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5. Put the words in the right order to make up sentences:

  1. More, successful, Defoe's, once, was, he, business, bankrupt, very, went, and, not, than.

  2. Problems, first, satirical, with, literary, the, dealing, were, urgent, his, poems, the, works, time, of.

  3. Persecuted, a, Church, in, published, by, support, and, pamphlet, the, of, protestants, Defoe, the, satirical, the, written, Government.

  4. London, before, his, became, being, the wrote, all, pilloried, known, he, Pillory, to, which, Hymn, over.

  5. Were, nature, common, of, Robison Crusoe, the typical, most, a, sense, and, features, was, characteristic, the, bourgeoisie, his, English.

  6. Asserted, through, idle, the Defoe, over, class, him, the, of, the, new, aristocracy, superiority.

  7. Saved, any, he, the, could, understand use, the, hardly, of, money, that, be, on, to, island, him.

  8. Began, was, a Grusoe, and, started, religious, work, prayer, any, he, with.

  9. Written, epoch, Defoe's, tongue, in, were, the, of, books, the living.

  10. People's, himself, the, true, morals a set of Enlightener, task, he, improving, as.

6. Use synonyms from the text instead words:

  1. Daniel Defoe is truly considered the father of the English and European novel.

  2. Daniel Defoe's destiny was complicated and adventurous.

  3. Though his travels were not numerous, they gave him material for his future novels.

  4. Defoe was failure in business and he went bankrupt more than once.

  5. He revived imprisonment for his struggle against the Church.

  6. Daniel Defoe died at the age of 71 having written a lot of works.

  7. His first literary works were satirical poems devoted to the urgent problems of the time.

  8. In his "Essay on Projects" he offered all kinds of reforms in different spheres of social life.

  9. Before being pilloried he wrote his "Hymn to the Pillory" which at once extended all over London.

  10. Grusoe was typical in his manner of thought, in his frugality.

  11. The novel "Robinson Grusoe" eulogized the creative labour of man.

  1. Match Russian and English equivalents:

принимать активное участие в политической жизни Британии

to be persecuted by the Government and the Church

начать литературную работу

to begin the work with a prayer just as any puritan would

типичная работа просветителя

to be typical in one's thriftiness

первый персонаж – буржуа, когда-либо созданный в мировой литературе

to take an active part in the political life of Britain

быть похожим на истории о реальных людях

to be interesting for the reader

некоторые другие приключенческие повести

to turn to literature

подвергаться гонениям со стороны государства и церкви

to look like stories about real people

начинать работу с молитвы, как и пристало пуританину

a typical enlightener's work

быть типичным в своей бережливости

some other novels of adventure

быть интересным читателю

the first character of a bourgeois eve created in world literature