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2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастие I. Определите функцию причастия в предложении

1. Thinking that I have forgotten the key I ran home. 2. The guys playing football in the yard are my group mates. 3. The girl showing the way to the office was the manager's daughter. 4. Having read the letter he was smiling. 5. An old man sitting at the window was a talented painter. 6. Speaking English well he could help me.7. They liked to sit on the sofa watching TV. 8. Having dressed he rushed out of the room.

3. Образуйте Participle II от следующих глаголов и переведите их


to translate — translated; переводить — переведенный to write — written; писать — написанный

to make, to do, to give, to read, to break, to know, to take, to hear, to forget, to solve, to conduct, to adopt.

4. Прочтите предложения. Определите функцию Participle II в предложении (а) опре­деление, б) обстоятельство в) часть глагола – сказуемого)

1. A forgotten umbrella was found in the taxi. 2. He has translated the text. 3. When asked he looked at us and was silent. 4. Frightened by the noise of the see the child began to cry. 5. The book taken from the library was interesting.

5. Переведите предложения. Определите Participle и его функцию в предложении

1. The crying child was standing in front of the closed door. 2. He found a broken glass on the table. 3. She sent us her article translated into English. 4. After graduating from the University he will be good specialists. 5. While leaving university the students were talking about their meeting. 6. The modern houses built in our city made the capital of Belarus more beautiful. 7. Knowing much about the problem we tried to solve it. 8. Being busy, he postponed his trip. 9. Having been shown the wrong direction, the travelers soon lost their way.

II. Work with the text

1. Прочтите текст. Найдите в текстах первое и второе причастие, объясните их употребление. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы после него.

Holography and Holograms

History. Holography and hologram are normally referred to as a process and as a plate or film itself respectively. In 1947 Dennis Gabor (the father and the first theorist of holography, awarded with the Nobel Prize for his research) coined the term hologram from the Greek words 'holos' meaning whole or complete and 'gram' meaning message. Gabor's theory was originally intended to increase the resolving power of electron microscopes.

Incidentally, it was proved not with an electron beam, but with a light beam. The result was the first hologram ever made. Gabor's hologram was clear, but imperfect, as he lacked the correct light source - the LASER, which was first seen operating in I960.

Applicalion. Holography being an art that attracts people's attention and curiosity, colourful multidimensional images are widely used in advertising, stamps, jewelry, with holography museums exhibiting masterpieces. Credit cards are considered original if supplied with a hologram. Holographic lens­es are lighter than traditional lenses and mirrors and can be designed to per­form more specialized functions, for instance, to make the panel instruments of a car visible in the windshield in order to increase safety. Holographic interferometry (a very precise technique used for measuring changes in the dimensions of an object) is widely used in industrial stress analysis and qua­lity control. The list of applications may be continued indefinitely.

  1. Who coined the term hologram? When?

  2. Why wasn't Gabor's hologram perfect?

  3. What is the sphere of hologram applications?