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      1. Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false according to the text. Correct the false statements to make them (rue:

        1. Great expenditures of labour, materials and money may prove futile if it becomes impossible to achieve the inflow of crude oil and gas

        2. Not infrequent are cases when an intensi ve gassing of the mud or the appearance in it of oil are net observed in the course of drilling.

        3. The pay beds practically don' t carry a certain amount of clayey and other particles, sensitive to the action of the filtrate and capable of interacting with it.

        4. Weighted muds tend to foul the bed to a greater extent than do non-weighted ones of the same class.

        5. The choice of the opening-up method is less dependent upon the structure of the bed (reservoir), its properties as an oil collector, the composition of fluids and gases contained in it, the number of productive oil streaks, arid on the abnormality factor of formation pressures.

      2. Make a written translation of ithe following:


The technology of advancing horizontal or nearly horizontal side holes involves the following operations. The main hole (well bore) is sunk first and the productive stratum is drilled in, if possible, throughout its entire thickness. Next, by employing different methods and appliances, the lowermost side hole is collared and this is forcibly deflected with the maximally possible intensity, seeking to make it run horizontally according to a preset azimuth. If the rocks of the collecting basin are firm enough, then, having bored one hole, the worn out bit is replaced and second side hole is advanced in the pre- assigned direction somewhat above the first one. But if the collecting basin is composed of insufficiently stable rocks, a filler made up of case pipes with slits milled in their walls is lowered into the first

hole, and only then is the second side hole collared. There may be several (up to ten and more) such side holes. The length of each side hole ordinarily equals advance per run of bit. Sometimes, however, the length of a single hole is as great as several hundred metres.

5 Translate the following paragraph into English:

Забруднення иристовбурової зони продуктивного пласта позначається перш за все на тривалості та трудомісткості освоєння свердловини і її початковому дебіті. При сильному забрудненні пласта доводиться збільшувати депресію при освоєнні, затрачати більше часу на відкачування рідини із свердловини і витягання фільтрату із пристовбурової зони, вдаватися до додаткових способів стимулюючої дії. У процесі експлуатації свердловини дебіт може бути дещо підвищений у результаті видалення з потоком нафти чи газу частини фільтрату, частинок твердого осаду, розчинення деяких компонентів у пластовій нафті. Проте, повного відновлення властивостей колекторів пласта, особливо у нафтових свердловинах, часто досягти не вдається.


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