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                  1. 9. Read the following statements and express your agreement or disagreement. When you disagree give the correct information.

To express your agreement use such expressions as:

I think, that exactly so; How right you are; Speaking frankly, you are quite right; Exactly, just so; I quite agree with you; I fully agree with you; I can't agree more; That is my opinion too; That is very true; etc.

To express your disagreement use such expressions as:

I am afraid you are wrong/ mistaken/ not quite right; Nothing of the kind; It is unlikely; It is doubtful; I don't think you are right; Well I think that's not so; Are you sure?; That's your opinion, not mine; I don't believe that; etc.

To give the correct information and to express your opinion use such expressions as:

I think/ suppose/ believe/ consider/ feel/ guess; In my opinion; From my point of view; Frankly speaking; As far as I understand; The matter/ the problem/ trouble is that; etc.

1. Vladimir is a second year student of Polytechnic Faculty of the Murmansk State Technical University.

2. His specialized field is Water Supply and Water Diversion.

3. They have much in common: the same interests and attitude to life. Their opinions never coincide.

4. He is very pleasant in manner and appearance.

5. He doesn't like to laugh and to joke.

6. Vladimir does his study well and he says that his study never makes him tired.

7. He doesn't go out to disco, and as a result he goes to bed early in the evening.

8. He is a great sportsman and he is always in good shape.

9. His father is an engineer; he works at a water treatment plant.

10. He has got a particular hobby as he has enough time.

11. It is true to say that he doesn't help his wife about the house.

12. His mother is a teacher of English.

13. She is not energetic and talkative.

14. After work she watches TV without doing anything.

15. Everybody likes her meals.

16. As for his sister, she doesn't go to school.

17. She manages to find time to have a get-together with her friends, but she doesn't have time to help mother with washing up and cleaning the flat.

18. His grandparents live with them.

                  1. 10. Answer the questions using the information from the text and compare them with the given answers. Work in pairs.

1. What year student is Vladimir? Where does he study?

He is a first year student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Murmansk State Technical University.

2. What is his specialized field?

His specialized field is mining.

3. Why do they never quarrel?

They never quarrel, because there is mutual understanding between them.

4. Vladimir is a nice chap, isn't he?

Yes, he is. He is very pleasant in manner and appearance. He is even-tempered, calm and frank.

5. What kind of person is he?

He is clever and hard-working.

6. How does he do his study?

Vladimir does his study well though he says that sometimes his study makes him tired.

7. What does he sometimes do at night?

He goes out to disco or he plays computer games quite often.

8. Why doesn't he listen to lectures in class?

He doesn't go to bed until late at night or rather early in the morning. And as a result he doesn't always listen to lectures in class (he goes to sleep there).

9. What does he never do?

He is never late for his lessons.

10. He is a sporty person, isn't he?

He is not a great sportsman but he is always in good shape and if he doesn't have time to go to a gym, he keeps fit by physical exercises.

11. What members does his family consist of?

He has a father, a mother and a teenage sister called Ann.

12. What does his father do?

His father is a professional painter; he works for a design company.

13. Why does his father look exhausted?

Sometimes when he comes home he looks exhausted because he is busy almost every day. He is always early for work. He has a lot of work to do in his office. He often works late.

14. What does he like to do after work?

After work he likes to watch TV without doing anything.

15. Why hasn't he got a particular hobby?

He hasn't got a particular hobby as he doesn't have enough time.

16. How does he help his wife?

From time to time he goes shopping or washes up, not more.

17. Is his mother a housewife?

No, his mother is a teacher of music.

18. What kind of person is she?

She is very energetic and talkative.

19. What can Vladimir's mother do well?

She is a marvelous cook. She plays the piano well.

20. What is her disadvantage?

Her only disadvantage is that she spends money like water.

21. How does Anna help her mother?

She helps her mother with washing up and cleaning the flat.

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