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Формулы речевого общения, сгруппированные по коммуникативным намерениям


Mr. Mrs./, Ladies and Gentlemen, Sir, Madam!

Ответные реплики Miss + Name Gentlemen

How do you do? Yes? I’m listening to you/ Yes, please. How can I help you? Say it again please


Let me introduce myself


My name is...My family name is...What is your name? And what is your family name/surname?

Let me introduce you to Mr. ...

Ответные реплики

Glad to meet you! I'm pleased to meet you. I'm very pleased to meet you. So am I. How are you? Glad to see you! How are your studies? Is everything all right with you? What's the matter? How are you?/Are you all


Many happy years of long life and health. My best wishes all the best (I wish you) good luck/I wish you every success! I wish you success ...Bon appetite.То your health!

Ответные реплики

Great success to you, too! Same to you! It's very nice of you.

See you soon! Good-bye! So long! All the best! Bye-bye!

Ответные реплики на вопрос «Как ваши дела?»

Thanks. Thank you, good. I'm O.K. Thank you fine/wonderful/splendid/marvelous! Thanks/Thank you, all right. Everything is (just) fine.

Ответные реплики на вопрос «Что случилось?»

Nothing. Nothing unusual, no problem.

Начало высказываний- вводные выражения

Well, the thing is ...Frankly speaking ...


Well...I congratulate you! Happy New Year/Best wishes of the season!

Good luck and good health in the new year! Happy birthday! Many happy returns of the day!

Let me congratulate you on ...

Ответные реплики

Thanks for you congratulations. I congratulate you, too.


Be happy! Great success! Happy Journey!


Could you tell me (us) ... May I (we) come in/ask/leave? What is it all about? What's the matter? May I ask you/say? Tell me, please...What do you think about it? Don't hurry, please. Let us

(+ verb.).I've got an idea. We've got a suggestion...I think that...

Переспрос. Уточнение

Is And what does it mean? Is it clear now? And after that? And then? Yes, but why? And what happened next? Well, and...?Please, explain it. Could you repeat it, please, I couldn't quite get it. Sorry, I didn't quite catch it. What do you mean? What did you say?


Yes, with pleasure. Yes, why not? Sure! Certainly! Please! I can't. I am sorry, I can't.

Do, please.

Excuse me, please! Forgive me, please! Excuse my being late! This is my fault. I'm sorry /I apologize. My sincere apologies'. Don't mention it! Never mind! Don't worry! O.K!


Undoubtedly! Don't worry! No problem. No problem. It goes without saying. It's clear. Do, come in!/Come in, please Wait a moment, please!


Don't do it, please! It's impossible. No. I'm sorry. It is not allowed

Согласие, одобрение, радость, восторг

No doubt. You were right. A great idea! Exactly/That's right. It's interesting! How interesting it is! Better late than never. Not bad. With pleasure! Good! Fine! Fantastic! Splendid! That's great! No objections You are quite right. Sure. We are happy. Certainly. That's right. I quite agree. Precisely.

Выражение благодарности

Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for your hospitality Thanks awfully. Thank you/Thanks./Thank you Thank you for your attention!

Ответные реплики

You're welcome. / My pleasure. Not at all/Don't mention it/It was nice. I was glad to help you.


I am sorry! I'm afraid I won't be able to do it. It's a pity that...What a pity. Unfortunately...


That's some news! That's a surprise! Indeed? Really?


Is that possible? Really? Perhaps... Impossible. Can this be possible? Strange...I doubt it. I'm not quite sure of this.

Уклончивый ответ

Possible. I hope you don't mind. Who knows...Sorry, I can't tell you anything .I must think it over. It may be so. Probably. I don't know. I'm not sure. It can't be helped, nothing to be done. I've no idea. I don't promise it. I'm not ready to speak on this subject just now Let me see.



I advise you. (+ inf.).I suggest that you...I recommend you. You must.

Probably. Possibly Quite possible. May be. You need to/you ought to/should

Ответные реплики

I'll think about it. I'll try. I'll try to do it. Thank you for good advice.

Сочувствие, утешение

All's well that ends well. Yes, of course, I understand. Bad luck! Don't worry.

Опасение, страх

This is something I fear. This is dangerous.

Безразличие, равнодушие

We can't help it. It can't be helped. So what? Let's live and see. This isn't my problem.

Отрицательная оценка

Not very good It's not interesting. It's not successful. It is (very) bad.

Отказ, несогласие

I'm afraid, not. Not at all! You aren’t quite right. Sorry, you're mistaken. Sorry, but I can't. Excuse me, you are wrong! Sorry, I'm busy. Of course, not Unfortunately, I can't. It is impossible. We have to refuse. We can't do it now. We can't agree with you. Not necessary. I wouldn't say so. Not (exactly) so. No, thank you. Too late. As for us, we give up. It is useless. This is forbidden. It is impossible. We have to give up. I am of a different opinion .I can't I don't want to. I am against it.


I invite you...I'd like to invite you...It would be fine...What can I do for you? Let's have a break! Which day would suit you? Does it suit you?

Ответные реплики

Thank you! With pleasure! I/We agree. All right .I accept your invitation. I don't object./I'm not against it. Settled. I don't know yet whether I'll be able to. That suits me well, It's quite timely. I am very sorry, but...I'm sorry, I have to refuse Sorry, I can't accept your invitation.