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I term. Cpсп 1-2. Getting acquianted.

Практические цели: Овладение дополнительной информацией о стране изучаемого языка, развитие устной и письменной речи, закрепление лексического материала.

Manners and friendship in the USA and U.K.

When meeting someone new, Americans and Englishmen usually have certain manners. They:

- Look them in the eye.

- Smile.

- Say "Hello. My name is/ I'm ... It's nice to meet you, ..." (Say their names.)

- Stand up when a grown-up enters the room.

- Say "How do you do?" if it is a stranger.

Men and boys do not offer their hand to shake unless the girl or lady offer theirs. When they talk to grown-ups, use their titles: "Yes, Mrs. Brown." "No, Doctor White."

Do you know that the only formally correct way to address people in Great Britain is "Madam" and "Sir"? Schoolboys and schoolgirls call their teacher "Sir", if it is a man. And if the teacher is a woman, they say "Miss".

Say: "Sorry" or "Excuse me", or "I beg your pardon", if you don't understand.

Some topics of conversation or things they might talk to a new friend about may include:

- What do you do?

- Where do you go to school?

- What are your hobbies, favorite things to do?

- Do you play any sports?

- What are your favorite movies, books, songs, musical groups, etc.?


- Don't interrupt your new friends, while they are talking. Wait for a pause in the conversation.

-Don't talk too loud or get too close to your new friend. Generally stay about one arm's length away.


American Informality

Americans are often very informal. They greet each other informally. Usually they say "Hi" whether they are greeting a close friend, an older person, a child, or their employee.

Americans often call one another by their first names, even when they do not know one another well.

Are people in your country more or less formal with each other than people in the United States?

Formal Introductions

Usually American greetings are informal. People say "Hi" or "Hello". But sometimes people use formal introductions.

- How do you do, Boris.

- Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Bell.

- Mrs. Bell, I'd like you to meet my brother Boris.

Ex. 1. Read the following and compare manners, friendship and greetings in the USA and UK with manners, friendship and greetings in Kazakhstan.

When you are leaving after being introduced to a person for the first time, it is polite to say, "It was nice meeting you" or "It was a pleasure to meet you."

What do people in your country usually say in this situation? Even though Americans are informal, there are still some polite customs in this country.

Are these customs the same in your country?

1) Americans and Englishmen don't like people to come too near to them.

Do you touch people?

Many Northern Europeans and North Americans don't touch each other very much.

2) Most polite Americans wait quietly in lines (ticket lines, cafeteria lines, etc.). They try not to touch the people in front of them or behind them, if possible. It is not polite to jump the queue. Is this custom the same in your native country? One of the school rules in America is "Keep your hands to yourself."

3) In America and Great Britain people who are very good friends don't shake hands. (Unless they haven't seen each other for a long time or one wants to congratulate the other.)

As a foreign visitor to Britain or the States, people will shake you by the hand when you are introduced and when you finally depart. They will probably not shake your hand at other times.

Do people in your country shake hands?

4) Most Americans smile a lot to be polite. However, they usually do not smile at strangers in crowded city streets, or on buses, or trains. Do people smile very often to be polite in your country?

Ex. 2. Role play. Dramatize the following situation.

A friend from England arrives at your house. Introduce all the members of the family to him. Invite him/ her into the living-room. Offer him/ her something to eat and drink. Ask your friend about his/ her family, hobbies. Talk about your family, your hobbies and your plans for the next summer holidays. Finish the conversation.

Write down the conversation. Act out the situation. Try to make your conversation as natural as possible. Good luck!

Ex.3. Interview your English teacher.

Ask him or her questions about his/ her interests, his/ her family, hobbies etc. Try to make your conversation as natural as possible. Good luck!

Ex. 4. Read the following and answer the questions.

Some more polite customs

1) People in Great Britain or the United States hold the door open

for any person following them. They also hold the door open for someone who is carrying packages.

Is this custom the same in your country? Do men usually hold the door open for women? Do you hold the door open for any person following you in the Subway?

2) It is polite for Americans and Englishmen to offer to share their food, if someone they know comes up to them while they are eating. (However, if they are eating a sandwich in a cafe, they cannot share the sandwich!) When do people share food in your country?

Ex. 5. Introduce the following people to each other. They greet each other and start a conversation.

1.a fellow-student to your mother;

2.a guest professor to his audience;

3.yourself to a group of students;

4.a friend of your age to an elderly lady at the party;

5. your colleague (Robert Drawn) to your husband/wife;

6. your brother to the director of your company, you want him to get a job with the company;

7. one guest at the party (Linda Colgate, 40, married) to your friend (Vladimir Odov, 35);

8. your Russian teacher to guest professor who wants to study Russian;

Ex. 6. Read the text.

The way I study history.

Let me introduce myself. I am Aidar Alimov, a student at the Eurasian University. Now I am a freshman, as they put it in America, and I am doing history. I take a full course of world and Kazakh history, let alone some other things. I must say I take a special liking to the subjects in which I am going to major. And that is modern history of Kazakhstan which was my favourite subject at school.

It was shortly before leaving school that I made up my mind to enter this faculty and take up history seriously as my future specialty. Whether I will make a very good teacher or a research worker remains to be seen, but I am sure that eventually I will become quite knowledgeable in the field of history and perhaps social sciences. There are many historical subjects in our programme. When we are through with ancient history, we will pass over to the study of the middle Ages. As to Kazakh history, I think , we will start learning the Contemporary period next year ,but not until we are through with the feudal period. When I am in my third year, I wish to devote myself to the special study of modern and contemporary history by which I am greatly attracted.

Ex. 7. Answer the following questions.

1. What is your name?

2. Are you a first- year student or a second –year student?

3. What faculty are you in?

4. What courses do you take?

5. Do you study other subjects?

6. Are you sure you will make a good specialist?

7. Why do you take up your mind to enter this university?

Ex. 8. Making up one of the topics for oral composition and tell it.

    1. Talk about your parents

    2. Tell about your grandparents

    3. Do you have many relatives? Talk about them.

    4. Do you have any elder brother or sister? Describe his or her family.

    5. Is it difficult to be the only child ?

    6. You like / don’t like your friend’s fiancй (e). Tell why.

    7. What does your mother/father do? Tell about his/ her occupation.

    8. Showing your family album to your friend.

Learning recommendations:

Class activity: In this unit of the course book students are supposed to get introduced with the new material: read the text, translate into their native language, summarize in English, complete post-reading tasks and grammar exercises, discuss new speech topics, compose monologues and dialogues in the class.

Home task: Students are assigned to find out additional short information about specific topic of the unit, complete grammar exercises, prepare reports given by the teacher.


1. Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов 1 курса неязыковых специальностей, М.Ж. Тусупбекова, А.М. Мухтарханова, 2008, Астана, _____стр.