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учебник практический курс анг.языка.doc
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XI. Choose the right form of the verb from the brackets.

1.But I ... good tomorrow (am/is/are/was/were/will be). I ... everything you tell me (do/does/did/will do). 2. "My dear girl. You're right, aren't you?" "It's just a headache". "You... fit enough for this afternoon,... you? (am/is/are/will be; am not/ isn't/ aren't /won't). 3. "Queenie, ... you... with me tomorrow?" (do... go/does... go/did ...go/will... go). 4. I…anything to make him mad, I promise (don't say/doesn4 say/won't say). 5. "What on earth are you doing?" She laughed: "I…. it all tomorrow. About six, then?" (explain/explains/ explained/will explain). 6. The baby was still asleep. "I … in half an hour", Annabel said. "You go and get his things ironed"(come/ les/will come/shall come). 7.1 must say something to the press now, or it…too late for the morning papers (is/are/will be).8. Tell them to come back in half an hour. I …to them, then (talk/ will talk). 9. You' ve no business to sit up so late. You...... very tomorrow morning (is/ are/shall be/will be). 10. "He... never...". You fear he ... never...? "I know he... never..." ( will... return/does return/do ... return). 11. It…. …. clear tomorrow and hot as in June. Look at that sunset. I never saw one redder (is/was/will be).

XII. Translate into English using the verb can.

A. 1. Ми можемо закінчити цю роботу сьогодні. 2. Моя сестра вміє грати на скрипці. 3. Я не міг відповісти на друге запитання. 4. Ви можете прийти завтра? 5. Цей хлопець вміє кататися на ковзанах. 6. Можна мені взяти твій зошит? 7. Я зможу зробити це завтра. 8. Вони не змогли купити квитків на концерт. 9. Ти зможеш поїхати туди влітку? 10. Вона могла запізнитися на поїзд.

Б. 1. He може бути, щоб він провалився на екзамені з кримінального права. Це його улюблений предмет. 2. Невже вона сказала це? 3. He може бути, щоб вони зараз чекали нас. 4. Невже він зараз вдома? 5. He може бути, щоб він уже приїхав. 6. Невже вона вже виїхала з Києва? 7. Невже вона забула нас? 8. He може бути, щоб вони були там з восьмої години. 9. Невже вони працюють там з восьмої години? 10. Невже вони вже чотири години грають у шахи?

XIII. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the meaning and use of the modal verb may.

1. You may wonder whether I ever thought of marrying Anna. 2."I haven't anywhere to sleep tonight", I told her. "May I stay here?" 3. You might not necessarily agree with my way of looking at it at all. 4.1 live quite well. Though some people might not think so. 5. He might have taken them to my parents. But I don't know. 6. I'll come and see you, if I may. 7. She may not even have noticed me coming down. 8. He's been thinking about it too for twenty years. He might be glad to let you know that he forgave you. 9.I thought you might like a lift to work. 10. "Why don't you tell me all about it" she said gently. "It may not be as bad as it looks". 11. "May I offer you some fruit?" 12. Mrs. Palgrave seemed not only far away; she might never have existed. 13. "It must have been exciting!" "Why, you may have passed the murderer in the street! You may have been quite near to him!" 14. "Good night, gentlemen". "May we all meet safely in the morning!"