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Английская грамматика 3.doc
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Сложное предложение сложное предложение


  1. Сложное предложение состоит из двух или нескольких простых предложений. Все сложные предложения делятся на сложносочинённые и сложноподчинённые.

Связь между предложениями, входящими в состав сложного, осуществляется при помощи:

  1. союзов (conjunctions)

Nowadays he was busy and (сочинительный союз «и») he saw few of his old friends. – Теперь он был очень занят и редко виделся со своими старыми друзьями.

  1. союзных слов

She learned to play tennis when she went to school. – Она научилась играть в теннис, когда училась в школе.

  1. бессоюзно (признаком бессоюзной связи придаточных определительных предложений является стык двух существительных или существительное плюс личное местоимение в именительнои падеже)

1. My parents are quite young people, they live their own life. Мои родители совсем ещё молодые люди, у них своя жизнь.

2. The problem of crime prevention the teacher was telling us about is one of the main problems of law enforcement. Проблема предупреждения преступности, о которой рассказывал нам преподаватель, является одной из главных проблем правоохранительной деятельности.

  1. В английском языке простые предложения обычно объединяются в сложносочинённые (coordinate clauses) при помощи сочинительных союзов, основными из которых являются “and, but, or, yet, for”, либо бессоюзно. Части сложного предложения являются равноправными и не зависят друг от друга грамматически.

Упр. 247. Прочитайте и переведите английские пословицы, обращая внимание на характер связи между предложениями.

  1. Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear.

  2. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.

  3. Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.

  4. It never rains, but it pours.

  5. The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.

Упр. 248. Прочитайте и переведите сложные предложения, обращая внимание на тип связи между предложениями.

1. John is a pupil, while his brother is a student. 2. You can take a bus, or we can walk together. 3. The days became longer, for it was now spring time. 4. The weather was fine, so there were lots of people on the beach. 5. They asked for food – there was none. 6. I have travelled by both trains and neither train has a restaurant car. 7. Pete went to the Institute, I stayed at home. 8. It was raining but it was warm. 9. Ann had a headache, for she had slept badly last night. 10. Either you apologize or I’ll never speak to you again. 11. She wanted to contact me but she neither wrote nor phoned. 12. Tomorrow I’ll be free; we may go on an excursion. 13. They liked the cottage or they wouldn’t have bought it. 14. You can boil yourself an egg or I’ll make you a cheese sandwich. 15. I began to miss London, yet I was not coming back. 16. I have not much news to convey but there are some things to add. 17. He is not like me, he is like his mother.

Упр. 249. Выберите из данных предложений только сложные и переведите их.

1. I had a good job, a home, a nice little wife, a nice little baby, and a bank account. 2. There was something wrong with Mr. Black, for he was strangely grave and looked ill. 3. They talked and argued and laughed and made plans and reformed the world. 4. Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily, and there were many new words in his vocabulary. 5. Who he was, or why he came, or what he intends to do, will be found in time. 6. You can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink. 7. I’m awfully sorry but I can’t find your watch anywhere. 8. He was a lazy, dull old fellow. 9. He was an investigator and he was satisfied with his job. 10. A stranger knocked on the door and went in. 11. I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine. 12. We ran and ran.

  1. Подчинительные союзы и союзные слова служат для связи главного и придаточного предложений, составляющих сложноподчинённое предложение. Придаточные предложения структурно и по смыслу зависят от главного предложения и не отделяются от него запятой, если главное стоит перед придаточным.

Например: I know that they are at home now.

When I was in London, I met Mr. Brown.

Различаются следующие виды придаточных предложений (subordinate clauses):

  1. придаточные подлежащные, которые вводятся при помощи союзов that, if и whether, а также союзных слов who, what, when, where, why, how и др., например:

That you may meet them at the hotel is quite possible. – То, что ты можешь их встретить в гостинице, весьма возможно.

  1. придаточные предикативные, выполняющие функцию сказуемого, например:

The question was why no one had heard the shot. – Вопрос был в том, почему никто не слышал выстрела.

  1. придаточные дополнительные, которые относятся к сказуемому главного предложения, следуют за ним и отвечают на вопрос «что?». Вводятся теми же союзными средствами, что и придаточные подлежащные, например:

He thinks that she will come today. – Он думает, что она придёт сегодня.

  1. придаточные обстоятельственные (adverbial clauses), которые выполняют функцию обстоятельства и могут быть придаточными:

  1. времени, которые отвечают на вопрос «когда?» и вводятся союзами when, while, as, until, till, before, after, since, as soon as, as long as, whenever и др., например:

When I was a student, I lived in a dormitory. – Когда я был студентом, я жил в общежитии.

