dresses, scenery, everything being done on the most lavish scale. Choose a good play, and you'll enjoy yourself thoroughly from the moment the curtain goes up to the end of the last act. Get your seat beforehand, either at the box-office of the theatre itself or at one of the agencies.

Ex. 4. Read the text .


I am not a great cinema -goer, but now that they have built a new cinema near my house I go and see a film occasionally . Actually it was last Sunday that I saw again the film that was produced by the Mosfilm Studio- “The Diamond Arm”. This comedy is a funny mixture of fiction and reality. The plot of the film is the following : a group of rogues were trying to smuggle jewellery into our country. They gave the jewels to the wrong man who was quite unsuspecting and who incidentally gave them away. When he came back to his town they began to follow him to get hold of the jewels. A lot of funny episodes happened during this hunt. Finally the smugglers were traced down by the militia.

Nikulin who was in the title-role is a real favourite with the public. Even though he sometimes didn't do anything funny the audience started laughing the very moment he appeared on the screen. His very face was enough to set them roaring with laughter. As for me, I am not terribly fond of him though

he is an actor of some talent. Another man playing the second best role, one of the gang, Mironov, was more to my taste. His acting was quite good. There were a couple of songs and some dancing too. There were some fantastic tricks as well. Such as a car lifted by a helicopter, pistol shots in the dark, hands moving in the light of diamonds. etc. I couldn’t call it exactly a very good film, but I must say I enjoyed it.

Ex. 5. Compose dialogues using the situations given below.

1. Nick and Mark are talking about their last visit to the cinema. Nick is very fond of going to the pictures. Mark prefers the theater. Mark complains that the film has been a bore. Nick tries to persuade him that he ought to have enjoyed it, for it is the hit of the season.

  1. You are late for the concert. You can not find your sits, as the concert has already begun. When it last the usher shows you to your sits you find them occupied. The usher talks to the people to find out what happened.

Ex. 6. Complete the following story.

It was Sunday. I was at home waiting for my friend who promised to go to the drama theater with me. It was high time to go, but my friend did not appear. Suddenly there was a loud cry outside. I put on my coat and hat, ran into the street and saw…