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учебник практический курс анг.языка.doc
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Lexica- grammatical exercises

ІІІ. Give English equivalents for the following word combinations.

- міська лондонська поліцейська служба

  • відповідати за що- небуть

  • керівництво поліції

  • виконувати поліцейські обов’язки

  • діяти в підтримку поліції

  • дозволяти

  • міністерство внутрішніх справ Британії

  • призначати

  • виконувати функції

  • вступати до профспілки

IV.Make up questions to the text as a plan.

V.Explain the meanings of the following words.

  • establishments

  • policing

  • authorities

  • without pay

  • force

  • escorting

VI.Translate into English.

1. B нашій країні існує розгалужена залізнична мережа. 2. Міністерство Оборони видало указ про новий призов до Збройних сил. 3. У світі накопичена велика кількість ядерної зброї. 4. Ця організація фінансує Благодійний фонд. 5. Вони вказали на основні моменти в плані. 6. Я тобі не дозволяю діяти таким чином. 7. Страйки виступають ефективною зброєю для досягнення цілі.

VII. Insert right word into the sentence.

а) aloud b) allow c) allowed

  1. Our string- bag caught on my button.- ... me, madam. Now it's all right.

  1. Here is a message for you, Mr. Brown.

- Read it..., will you?

  1. How long are the letters to London taking?

- You ought to ... a week at least.

  1. Leave your camera alone. Don't you see the notice Taking pictures is not...here?

  2. Where have you taken these lovely flowers?

I cut them in the garden . Uncle .. . me to do it.

б) Smoking is not ... in own home.

VIII.Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right.


a. give permission

2) to appoint

b. choose for a port

3) to allow

c. group of persons appointed, elected or chosen to giveт advice, manage affairs.


d. bring in reckon, as part of the whole.

5) to include

e. Statement that in favorable

6) escort

f. one or more persons, going with another or others to protect them, or an honour.

IX. Narrate the text.

X. Translate and make the following interrogative and negative.

1. The teacher is explaining a grammar rule. 2. The woman is playing with the child. 3.The boys are skating. 4. I am waiting for them. 5. The children are having supper. 6. It is raining. 7. I am cleaning the blackboard. 8. I am always thinking about her there days. 9. My sister and her boyfriend are getting married today.

XI Ask your classmates:

1. If he is having supper.

2. Whether he is doing his homework.

3. Whether his friends are playing football.

4. What he is writing.

5. What he is listening to.

6. If he is skating.

7. If he skates well.

8. What he does in the morning.

9. What he is doing.

10. What languages he studies.