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2.Переведите письменно текст с английского языка на русский, обращая внимание пассивный залог глаголов.

Acid rain

Acid rain is caused by burning coal or oil. When either fuel is burned, it releases poisonous (ядовитый) gases which are carried up into the atmosphere and sometimes transported long distances.

Over 3,000 research projects are carried out to look into acid rain, and a decision to solve the problem is taken in most of the western European countries. Measures were taken in Scandinavia and in Central Europe to stop the pollution before it has destroyed the environment. Diplomatic campaigns are launched to convince other countries that the problem has to be considered as a major ecological threat.

'Five years ago this issue was not treated seriously,' says one leading environmental group, 'but now that damage is reported in large areas of forest and lakeland, our politicians are forced to take action. This problem must be solved quickly: if governments do nothing, they will be faced in two or three years' time with the accusation (обвинение) that they have allowed our forests to die.'

3. Time for fun


Uncle: In one word, when are you going to pay your debts?

Nephew: Oh, presently, dear uncle. I will do it as soon as I receive the money which will be paid by the publisher if my novel is accepted.

Uncle: Do you think it will be accepted, young man?

Nephew: No doubt, it will. I'm going to send it as soon as the work is finished which I will begin the moment I have found a suitable subject and the necessary inspiration.

III.Supplementary reading

1. Where Are We Going?

In 1829, when Stephenson entered his invention, the steam engine, people were shocked to find that it was possible to travel at a dangerous speed of 36 m. p. h. The greatest number of people was against the introduction of the railways into Britain. Trains were considered to be dangerous and it was said that they frightened cows and hens, killed birds with their smoke, and set houses on fire with their sparks.

On the other hand, communication was certainly helped by the railways. The tracks provid­ed work for thousands and transporting people and goods was made easier.

How much further can transport be developed?

Apparently more and more means of transport are invented. For example, twenty years ago Anthony Hawker bought a house with a moat (ров ( с водой )) around it which he used as a testing place for models of his latest inven­tion, a small hovercraft (транспортное средство на воздушной подушке), and his friends laughed.

"I was never so laughed at in my life. Everyone thought I was mad. I was told it was totally impossible. Everyone said it wouldn't work," he said. But it did work and the result is a nice hovercraft. Mean­while Anthony Hawker is not idle; a flying saucer will be worked by him. It will probably work.

The hovercraft and the flying saucer will probably be considered as a necessity in everyday life in thirty years’ time. Have we any right to stop scientific research because we feel it to be dangerous or ridiculous?

Should we be more aware of the effects that develop­ment in travel is having on us? How small can we make our world?