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youth problems проблемы молодежи

employment работа (занятость)

spending one’s free time проводить свободное время

the accommodations problem жилищный вопрос

prostitution проституция

to reject everything отрицать всё

murders убийства

grown – ups взрослые

social employment programs программы социальной занятости

search поиск

adults взрослые

acute острый

generation gap проблема отцов и детей

experience опыт

value ценность

concern затрагивать

complain жаловаться

inevitable неизбежно

urgent острый, важный

adjust адаптировать

stir удовлетворять


I. Read and translate the text.

II. Look through the vocabulary and be ready to write the word – dictation.

III. Make up a situation or sentences, using the topical vocabulary.

IV. Answer the questions.

1 What is the time when people think that their problems are more acute than that of their parents?

2 What is the most important problem, concerning the relationships between fathers and sons?

3 What problems accompany the love of the young?

4 What do you know about drug – taking?

5 What do people do if they need some money to buy drugs?

6 What other problems of young men do you know? Name the most acute in your opinion and give the explanation.

7 What do you think about the Internet and the problem of communication?

8 What are the important problems of young in our country?

9 What is the difference between the problems of foreign young men and our teenagers?

10 Have you any problems yourself? Tell about them.

V. Fill in the gaps.

1 Many young people have to … the apartments with their parents even after getting married.

2 Some young men use … because they think that they will be cool guys.

3 The problem of … is based on misunderstanding between the fathers and sons.

4 The great problem, concerning with sex is … .

5 The other problem of young people is … which is rather expensive.

6 The first step to … is the rejection of the social laws.

7 Our government should work out some … to help young people in looking for job.

8 The problem of the 20th century is the … because young people of today can make friends without leaving their apartments.

9 Skinheads, hippies and punks are the examples of the … .

10 Young men prefer to live in … where everyone is more or less of the same age.

VI. Translate from Russian into English.

проблемы отцов и детей


проблема общения


безработица молодежи

съемные площади



зарабатывать деньги

субкультурные группы

VII. Retell the text. The problems of teen-agers

There are many young people in our country. Each of them has one's own view point on their life and their future. There are many problems which are common for all young people. For example: how to spend their free time, what to do after school, choosing a profession, how to deal with girl and boy-friends and so on. The problem number one of most of the young people is the problem of fathers and sons. All young people want to be independent, they want their parents to listen to their opinion, not to interfere in their private life. Some parents neglect their children, because they can’t find a common language with each other.

Many problems were hushed up, but now we can speak openly about them. I think that the most difficult and serious problem of modern teen-agers is a drug-habit. Some young man use drugs, because they think that they will be cool guys. But they don't understand that it's wrong. Some of them can't stop that, and they become dependent on drugs. And they commit different serious mistakes, because they need some money to buy drugs. There are also many other problems: alcoholism, smoking and so on. There are many youth organizations in our country, which unite young men on different principles. Members of every organization have one’s own world out looks. Each of them has their own moral qualities. There are some informal organizations, for example: skinheads, hippies, punks and so on. Now there exists the problem of misunderstanding between different youth groups.

We also face the problem how to spend our free time. We can do it in different ways. Some of teen-agers spend their free time in different night clubs. Other young people spend their free time in the streets. As for me, I spend my free time at home or in the night clubs. I also have some problems with my parents. But every time when I have them I try to solve them without quarrel. Now we are young people and we are the future of our country. Teen-agers play an important role in the modern society. Grown up's must remember that we are the future of our country and in present moment our character is formed and that's why our parents must not assert pressure on us.

The most great problem among youth is using alcohol, tobacco smoking. The men, who use alcohol lose his strength for the will, they brings suffering to the members of the family. The next problem is sex. There are a lot of dangerous diseases. One of them is AIDS. There is no medicine to treat it. Do you know that every year three million people die of smoking? Do you know that your life is 25% shorter if you smoke? But in Russia more than 76% smoke. If you want to be healthy and strong you should dive up your bad habits. As for me I have no such problems.

Everybody says that youth is the best time of our life, that being young means romance, love, new discoveries, but it is also the most difficult time, because you have to make some very important decisions, which will influence all your future life. Things are not easy nowadays even for adults, but for teenagers, who have to find their own place in society, it's very difficult. It is necessary not only to adapt to our society, but also to be confident of your position in 5, 10 or 20 years time. For our future it is essential to have a good job. And to get a really good job you have to be well educated. Emotional problems for young people can be very important, as well.

Another problem of youth is pregnancies among young women. One million teenagers become pregnant each year. About one million young people run away from home each year. Most of them return, but those, who don't, often become criminals. So, you see that problems do exist and they can't be ignored.