  1. условия, выражают условие, необходимое для совершения действия, называемого в главном предложении, и обычно вводятся союзами if, in case, unless, once, например:

If you read this book you’ll like it. – Если ты прочтёшь эту книгу, она тебе понравится.

* Примечание: в придаточных предложениях времени и условия глагол-сказуемое никогда не стоит в будущем времени.

  1. причины, указывают на причину совершения действия и отвечают на вопрос “почему?”. Вводятся союзами because, as, since, например:

I couldn’t go to the Institute yesterday because I was not well. – Я не мог пойти вчера в институт, потому что был болен.

  1. места, которые вводятся союзами where, wherever, например:

They stopped where the road turned to the river. – Они остановились там, где дорога поворачивала к реке.

  1. цели, которые вводятся союзами so that, that, in order that, например:

He spoke loudly and clearly so that all could hear him. – Он говорил громко и отчётливо, чтобы все могли его слышать.

  1. следствия, которое вытекает из содержания главного предложения; вводятся союзами that, sothat, suchthat, например:

The children made such a noise that I couldn’t work.

Дети так шумели, что я не мог работать.

  1. сравнения, которые вводятся союзами than, as, as … as, not so (not as) … as, as if, as though, например:

Her lips moved soundlessly, as if she were rehearsing. – Её губы беззвучно двигались, словно она что-то репетировала про себя.

  1. Придаточные определительные обычно относятся к существительному в главном предложении и следуют за ним. Они обычно вводятся словами who, which, that; реже when, where и отвечают на вопрос «какой?»

The boy who is reading a book is my brother. – Мальчик, который читает книгу, мой брат.

Here is the book that I want to read. – Вот книга, которую я хочу прочесть.

Упр. 250. Переведите сложноподчиненные предложения. Определите вид придаточного.

1. I don’t know what you mean. 2. That he is a bad friend is well known. 3. What is done can’t be undone. 4. It is uncertain when we will start. 5. The weather is not what it was yesterday. 6. He said that he felt tired. 7. I don’t know where you live. 8. The children who live in that house are my son’s friends. 9. Children who live by the sea usually begin to swim at an early age. 10. I’m not sure if she will come today. 11. It is necessary that he should go there. 12. Time will show whether he is right. 13. It was not clear what had happened and who was injured. 14. Where is the letter which I gave you to read? 15. He wanted to know, when I had arrived, what I had been able to do and how long I was going to stay with them. 16. He said that he was sleepy because he had sat up late the night before talking to his brother whom he hadn’t seen for five years. 17. The question that he wanted to find an answer to was how it had come about that his son, who had always been a quiet boy, had got mixed up with a gang and killed a man.

Упр. 251. Переведите предложения с придаточным обстоятельственным. Определите его вид.

1. Stay here until I return. 2. As the classes begin at 8.30 a.m., I have to get up at 7 a.m. 3. They spoke so loudly that I couldn’t hear anything. 4. If we start off now we’ll arrive there by dinner time. 5. While there is life, there is hope. 6. He went where the doctor sent him. 7. I didn’t go to the theatre because I could not get tickets. 8. We shall complete our studies before our parents come. 9. When they ask us we always answer. 10. She goes to the club, because she is invited. 11. If you want, I can read my translation to you. 12. She was sitting where I could see her. 13. They have worked together since they graduated from the Sports Academy. 14. He was an investigator when we met. 15. If you have little children don’t leave them alone. 16. You can come and stay at my flat if you are ever in London.

  1. Бессоюзное подчинение придаточных предложений.

  1. Дополнительные придаточные предложения:

I see that you are busy. – Я вижу, что вы заняты.

I see you are busy. – Я вижу, вы заняты.

Однако в русском языке «что» опускается преимущественно в живой эмоциональной речи; в английском языке это явление гораздо более распространённое и характерно не только для разговорной речи.

Упр. 252. Переведите предложения.

1. He says they will go to the top of the hill next week. 2. I don’t think your work was so difficult. 3. The children know the sun rises in the east. 4. I’m afraid you will be ill. 5. He didn’t think the distance was very great. 6. My friend said he was hungry. 7. The person thought he saw a fire. 8. I don’t know where they should go. 9. Bob said he was feeling ill. 10. My parents thought Ann liked Pete. 11. I told her I didn’t have any money. 12. I’ll tell Ann I saw you. 13. They thought I knew a lot of people. 14. Tom said New York was more lively than London.

Определительные придаточные предложения.

В английском языке возможно прямое присоединение определительных предложений без слов who, whom, that, which. Такие придаточные предложения переводятся на русский язык определительным придаточным предложением с союзным словом который, например:

The work I am doing now is very difficult. – Работа, которую я сейчас делаю, очень трудна.

