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2 Give English equivalents of the following:

втрата циркуляції

звуження стовбура свердловини

обважнена бурильна труба

клапан робочої труби

техніка вичікування

буріння без виносу породи на поверхню

стовп промивальної рідини

розширення стовбура свердловини

місце прихоплення інструменту

плунжерна помпа

операція опусканя-піднімання

утворення сальників

тампонуючий матеріал

швидкість буріня

вартість свердловини


поглиблення свердловини

зворотний клапан

проміжне промивання


зворотний потік води


дотримання заходів

тривалість освоєння свердловини

висхідна швидкість


підвищена водонасиченість


3 Match the terms with their definitions:

1 blowout

a) well, deeper than 4500 m

2 lost circulation

b) trouble arising out of non- observance of the drilling technology or of an improper consideration of features specific for the geological structure of the deposit

3 blind drilling

c) drilling with no returns at the surface

4 deep well

d) a dangerous and expensive accident in oil-well drilling operations

5 sticking

e) one of the problems in rotary drilling through unusually permeable, fractured, fissured, or cavernous formations

4 Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false according to the text. Correct the false statements to make them true:

      1. Circulation losses occur when the rock has open fractures, and the pressure exerted by the mud on the borehole walls does not exceed the formation pressure in the given horizon.

      2. Circulation losses of great intensity are commonly referred to as complete, or catastrophic.

      3. When adding mud into the well at the time of the pipe string hoisting it is not recommended to make use of automatic units.

      4. One of the causes responsible for caving-in of rocks is a changed stress state in the rock traversed by drilling.

5 In the case of intensive gas-oil showings, instances of demolished wellhead and drilling equipment, of explosions and fires are of infrequent occurrence.

5 Make a written tra nslation of itho following:

To hoist a pipe string out of the well, it becomes necessary on many occasions to apply a force that is appreciably (10-20 per cent and more) in excess of the: weight of the string itself. Such phenomena are known by the name of tight pulls or tightenings. Sometimes, to start off the string and bring it up to the ground surface an effort closely approaching the ultimate one that the strength of the pipes permits and even surpassing it has to be applied. Such tight pulls are called stickings. A sticking is a trouble arising out onon-observ ance of the drilling technology or of an improper consideration of features specific for the geological structure of the deposit, lithological composition and properties of the rocks, while elaborating the technology of drilling. At times, in an attempt at eliminating sticking, exorbitant forces are applied and the string breaks asunder. In this case the sticking is aggravated by a breakdown. For this reason, stickings are often classified as breakdowns.



Unit 24

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