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!!! Discussion: If you had the time and money to invent something new, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this product is needed. (Write down in Russian sentences from your monologue, which contain S2: 1) free use (advice, preference, wish), 2) object clauses, 3) attributive clauses, 4) predicative clauses and clauses of comparison. Get ready to present them for somebody to translate).

Additional exercises:

  • Natanson: pp. 52-56; Ex. 13 (53), 14 (54), 16 (55), 18(56)

Predicative Clauses

Subjunctive II is used in predicative clauses after the link verbs of "being" and "seeming": to be, to feel, to look, to sound, to seem etc.). The conjunctions "as if" and "as though" are used to connect the principal and the predicative clause.

Ex. It seemed as though the silence of the night were getting on her nerves.

You look as if you had not slept at all.

Ex.1 Read the sentences and analyse the form of Subjunctive II in predicative clauses:

1. I feel as if I were almost satisfied with heat. 2. It isn't as though she had ever thought about money. 3. Do I look as if I were about to die? 4. It doesn't sound as though it were much fun. 5. I feel as though I'd never been away. 6. She sounded as though she were threatening him. 7. He looks as though he had an awful temper, doesn't he?

Ex.2 Use the necessary form of Subjunctive II instead of the Infinitive in brackets:

1. He awakened feeling as though everything and everyone (to move) out of his flat and he (to be) alone. 2. Although we never meet, it seems as if you (to be) our dearest friends. 3. "I feel at home here," he said," as if I (to come) home where I was born." 4. It was as though the house (to be left) empty but a minute before and yet that minute was fraught with eternity. 5. It was as though there (to be) an amplifier concealed somewhere within him and his speech came from some distant studio. 6. You know, I felt as if I (to be) the first man to discover things.

Ex.3 Finish the sentences using the appropriate form of Subjunctive II:

1. Leaning a little to one side, holding on with all his strength, he looked as if (he, to be about to lose one's balance). 2. Indeed, it seemed as though (Alvin, cannot, find any words, to break the silence). 3. Oh, that sounds as if (they, to work too much, too hard). 4. It wasn't as though (he, to have anyone but her to go to). 5. Bateman felt as though (someone, to give him, a violent blow).

Ex.4 Refer the following sentences to the past, making all necessary changes :

1. It looks as though she were pleased. 2. It sounds as though it were much fun. 3. He looks as though he were disappointed. 4. He looks as though he could scale mountains. 5. It appears as if she were surprised by your story.

I.2.3. Object, Predicative and Appositive clauses after expressions of "fear".

After expressions of fear such as "to be afraid, to be anxious, to be terrified, to be fearful, to be frightened, to be nervous, to be troubled, to be in terror, to fear, to tremble" and others object clauses are generally introduced by the conjunction "that" or joined asyndetically. In the object clauses we find the Indicative Mood then. Care should be taken to observe the rules of the sequence of tenses.

E.g.: I am afraid nothing has been done. => She was afraid he had not seen her.

  • We also find "May + Infinitive" in object clauses after expressions of "fear". The rules of the sequence of tenses are also observed in this case.

E.g.: She is afraid she may miss the train. She was afraid he might miss his only chance.

  • But sometimes, in literary style, object clauses are introduced by the conjunction "lest" and in this case the Suppositional Mood (rarely Subjunctive I) is used in object clauses after expressions of "fear".

E.g.: He seemed nervous lest he should be setting his grand-daughter a bad example. They were terrified lest someone should discover their secret hiding place. (Gordon E.M. , p. 117, paragraph. 134, 135).

Ex. 19. Translate the sentences into Russian and then back into English (work in pairs).

1. Stephen did not dare look up lest he should disgrace himself with tears. 2. I backed the car a little and then swung her forward over the pavement of that narrow street and went gently up between the houses for fear that I should wake the sleeping people of the town,.... 3. They had made a date for the following Friday night and he was in a fever of anxiety lest she shouldn't come. 4. Mrs Longmore turned away from her for fear she should lose control and strike her. 5. Do not imagine that my agitation on behalf of my son arises from any fear lest he should have had a hand in this terrible affair. 6. She is a very odd lady. She's not bad at heart, but sometimes she's unbearable. I fear she should lose her close friends. 7. She thrust her head out of the window and cried out something. Evidently she was afraid lest her child should get into trouble.

Ex. 20. Use the Suppositional Mood instead of the Infinitive in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. It was a terrifying strangely impressive sight, and I was worried lest she (to faint). 2. But she was seized often with a panic of fear lest they (to be discovered). 3. They had been with me for some years now and I had been very worried in case one or other of them (to take) it into her head to get married. 4. There was not one chair vacant in the whole of the little drawing-room and anxiety was felt lest some one else (to arrive). 5. She was terrified lest those horrid old men (to leave) him in the cold and he (to be humiliated). 6. I think Irene has been persuaded to make a marriage like this for fear lest she (to stay) all alone by herself. 7. I must know what I'm letting myself in for before

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Ex. 16. Translate the following sentences with object clauses.