Упр. 253. Переведите предложения.

1. The man you saw yesterday is my friend’s father. 2. The girl I knew as a child is our best worker. 3. Let me see the map the teacher gave you. 4. I like the watch my father gave me. 5. Where is the gun I gave you? 6. The way he was doing that was highly effective. 7. This is the man I met yesterday. 8. Here’s the book I was telling you about. 9. The papers you must take away and burn are in these boxes. 10. This is the DVD I told you about the other day. 11. The woman he fell in love with left him after a few weeks. 12. Are these the keys you are looking for? 13. The dress Ann bought doesn’t fit her very well. 14. I gave her all the money I had. 15. I don’t trust him. I don’t believe anything he says. 16. They give the children everything they want. 17. Is there anything I can do? 18. The book I’ve read was the best of all.


Если в конце такого бессоюзного определительного придаточного предложения находится предлог, он относится к подразумеваемому союзному слову, например:

The man you were speaking to is our teacher.

Человек, с которым вы говорили, наш учитель.

Упр. 254. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на место предлога в предложении.

1. I must buy the book you told me about. 2. The girl you are looking at is a young investigator. 3. The place he works at is quite near. 4. The house the criminal was in was blocked by the police. 5. He often invited, besides his old friends, some people he worked with. 6. The man we are looking for is very dangerous. 7. The houses I had walked by were reconstructed 2 years ago. 8. The room a person lives in has a special meaning for him. 9. Are these the CDs you are looking for? 10. Unfortunately we couldn’t go to the party we were invited to. 11. What’s the name of the hotel you told me about. 12. George is a nice person. He is somebody you can rely on. 13. The concert we went to wasn’t very enjoyable. 14. Who was that man I saw you with in a café? 15. I didn’t get the job I applied for.

Упр. 255. Составьте сложное предложение по образцу. Используйте союзы и союзные слова при необходимости.

Например: The man asked us some questions. He was very impolite and impatient (who). The man who asked us some questions was very impolite and impatient.

1. I met a man. His mother writes detective stories. (whose) 2. We have the information. I told you about the information. (that) 3. They came to a police station. It wasn’t very far from a crime scene. (which) 4. Some people were arrested. They have now been released. (that) 5. We saw some people. Their car had broken down. (whose) 6. The girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. (who) 7. The police found the money. The money was stolen in the robbery. (that) 8. The police station is quite near. He works at a police station. (where) 9. The people at the crime scene made much noise. The police officers couldn’t work. (so … that) 10. A person is considered to be innocent. He is proved guilty. (until) 11. I don’t know. He will prove his alibi. (if, whether) 12. The small towns have a justice of the peace. He handles minor legal matters. (who) 13. The Supreme Court makes the final decision in legal cases. A charge of violation of the Constitution is made. (which) 14. Not everyone is a winner. The case goes before the Supreme Court. (whose) 15. This morning I met Diana. I hadn’t seen her for ages. (whom)

Упр. 256. Завершите предложения, используя союзы и союзные слова при необходимости.

1. A burglar is someone … breaks in to a house to steal things. (who) 2. Where is the evidence … we have collected? (that, which) 3. I have found the evidence … you lost. (that) 4. A widow is a woman … husband is dead. (whose) 5. He recently went back to the town … he was born. (where) 6. They asked me a lot of questions, most of … I couldn’t answer. (which) 7. The boy … was injured in the accident was taken to hospital. (who) 8. It is necessary … he should prove his alibi. (that) 9. We are not sure … the police will be able to trace the criminal. (if) 10. Don’t touch anything … the police come. (until) 11. … you see that man you will recognize him. (if, when) 12. I can’t go outside … I am frightened. (because) 13. Do you know the year … the first western was made? (when, in which) 14. Jane works for a company … makes shoes. (which, that) 15. My aunt told me about her new job, … she’s enjoing very much. (which)

Упр. 257. Переведите сложные предложения. Определите тип придаточного.

1. I don’t know when he is going to start a crime scene search. 2. It is said that the terrorist had injured some people. 3. When we arrived at a crime scene we saw an operative group from our police station there. 4. You may examine the evidence that I found yesterday. 5. It is very important information because it may help us to solve the crime. 6. The accident was so serious that a lot of people were injured. 7. We asked him if he had written a report of an accident. 8. The operative who is interviewing the witness is my friend. 9. If you study law well you will be able to enforce it. 10. Nobody knows where the criminal came from. 11. The police officers went home after they had finished their work. 12. As the detective has collected all necessary evidence he will be able to trace the criminal. 13. This is the suspect we apprehended last night. 14. The theater which I first acted in is somewhere around here. 15. That’s the reason why he is so popular. 16. Did you see the film which was on TV last night?