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  1. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.

  1. The use of this method was objected to by the company.

  2. The scientists were offered new themes for research.

  3. The credit was not granted until early April.

  4. The first progress was not made until the end of the year.

  5. This phenomenon was watched by millions of people.

  6. Researches done in the field of up-to-date construction are always followed by using improved methods of building.

  7. The importance of new measurements taken by the research laboratory was stressed by the lecturer.

  8. Many 12-storey houses with all modern conveniences are being built in this region.

  9. Such a result was to be expected.

  10. Big efforts have been made to correct such a state of affairs.

  11. The difference between the data obtained during the experiment was taken into consideration.

  12. We will be informed about the lecture to be delivered by a foreign scientist.

  13. All the plans will have been fulfilled by the end of the year.

  14. The street was being repaired when the delegation arrived.

  15. The behavior of steam during expansion is influenced by a variety of circumstances.

  16. Many materials now commonly used were not even thought of thirty years ago.

  17. This problem will be dealt with in a number of articles.

  18. Very frequently the speed of reaction is distinctly affected by the presence of certain specific substances.

  19. The data obtained by this scientist were referred to in the reports made at the conference.

  20. Making decisions is always preceded by a thorough analysis of the market situation.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

  1. Вам сообщат, как только будут получены результаты.

  2. Исследование не было проведено во время. Эксперимент также не был проведен.

  3. Ему послали приглашение на совет.

  4. На собрании не пришли ни к какому соглашению.

  5. За заказчиком послали.

  6. Надо устранить эти недостатки (to eliminate, to do away with).

  7. С таким положением вещей нельзя мириться (to tolerate, to be put up with).

  8. Подрядчику приказали контролировать процесс строительства этого важного объекта.

  9. Об условиях кредита быстро договорились.

  10. На него вполне можно положиться.

  11. На этом заводе делают хорошие строительные детали.

  12. Можно бы привести много примеров для иллюстрации этого правила.

  13. Письмо еще не было подписано.

  14. Строительство этого дома будет закончено через месяц.

  15. Объект будет сдан к концу года.

  16. На этой улице сейчас строится много новых домов.

  17. Дорога была отремонтирована к концу прошлой недели.

  18. Сроки были согласованы.

  19. На этих условиях будут настаивать подрядчики.

  20. На это явление обращают большое внимание.

  1. Выучите следующие слова. Проанализируйте и переведите текст.

offend [qfend] v – обижать, задевать

make generalizations (made, made) – обобщать, делать обобщения

feel [fJl] (felt, felt) v – чувствовать, ощущать

hide [haId] (hid, hidden) v – прятать(ся), скрывать(ся)

treat [trJt] v – считать, рассматривать

a human being = man – человек

extend [Ikstend] v – расширять, простираться

earn [q:n] v – зарабатывать

mock [mOk] v – насмехаться

income [InkAm] n – доход

outright [aVtraIt] a – прямой, совершенный

stupid [stju:pId] a – бестолковый

backwards [bxkwqdz] a – отсталый

assumption [qsAmpSn] n – предположение

frustrate [frAstreIt] v – расстраивать, срывать (планы)

charge [CQ:G] v – назначать цену, просить (за что-л.)

hard currency – твёрдая валюта

figure out [figqraVt] v – вычислять, понимать

yell [jel] v – вопить, кричать

obscenity [ObsJnItI] n – непристойность

exhaust [IgzLst] v – изнурять, вытягивать

long [lON] = wish [wIS] v – желать

step on one’s toe – наступать на ногу (мозоль)

bruise [bru:z] v – ушибать, вредить

accomplishments [qkOmplISments] n – достоинства, поступки

What Offends Foreigners in the Behaviour of Russians?

by Erika Morlan

Before I begin, I want to stress that I do not intend to make broad generalizations about Russians and their behaviour. I can only speak for my own experience. What I would like to do is simply explain why, as an American, I feel the need to hide my nationality, not out of shame, but out of the desire to be treated as a human being. This is my third extended stay in Russia. I have already earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Russia and have come here on my own, hard-earned money. I have travelled or lived in 9 different countries, often by myself. Here, I hold three jobs, I rent my own apartment, do all my own shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. I consider myself to be a responsible, independent adult and I am treated as such in the States. Why is it, then, that here I am frequently treated like a child? My pronunciation of Russian has been openly mocked and laughed at. If I am slow to understand just one word, it is assumed that I cannot speak Russian at all and therefore must be altogether somewhat slow in the head. I am asked all sorts of personal questions regarding my family, my income, my housing situation and, of course, whether I have a boyfriend or not. I have been told, outright, that my culture is stupid, backwards and uncivilized. I have even been told, in my own apartment, to be quiet and get out, since I obviously do not understand anything.

Aside from such moments of individual rudeness, I am also deeply offended and frustrated by the widespread assumption that all Americans are rich and able to throw their money around. I worked very hard in the States and saved my money so that I could come here. Most of my dollars are gone now and in the hands of my landlady. I have three jobs that pay in roubles, but it is still not enough to live on and to pay the $50 rent. Actually, many Russians I know make more money than I do and own their own apartments. Yet, I find that I am charged 200 roubles to get into the Hermitage, while Russians pay a mere 20 roubles. When I go out with Russian friends, it is often assumed and expected that I purchase cigarettes and alcohol for everyone. I am asked to buy things, at hard currency stores that I could not afford to buy for myself. Some friends come to me for money as if I were their own personal bank. Once, on figuring out that I was a foreigner, a complete stranger yelled, “Give me five dollars!” When I said “no” in Russian, he shouted obscenities at me in English.

Things like this exhaust me. I long to be alone, so that I can do things in my natural, American way, like not wearing slippers in the house, or eating very small meals without bread. I get so tired of being criticized and scolded for doing things that I have done for the past 23 years. I am a guest here. I try so hard not to step on Russian toes, but my own toes are bruised and bleeding. I love this country and its people and I would like to stay here for a long time, but I feel that in order to do so, I must first make people understand that I am not stupid or rich or helpless. I simply come from a different culture, which is neither better nor worse than Russian culture; it is just different. I would like to be treated as a human being and respected for my accomplishments. Which is all anyone can ask.