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Эмфатический оборот и его перевод


  1. Изучите следующую информацию.

        1. Если хотят выделить какой-нибудь член предложения (подлежащее, дополнение, обстоятельство), то его ставят в начале предложения между it is(was) и that (who, whom) и на русский язык переводят со словом именно, только. Например, если в предложении I met his friends at the University yesterday (Я встретил его друзей в университете вчера), надо выделить подлежащее I, т. е. подчеркнуть, что именно я, а не кто иной встретил его друзей, то подлежащее I ставится между It was и that(who):

It was I that (who) met his friends at the University. Именно я встретил его друзей вчера в университете.

Если надо выделить дополнение, то his friends ставится между It was (that). Например:

It was his friends that (whom) I met at the University yesterday. Именно его друзей я встретил в университете вчера.

Подобным образом выделяем обстоятельство времени:

It was yesterday that I met his friends at the University. Именно вчера я встретил его друзей в университете.

        1. При помощи оборота it isthat можно выделить придаточное предложение. При переводе такого предложения на русский язык используются слова только (после того как). Например:

It was after he had presented the report at the conference that the material was published. Только после того как он представил доклад на конференции, материал доклада был опубликован.

        1. Следует обратить внимание на перевод оборота not until/till, который переводится на русский утвердительным, а не отрицательным (как в английском языке) предложением. Например:

It was not until/till June that we succeeded to pass the examinations. Только в мае нам удалось сдать экзамены.

It was not until we passed the exam we received the documents. Только когда мы сдали экзамен, мы получили документы.

        1. Оборот it issince служит для выделения обстоятельства времени, обозначающего продолжительность действия (for two hours, for one year, etc). При переводе на русский язык обычно используются слова уже… как. Например:

It is two months since I work at my diploma work. Уже два месяца как я работаю над дипломной работой.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

  1. It is with the help of radio that we receive information from the satellites.

  2. It was in 1869 that Mendeleyev published his Periodic Table.

  3. It was the Russian scientist Lodygin that (who) invented the electric lamp.

  4. It was our country that liberated Europe from fascism during World War II.

  5. It was yesterday that we discussed the plan of our work.

  6. It was Yuri Gagarin who started the era of cosmic flights.

  7. It was in 1957 when the first satellite was launched in our country.

  8. It was the Londoners that used a new way of travel.

  9. It was in 1863 that Londoners used the underground for the first time.

  10. It was on April 26, 1755 that the opening of Moscow University took place.

  11. It was these problems that wrecked the country`s economy in 1998.

  12. It is this coincidence that makes the theory so very (столь) dangerous and confusing (вводить в заблуждение).

  13. It is the simplicity of these devices that allows them to be automated.

  14. It is the physical property of the substance that is known to attract attention of scientists.

  15. It is ten years since we have been learning English.

  16. It is hydrogen, one of the elements composing water that attracts attention of scientists in the whole world.

  17. It is this kind of investigation and presentation of results that can be invaluable in pointing the direction for the future development of the whole industry.

  18. It is carelessness that allows losses to be greater.

  19. It is a difficulty that to be avoided wherever possible.

  20. It is for this reason that cement is widely used as a building material in large-scale construction.

  21. It was not until 1781 that Emerson invented the process of direct fusion of metals to produce a copper-zinc alloy we call brass.

  22. It is not unlikely, however, that this technique will be successful.

  23. Radioactive phenomena occur within the nucleus and it is here that mass and positive charge reside.