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2. Find all the verbs in the sentences and define their function.

1) Other dental "specialties" exist where no post-graduate formal university training is required. 2) A dental hygienist is a licensed preventive oral health professional who provides educational, clinical, and therapeutic services to the public. 3) In order to become prepared to perform these services, the dental hygienist requires an extensive educational background. 4) Hygienists may also be employed to provide dental hygiene services for patients in hospitals, nursing homes and public health clinics.

3. Explain the use of articles (or zero articles) in the last paragraph of the text.

4. Put the articles where it is necessary.

Eleanor is ( ) nurse who works in ( ) night shift. How does she manage?

- Well, I finish ( ) work at 6.30 a.m. Then I go home, have ( ) bath and try to be in ( ) bed by half past eight. At ( ) same time as I’m getting ready for bed, Jeffrey, my husband and our five-year-old daughter go to ( ) kitchen to have ( ) breakfast. Jeffrey takes her to ( ) nursery school which she attends for ( ) last year. I usually sleep until about 3 o’clock in ( ) afternoon. I have to be at ( ) school by 3.30 to meet Elaine. We come home, play with her and try to do ( ) homework together. After it I have to cook ( ) supper. After ( ) supper is eaten I do ( ) housework that wasn’t done during ( ) day.


Text I. Laboratory technicians.

Dental laboratory technicians are a part of a dental care “team” along with dentists, dental assistants and hygienists. They create dental prostheses – replacements for natural teeth. Their work enables people who have lost some or all of them to eat, chew, talk and smile much as they did before. The technicians fabricate prostheses which are designed to meet each patient’s specific needs. They do not work directly with patients, but follow detailed instructions provided by a dentist.

If a person has lost the most part of his natural teeth, the technicians make a complete set of dentures. If a person has lost only one or a few teeth, the technicians fabricate removable dentures or bridges. They also create crowns and other appliances in order to straighten and protect teeth. Technicians work with a variety of materials that needs skill in using small hand instrument, accuracy, attention to minute details.

There are two main educational routs to become a dental laboratory technician – academic programs and apprenticeships. If one takes the academic route, it is necessary to attend a two-year program at a community college, vocational school, technical institute or dental school. The first year curriculum includes the study of anatomy, chemistry, metallurgy, dental law and ethics, laboratory techniques. The second year course focuses on practice and experience in the laboratory techniques.

One who prefers the apprenticeship route, gets “hands-on”, on-the-job training at a commercial dental laboratory. Those who want to become dental technicians must pass an examination in five areas – complete dentures, partial dentures, crowns and bridges, ceramics and orthodontics. According to the results they get specialization in one or more of these areas.

American Dental Association.

Division of Educational Measurements.

1. Find in the last paragraph the sentences beginning with “one” and “those”. What do they substitute for?

2. Find the sentences with the conjunctions which, that, who. Explain the rules of their use.

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