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Срсп 12-13.


Практические цели: Развитие устной и письменной речи, а также умений и навыков аудирования, просмотрового чтения, закрепление лексического материала.

Read and translate these recipes. Say what ingredients you would need for cooking the dishes.

Vegetable Soup.

Peel and cut out into very small pieces three onions, three turnips, one carrot and four potatoes, put them into a pan with 100 g of butter, 150 g of ham and a bunch of parsley; pass them ten minutes over a sharp fire, then add a spoonful of flour, mix well; add 2 litres of broth and 0.5 litre of boiling milk; boil up, keeping it stirred; skim it; add a little salt and sugar and run it through a sieve into another pan; boil again and serve with fried bread in it.

Stewed Beef and Pork.

Put into a saucepan about 800 g of beef cut into 8 pieces; 200 g of pork cut into 2 pieces; six table spoonfuls of rice; 4 middlesized onions peeled and sliced; a table spoonful of sugar; a little pepper and salt; add 2 litres of water; simmer gently for three hours; remove the fat from top and serve.

Home Made Cake.

250 g of flour; 250 g of castor sugar; 250 g of seedless raisins; 50 g of chopped almonds; 50 g of preserved cherries; 170 g of butter; 4 eggs; pinch of soda. Sieve the flour, sugar and soda together into a basin, add the prepared fruit-chopped cherries and almond. Add eggs and butter. Mix it thoroughly. Place in a tin lined with greaseproof paper and brush with some melted butter. Bake in a slow oven for 2 hours. Leave for 5 minutes in a tin, then turn it out and cool.

Ex. 1. Give a word or phrase for the following definition.

  1. scrape into small pieces (cheese, carrots);

  2. cut or chop (meat etc.) into small pieces with revolving blades;

  3. take the skin off;

  4. bear or flop (eggs, cream);

  5. cook in water at 100 degree C;

  6. cook in boiling oil or fat;

  7. cook in a hot oven or over a hot fire;

  8. be cooked in water or juice slowly in closed dish.

Ex. 2. Give a detailed description of cooking your favorite dish, mixing and dressing a salad.

Ex. 3. Tell how: you minced meat; make scrambled eggs; lay the table for a party.

Ex. 4. Insert prepositions and adverbs where necessary. Retell the text.

English Tea.

It will probably surprise you to learn that when the mistress ... the house ... England offers ... her visitors a cup ... tea, she sometimes asks: “Russian or English tea?” ... “Russian tea ” the English mean tea ... a slice ... lemon ... it. “English tea” means very strong tea ... milk ... it. Tea -drinking is quite a tradition with the English. Tea is served ... almost every house ... ... the same time ... 5 o'clock ... the afternoon. ... the table the tea-cups and saucers with tea-spoons are laid. The milk-pot and the sugar-basin are also ... the table. There are small plates ... bread and butter or bread and jam, or biscuits. Tea is ready. The hostess pours the tea ... the cups.

Ex. 5. What do we say when:

  1. You want to praise a dish?

  2. You want some more of something offered at the table?

  1. You want to propose somebody's health?

  2. You want your guests to put some food on their plates?

  3. You do not know what to order in a restaurant?

  4. You are at the table and can not reach a salt-cellar?

  5. Do not like the dish you are offered.

Ex. 6. Here are some common ideas about food. Do you agree or disagree with them? Think of situations where people use them.

  1. Eating carrots is good for the eyes.

  2. Fish is good for the brain.

  3. Eating cheese at night makes you dream.

  4. Garlic stops you getting colds

  5. Drinking coffee stops you sleeping.

  6. Yoghurt make you healthy.

  7. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  8. A hot milky drink helps you to go sleep.

  9. A cup of tea revives you.

  10. Guinness is good for you.

Ex. 7. Compose the dialogues.

  1. You suggest to your wife going to a restaurant instead of cooking at home. She disagrees with you giving her reasons. (why not go? Such a saving of time; much more expensive; not as tasty as cooked at home).

  2. You want to go on a diet o reduce your weight. Ask your doctor what particular dishes he recommends (what diet must I keep to; you must have vegetables, milk, boiled meat; to take in much liquid; to take in much bread, butter, salt).

  3. Lunch at the canteen.

  4. Dinner with your friends at home.

  5. Setting the table for a party.

Ex. 8. Expand the situation introduced by the opening sentences.


  1. Are there any tables for nine, please.

  2. There are no big tables I am afraid.

  3. There are a few but there are too close to the hand.


Mary: - how about lunch, Mom?

Mother: - it is ready, you may set the table.


-I would like to sit at that table.

-I am afraid it is reserved. Here is a nice place at the window, is not it?

Ex. 9. Translate into English.


-Завтрак готов?

-Да, чайник кипит. Пора завтракать. У нас будет что-то особенное на завтрак.

-Да, пахнет вкусно, но мне кажется у нас будет обычный завтрак: яичница с ветчиной и тосты.

-Нет, дорогой. Я испекла яблочный пирог.

-Ну, давай садиться за стол. Я умираю от голода.

-Что ты будишь пить, чай или кофе?

-Чай, пожалуйста, с одним кусочком сахара.

-Давай попробуем пирог.

-Как вкусно. Тебе всегда удаются пироги.

-Спасибо, дорогой. Передай мне пожалуйста масло.

-Вот, пожалуйста. Можно мне еще одну порцию пирога?

-Да, конечно. Дай мне твою тарелку, я положу пирог.

-Боюсь, что я переел, но так вкусно, что я не могу остановиться.

-Ничего страшного. Мы будем обдать сегодня довольно поздно. Я вернусь домой только в 8 часов.

-Спасибо за вкусный завтрак.

Разговор двух матерей.

-У моего сына очень плохой аппетит. Он ничего не ест. Я очень волнуюсь за него.

-А вот мой не страдает отсутствием аппетита. Возьмем, к примеру, сегодняшний день. Утром у нас был довольно плотный завтрак- яичница из двух яиц, тарелка каши, и все же он попросил добавку. Конечно я попыталась не дать ему.

-Ну зачем вы так. Я бы хотела, чтобы у моего мальчика был такой же аппетит, как у вашего.

-Не думаю, что вам нужно завидовать мне. Знаете ли, мой сын склонен к полноте.

Ex. 10. Topics for oral discussion.

  • Describe your first visit to a restaurant.

  • Describe your week-day and week-end menu.

  • Tell about your family's favorite dishes.

  • Talk about dishes you usually cook for your birthday party.

  • What good do fruit and vegetables do us?

  • Tell about special features of Kazakh cousin.

  • Give your friend a recipe of your favorite dish.

  • What do you know about traditional dishes of various countries.

Learning recommendations:

Class activity: In this unit of the course book students are supposed to get introduced with the new material: read the text, translate into their native language, summarize in English, complete post-reading tasks and grammar exercises, discuss new speech topics, compose monologues and dialogues in the class.

Home task: Students are assigned to find out additional short information about specific topic of the unit, complete grammar exercises, prepare reports given by the teacher.


1. Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов 1 курса неязыковых специальностей, М.Ж. Тусупбекова, А.М. Мухтарханова, 2008, Астана, _____стр.