1. Студенты попросили, чтобы их пожелания в отношении распреде­ления были учтены. 2. Родители настаивали, чтобы я выбрала профессию врача. 3. Мама предложила купить мне новую блузку, которая подходила к моей серой юбке. 4. Мои родители изъявили желание (desired), чтобы я провел лето в деревне у дедушки. 5. Отец приказал, чтобы я не выходил из квартиры, пока не почувствую себя хорошо. 6. Мама настаивала, чтобы мы пошли в больницу и навестили Анну. 7. Председатель потребовал, чтобы собрание приняло во внимание возраст докладчика.

Ex. 17. Make a written translation of the following sentences with attributive clauses and prepare for a back translation. Then compare the results with the original.

1. It was with relief that towards the middle of the afternoon he accepted Lancelot's suggestion that they should retire to the study and finish up what remained of their legal business. 2. His irritable demand that he should be left alone and the others go up to lunch was quite characteristic of the man. 3. When I reached London I found waiting for me an urgent request that I should go to Mrs Strickland's as soon after dinner as I could. 4. Neither have I the least desire that you should dine with me on that day. 5. His anxiety that she should forget the fact had a sinister suggestion. 6. I often wondered at your suggestion that should set off on that long tour immediately after that unfortunate scene. 7. His head felt empty, light as air, his feet were heavy as lead. Yet his mind was clear, dominated by the imperative need that he should return to his room.

Ex.18 Translate the following sentences with attributive (appositive) and predicative clauses into English.

1. Всем понравилась его мысль, чтобы мы присоединились к экспедиции.

2. Я не понимаю вашего требования, чтобы мы тренировались только в утренние часы.

3. Есть правило, чтобы студенты не уносили книги из читального зала домой.

4. Ее предложение состояло в том, чтобы детей на это время оставить у бабушки.

5. Я сделаю это на том условии, что ты поедешь в библиотеку и привезешь мне нужные книги.

6. Это вовсе не мое требование, чтобы его исключили из команды.

7. Твое пожелание, чтобы мы поехали вместе, не может осуществиться.

8. Ваше мнение, что студенты должны читать только современную литературу, не совсем оправдано.

9. Ваше настойчивое нежелание работать в лингафонной лаборатории скоро скажется: вряд ли у вас будет хорошее произношение.

10. Ее совет заключался в том, чтобы стены выкрасили в лимонный цвет.

11. Его рекомендация заключается в том, чтобы мост строили именно в этом месте.

12. Приказ был, чтобы все выехали из опасного места.

!!! Discussion: What is one of the most important decisions you have made? Why was this decision important? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Ex.5 Complete the sentences adding predicative clauses in the corresponding verb form:

1. He was much too friendly; when he talked to them, it was as though... 2. It seemed, somehow, just a little unreal,as though this young woman... 3. For a moment it almost seemed as if ... 4. He was puffing slightly and it seemed as if... 5. I have just had my hair done. Do I look as if...? 6.It's very quiet in the room. It's exactly as though... 7. It seemed to her as if ... 8. She was indifferent to him as though... 9. They both looked as if ... 10.Although they never met before it seemed as if... 11.I feel at home here as if... 12.The child looked for a moment as though... 13.Her hands looked as if ...

Ex.6 Think of possible principal clauses for the following predicative ones:

1. ... as if he had never seen her before. 2. ... as if he were seeking an answer. 3. ... as though he had not said it. 4. ... as if she were waiting for an answer. 5. ... as though I had never been away. 6. ... as though she were threatening. 7. ... as if she were going to faint.

Ex.7 Develop the sentences into situations proving or refuting the information given:

Model: He sounded as if he were twenty years old.

It is not surprising, children like to speak like grown-ups.

1. The room looked as if it had never been tidied up. 2. It seemed she had already heard the news. 3. It looked as though it were going to be a fine day. 4. It was as though she wanted to drop the subject. 5. I feel as if I had a fever. 6. I feel as though I had never been away. 7. She looks as if she had as awful character. 8. It was almost as though we didn't understand her. 9. I feel as if I'd never go there again. 10.I feel as if I'd known him all my life. 11.You look as though you needed a cup of hot tea with milk. 12.It seemed to me as if I had been living in a dream.

Ex.8 Translate the sentences into English:

1. Вы так загорели, словно всё лето провели на юге. 2. Что с вами? У вас такой вид, будто вам нехорошо. 3.Минуту, другую он стоял посреди комнаты, как будто не знал, что делать. 4. У меня было такое чувство, будто мы говорим с ним на разных языках. 5. У вас такой вид, словно вы не знаете, куда идти. 6. Почему у тебя такой вид, будто ты мне не веришь? 7. Похоже, что все уже ушли.

Ex.9 Express probability of the actions following the model:

Model: Olga knew the truth. - It looks as if Olga knew the truth.

1. Somebody is groaning. 2. The snow has stopped. 3. Something has gone wrong with the car. 4. They have never been on friendly terms. 5. The wind is blowing. 6. Mother knows my state of affairs. 7. Somebody has broken the key. 8. This milk tastes sour. 9. The fence has been white. 10.The gardener has been in the garden before.

Ex.10 Answer the following questions :

Model: What did you feel coming to your native place after 10 years of absence?

- I felt as if I were a stranger there. (or - I felt as if I had never lived there before.)

1. What did you feel when you had passed your exam in English successfully? 2. What did you feel at your friend's (your) wedding party? 3. What did you feel when you saw your groupmates for the first time? 4. What did you feel when you fell in love for the first time? 5. How do you behave when you speak to a foreigner?

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