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1. Topical vocabulary:

penetrate, v – проникать supplant, v – вытеснять

convert, v – обращать duke, n – герцог

pagan, n – язычник monarchy, n – монархия

desire, n – желание romance, n – рыцарский роман

alliteration, n – аллитерация compose, v – сочинять

personage, n – персонаж fabliau (-x), n – фаблио

masterpiece, n – шедевр bestiary, n – басня

describe, v – описывать character, n – персонаж

sing, v – воспевать, восхвалять Renaissance,n–Эпоха Возрождения

rhyme, n – рифма plaque, n – чума

repetition, n – повтор spirit, n – дух, вдохновение

consonant, n – согласный звук reflect, v – создавать образ

syllable, n – слог care, v – забота

2. Find in the text the following verbs used in the Passive Voice and translate the sentences into Russian:

to bring, to centralize, to kill, to call (3 times), to create, to write (2 times), to hear, to use, to study, to associate, to know, to compare, to add.

3. Give the corresponding nouns:

Verb – Noun

to spread – to grow –

to penetrate – to persecute -

to centralize – to convert -

to promote – to revive -

to learn – o educate -

to imitate – to reflect -

to know – to translate –

to work – to conquer -

to be – to prepare -

to found – to sing -

to desire – to love -

to repeat - to use –

4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions:

to penetrate _______ the British Isles; to escape ______ the Roman persecution; to be a colony of Rome _____ that time; to be brought _______ all countries; to lie ___ ruins ____nine centuries; to be close skin _____ speech and customs; to care _____ stones and wood; to imitate Latin books _______ early Christians; to reflect the influence _____ English; to be the author _______ about 40 books ____ theology; to be associated ______ the earliest-know English poets; to be written _______ his order ____ learned monks; to prepare oneself ______ the after-life; to be written _____ in the 10th century; to tell _____ some events ______ a peoples history.

5. Match English and Russian equivalents:

the growth of culture in Britain

стать языком церкви по всей Европе

to make Christianity the official religion in Rome

обратить язычников в новую веру – Христианство

to become the language of church all over Europe

считаться основополагающим произведением Британской поэзии

to make up the majority of population

развитие культуры в Британии

to tell about the most remarkable events of a peoples history

повествовать о замечательных событиях в жизни народа

to convert the pagans to the new faith-Christianity

сочинять собственные истории о святых в подражание латинским книгам

to be called the foundation-stone of the British poetry

признать Христианство государственной религией в Риме

to make up stories of their own about imitating Latin books

составлять большинство населения

self-sacrifice for the sake of his country

связывать многие работы с именем

to associate most of these works with the name of

самопожертвование во спасение своей страны