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1. Topical vocabulary:

Empire, n – империя remain, v – оставаться

conquer, v – завоевать protect, v – защищать

approach, v – подходить sign, n – примета, знак

fight, v – бороться spread, v – распространять

fiercely, adv – отчаянно settlement, n – поселение

manage, v – удаваться connect, v соединять

troops, n – войска native, adj – местный

chief, n – вождь influence, n – влияние

2. Reproduce the sentences in which the following phrases were used:

the most powerful people in the world; to attack the invaders; the real Conquest of Britain; to fight fiercely; Roman legions; a small trading settlement; to become a suffix; to speak ones native tongue; barbarian tribes.

3. Match words or phrases from A with those from B:


shout be ruled

native tongue hurry

be governed struggle

rush utter

fight vernacular

pronounce scream

4. Give English equivalents for the Russian ones:

величайшая цивилизация в мире, под командованием выдающегося полководца, не удалось стать полновластными хозяевами острова, эксплуатация и рабство, платить непосильные налоги, племенные вожди, оборонять центральные провинции.

5. Answer the question:

1. When did the Romans conquer Britain?

2. How did the Roman way of life influence the life of the Celts?

3. What traces did the Romans leave in Britain?

4. Can you name any English words of Latin origin?

5. Why did the Romans and the natives not become one nation?

6. Who adopted the Roman mode of life and the language of the rulers?

7. Why did the Romans leave Britain?

6. Give a short summary of the text.

7. Fill in the gaps using the correct forms of the verbs in the frame. Then read the passage and learn about Boadicea [boudi'si] (or Boudica [bou'dika]), one of the Celtic queens, who tried to revolt against the Romans.

Boadicea's husband was the chief of a Celtic tribe (Iceni [ai'seni]). When he ... the Romans began to mistreat his family though at death he ... half his wealth to them. Boadecea who ... the Queen of Iceni ... to lead the local tribes in an uprising against the Romans. Her warriors ... London, Colchester ['koult ista] and St. Albans. They ... many Romans and their allies. London was reduced to ashes and seventy thousand Romans... At first she had the Romans on the run, but then the Romans, being outnumbered, ... her. She killed herself by taking poison so that the enemies could not capture her. So the Romans ... to crash this revolt. She ... in AD 60.

die, leave, become, decide, destroy, kill, massacre, defeat, manage, die

8. Read Rudyard Kipling's poem "a Pict Song" and answer the questions that follow.

Cultural Notes and Vocabulary:

Pict – a Roman term for a member of the people of Northern Scotland. They were united with the Celtic Scots under the rule of Kenneth MacAspin in 844.

the Little Folk = Picts (picts were very small people).

drag – move along while touching the ground, move along slowly and with difficulty.

tread – to step.

hoof (hooves) – a foot with curved horny casing that protects the ends of the digits of a horse or a cow.

sentry – a guard, watch.

horde – a large moving crowd.

rot – an area of rotten growth.