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3. Translate into English, using the Gerund:

1. У меня нет надежды увидеть его скоро. 2. Идея провести каникулы на Волге принадлежит моему брату. 3. Вы можете улучшить свое произношение, читая вслух каждый день. 4. Я не смогу перевести этот документ, не посмотрев несколько слов в словаре. 5. Я думаю поехать туда осенью. 6. Я запишу номер вашего телефона, так как я боюсь забыть его. 7. Я помню, что меня уже спрашивали об этом. 8. Я зайду к вам перед тем, как уеду из Москвы. 9. Придя домой я сразу начал работать. 10. Дождь помешал мне прийти к вам вчера. 11. Он не способен сделать такую вещь. 12. Проверяя ваши диктанты, я нашел очень мало ошибок. 13. Она была сердита на него за то, что он потерял ее словарь. 14. Он очень любит играть в футбол. 15. Мой сын очень любит, когда ему рассказывают о морских путешествиях. 16. Перестаньте разговаривать.

4. Complete the sentences with the Gerund of the following verbs: eat, follow, increase, lend, meet, restrain, smoke, speak, stay, travel.

1. The Prime Minister said he was looking forward to…the US President. 2. He should be accustomed by now to…English food. 3. Do you think your father would object to…me some money? 4. He said he wasn’t used to…in public. 5. Having almost run out of money, we were reduced to…in a cheap hotel. 6. He tried to limit himself to…ten cigarettes a day. 7. Manufacturers were asked to devote all their energies to…exports. 8. We shan’t be going. My wife doesn’t feel up to…so far. 9. The committee could see no alternative to…the plan in its original form. 10. The Government set up a Prices and Incomes Board with a view to…both price rises and wage demands.

5. Translate into Russian:

1. I remembered having seen this picture before. 2. My friend’s having decided to leave the city was very strange. 3. My father liked my having given up smoking. 4. He praised her having prepared this lesson so well. 5. Your father’s having received the pension solved the problem. 6. She liked my wife’s having learned to sing. 7. Their having done the work saved us much time. 8. They dislike our having chosen this trade.

Exercises to §4

1. Read the sentences and translate them.

1. If I were you I would accept the offer (принять предложение). 2. If Mary were here, we should begin the lesson. 3. He wished that he would see his children again. 4.1 wish it were summer now. 5. He speaks English as if (как будто) he were a real Englishman. 6. If they were rich they could buy a new car. 7. If I were a bird I wouldn't sing in a cage (клетка). 8. If George were here he would tell us the answer. 9.1 wish I had told him about it two days ago. 10. But for the rain we should go for a walk now.

2. Open the brackets, using the subjunctive mood and translate the sentences into Russian.

Model: It is necessary that 1 (to go) there.

It is necessary that I should go there.

1. It is important that this letter (to be sent) as soon as possible. 2. It is ordered that the engine (to be tested) again. 3. The teacher required that the students (to read) this rule. 4. It is suggested that he (to do) this work. 5. It is desirable that the students (to attend) all the lectures. 6. It is nece­ssary that we (to pass) all the exams. 7. It is suggested that she (to help) us. 8. It is impossible that he (to say) that.