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Срсп 14-15. Shopping.

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Buying Food.

At the week-ends, when she has more time to spare, Elinor Lloyd does her shopping at the big self-service food stores in town, for she can buy a lot of goods more cheaply there than at her local grocer's. Accompanied by her husband or her daughter she walks round the Co-operative supermarket and other large food stores looking for bargains. These goods are tidily arranged on trays and long shelves on which the various prices are clearly marked. There is plenty of room for the customers to walk about.

The shelves are well stocked with a very wide selection of attractively packed good everything from quick-frozen food to washing powder, from shoe polish to new-led eggs, from tinned fish to toothpaste. Elinor walks from shelf to shelf, filling her wire basket. She has to be careful when shopping in a self-service store, for the goods are so attractively displayed that she is tempted to buy things she does not need or can not really afford. She puts two large tins of instead of coffee into her basket. The same brand costs six pence more at the corner shop, so she has saved twelve pence.

She looks round for a bottle of Worcestershire sauce but she can not see any. A shop assistant, who is making up an order, approaches her: “Can I help you , madam?”- “I'd like a bottle of Worcestershire sauce. Do you sell it? - “Yes, we do, but I am afraid we have sold out at the moment. If you'd care to call on Monday...” - “Thank you, I won't bother” Elinor goes to the cash desk, where there is short queue. When it is her turn the cashier reckons up the bill on a cash register which automatically adds up the various items. In the meantime another shop assistant packs the goods into Elinor's shopping bag. Elinor pays, carefully puts the receipt and the change into her purse and leaves the shop. Before getting the bus home she goes to the market in search of bargains. The market is large, with well over a hundred different stalls; part of its covered, part of it open-air. A wide range of clothes, household goods, fruit and vegetables is on sale and prices are often considerably lower than in the ordinary shops, for the stall-holders' overheads are relatively low. Elinor buys washing powder 5 p a packet cheaper than at her local grocer's, and fresh fruit and vegetables: two pounds of oranges, half a pound of strawberries, two medium-sized grapefruit, a large cauliflower and two pounds of sprouts.

She arrived home exhausted but a little proud of having saved forty or fifty pence of the housekeeping money.

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

1. Why does Elinor do part of her shopping at the big self-service stores in Town?

  1. Why does she have to be careful when shopping at such stores?

  2. How big is the market?

  3. What sort of goods are on sale there?

  4. What is Elinor proud of?

Ex. 2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Иметь побольше свободного времени, в сопровождении, искать выгодные покупки, товары, аккуратно расположенные на подносах, четко проставленные цены, много места для прохода покупателей, испытывать соблазн, та же марка, все распродано, значительно ниже, сравнительно низкие накладные расходы, деньги на домашнее хозяйство, тщательно рассмотреть вопрос.

Ex. 3. Find English equivalents to the following:

tinned foods, ready-packed goods, ready-bottle vegetable oil, ready-to-serve food, loose milk, a bunch of leeks, a jar of marmalade, a tin of luncheon meat, rolls of toilet soap, a packet of frozen peas, half a dozen fresh herrings, self-service, counter-service, a box of mint chocolate.

Ex. 4. Name 5-10 products you might buy at.

  1. grocery

  2. a sweet-shop

  3. a butcher's

  4. a fritterer’s

  5. a greengrocer's

  6. a fishmonger's

  7. an office-license shop

  8. a baker's

Ex. 5. What do we call:

  1. a very large self-service shop which deals with food and household goods

  2. a shop, which sells liqueurs, spirits and wine

  3. a long flat-topped bench in a shop over which business is conducted with customers

  4. a weighing instrument

  5. a wire-basket on wheels used in shops for transporting customer's purchases

  6. a tin container in which food or drink is hermetically sealed

  7. set of twelve

  8. the space in the supermarket where goods on sale are displayed

  9. a machine in shops with a drawer for money, recording the amount of each sale

  10. a sheltered area surrounded with shops and other buildings closed for vehicular traffic

Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. По дороге домой зайди в гастроном и купи: килограмм сахарного песку, баночку вишневого варенья, бутылку томатного соуса и две банки сардин.

  2. Ассортимент продуктов в этом супермаркете очень широкий.

  3. В нашем гастрономе всегда в продаже свежее мясо.

  4. Как мне пройти в кондитерский отдел? - Это на противоположной стороне торгового зала.

  5. Цены на свежие продукты меняются на протяжении года в зависимости от сезона.

  6. Сейчас сезон яблок и цены на них снижены.

  7. Чтобы избежать лишних походов в магазин, я всегда составляю список необходимых продуктов.

  8. У меня мало времени на приготовление пищи, поэтому я часто покупаю мороженые полуфабрикаты и овощи.

  9. На рынке некоторые продукты можно купить по более низкой цене.

  10. Этикетки дают важную информацию об ингредиентах и весе содержимого упаковки.

Ex. 7. What do we say when:

    1. We want to buy some cereal.

    2. We see we have not got any more bread.

    3. We do not know whether the shop deals with some food we want to buy.

    4. We do not to buy anything else.

    5. We need some meat for cooking dinner.

    6. We want to know the cost of all our purchases at the shop.

    7. We plan a dinner party.

    8. We plan to go on a picnic in the country.

Ex. 8. Translate the story from Russian into English.