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appearance [q`pIqrqns] n – внешний вид, появление

large-scale [`lRGskeIl] n – крупный масштаб

renovation [,renq`veISn] n – восстановление, обновление

undertake [,Andq`teIk] (undertook, undertaken) v – предпринимать

attractive [q`trxktIv] a – привлекательный

quality [`kwOlItI] n – качество

be concerned with [kqn`sWnd] – быть озабоченным чем-то

preserve [prI`zWv] v – сохранять

sense [sens] n – смысл

assembly [q`semblI] n – сборка, монтаж

prefabricated = prefab [`prI`fxbrIkeItId] a – сборный

improvement [Imp`rHvmqnt] n – усовершенствование

self-contained [`selfkqn`teInd] a – изолированный, независимый

trend [trend] n– тенденция, направление

layout [`leIaVt] n – расположение, разбивка, план, проект, схема

arrangement [q`reInGmqnt] n – устройство, расположение

surround [sq`raVnd] v– окружать, обступать

careful [`kFqfVl] a – тщательный, точный, аккуратный

leisure [`leZq] n – досуг, свободное время

facilities [fq`sIlItIz] n – благоприятные условия, удобства

expedient [,iks`pJdjqnt] a – подходящий, выгодный, целесообразный

abundance [q`bAndqns] n – изобилие, множество

ensure [in`SVq] v – обеспечивать

sturdily [`stWdIlI] adv – сильно, крепко, зд. надежно

planting [`plRntIN] n – посадка

lay stress on [`leI`stres`on] – придавать особое значение

reservoir [`rezqvwR] n – бассейн, водохранилище

permissible [pW`mIsbl] a – допустимый, позволительный

density [`densItI] n – плотность

residential [`rezI`denSql] a – жилой

provide [prq`vaId] v – обеспечивать, снабжать

provide for v – предусматривать

integral [`IntIgrql] a – неотъемлемый, существенный

profile [`prqVfaIl] n – очертание, профиль

airy [`FqrI] a – легкий, грациозный

earmark [`IqmRk] n– отличительный признак

detached-house [dI`txCt`haVs] n – отдельно-стоящий дом

widespread [`waIdsprqd] a– широко распространенный

opportunities [opq`tjHnItIz] n – благоприятные возможности

allot [q`lOt] v – раздавать, наделять, распределять

cash loans [`kxSlqVnz] – денежные займы, ссуды

mighty [`maItI] a– мощный, могущественный

tip-up lorries [`tIpAp`lOrIz] – самосвалы

concrete [`kOnkrIt] – бетон


Russia is building more now than ever before. The appearance of old cities is changing and they are becoming better to live in. Large-scale renovation is being undertaken and new housing projects are very attractive. The task is to give new life to old cities while preserving their individuality and architectural colour that was formed through the ages. Architects have to keep a close watch on quality. They should be concerned with quality in the broadest sense of the word, quality of designs, planning, assembly work, of prefab parts, etc.

The industrialization of construction, growth of the prefab concrete parts industry and of the output of building materials are determining factors in the progress of Russian architecture.

It is clear that town-improvement and beauty of a city depend first of all on how well type-project work has been developed. New building blocks of multi-room self-contained flats to be occupied by one family are being built now.

At present the trend is towards higher buildings. The improved lay-out of the flats and better finishing of their interiors make for more comfort. The use of 5-, 9-, 10-, 14- and 16-storey blocks in one project breaks the monotony.

It should be stressed that in the new housing areas there is a free-style arrangement of buildings and no corridor-like streets. The surrounding land is planted with trees and shrubs and noise is combated by a careful selection of the sites for roads.

At present the following questions are being put before builders.

What should our towns and cities be like to ensure that life in them is comfortable, healthy, cheerful and attractive? What have to be done in order to build them quickly, inexpensively and sturdily, so that each of our citizens has a pleasant home to live in?

Architects and other specialists take an active part in designing the most expedient types of buildings for the new projects.

It is necessary to note that town development is a very complex process involving various problems of economics, hygiene, engineering, architecture and philosophy. The problem of improving town and city planning is problem No. 1 for all city builders.

Typical of the new Russian cities is the stress laid on the planting of greenery in streets and courtyards as well as on the abundance of gardens, parks, reservoirs and fountains.

A great deal of work has to be done to provide leisure facilities on a large scale outside the cities.

To protect the health of the working people, specific rules fix the permissible density of buildings, the size of residential blocks, the extent of open spaces, the planting of trees and gardens between the residential and industrial zones, etc.

The architecture and planning of Russian cities provide for new residential districts which are to constitute integral parts of the city and have a definite and single architectural profile. Expedient layout of the smallest residential units, airy and surrounded with greenery of wide streets and squares, monumental public buildings and comfortable residential houses – such are the earmarks of the new Russian cities.

Detached-house building is also widespread, the builders having extensive opportunities both in town and country. The state allots land to the detached-house builders and furnishes them cash loans for construction.

The mighty Russian building industry is equipped with fine up-to-date machinery. Many excavators, tip-up lorries, cranes, concrete mixes and other machines can be seen on the construction sites.