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5. Frank doesn't have the best collection of pictures in the world. 6. George is not the headmaster of the school. 7. Herbert does not enjoy the confidence of his group-mates. 8. James is not the best sportsman in the group. 9. Lewis can't play the piano well. 10.Martin can't be relied on. 11.Nicholas is lazy. 12.Robin doesn't study well.

Ex.8 Complete each sentence with "as if" or "as though" doing all the necessary changes in the subordinate clause:

Model: She speaks English... (English is not her native tongue). - She speaks English as if it were her native tongue.

1. She speaks French... (French is not her native tongue). 2. My friend talks to her cats (Animals are not people). 3. Sometimes he acts... (He does not have a brain in his head). 4. What's the matter? You are shaking... (You didn't see a ghost). 5. Mary takes care of John... (John isn't her son). 6. They are looking at me... (I didn't break the vase). 7. They treat him...( He isn't an adult). 8. He's acting... (He doesn't know anything about the incident). 9. He buys everything he wants...(Money doesn't grow on trees). 10.They treat him... (He is not a child). 11.I feel terrible... (I wasn't run over by a ten-ton truck). 12.When I reached the fifth floor I was breathing (I didn't climb the Everest).

Make up some 10 sentences on cards of a similar type to be used in class.

Ex.9 Find in the right hand column the English variants for those in Russian:

1. Казалось, она приняла решение. a. It is as if I were a stranger here.

2. Ведь я же ничего не обещал. b. It looks as if they had gone.

3. Похоже,что они уже ушли. c. She looked as if she had come to a decision.

4. Я здесь словно чужой всем. d. It's not as if I had promised anything.

5. Ведь вы с ним не говорили. e. It seemed as if nothing could comfort her.

6. Казалось, ничто не могло её утешить. f. It is not as if you knew him.

7. Ведь вы его не знаете. g. It is not as if you have spoken to him.

  • Make up similar cards of five sentences containing Subjunctive II in predicative clauses, adverbial clauses of comparison and "wish" clauses with corresponding Russian variants and a key to them, as in the exercise.

Ex.10 Dictation-translation:

1. Ей казалось, что она всё забыла. 2. Мне кажется, что теперь я смогла бы её понять. 3. Он, казалось, принял решение. 4. Почему у вас такой вид, словно вы мне не верите? 5. Он казался совершенно здоровым. 6. По вашему виду можно подумать, что вы никогда об этом не слышали. 7. Комната выглядела так, словно в ней никогда не жили. 8. Ему всегда кажется, что он не нравится людям. 9. Мне казалось, что никто не смог бы меня остановить. 10.Погода, кажется, становится лучше. 11. Ведь я ничего и не смог бы тогда сделать. 12. Хорошо бы, чтобы вы не опаздывали. 13. Жаль, что вы опоздали на первый урок.

Ex.11 Describe today's weather expressing your likes and dislikes (...as if..., I wish...)

6. It's strange that they should have returned so late. 7. It's not surprising that he should nearly have been run over by a car. 8. I consider it advisable that all of you should read "The Forsyte Saga" by Galsworthy. 9. It's extraordinary that he should come in time. 10. It's only natural that she should be disappointed. 11. It's desirable that the children should live in the country in summer. 12. It is not odd that they should have reconsidered the matter.

Ex.9 Translate the following sentences using subject clauses.

1. Странно, что Анна опоздала. Она никогда не опаздывает. 2. Вашему сыну после болезни необходимо гулять каждый день. 3. Важно, чтобы родители понимали своих детей. 4. Необходимо, чтобы студенты готовились к занятиям каждый день. 5. Рекомендуется, чтобы детей учили читать до школы. 6. Необходимо, чтобы первоклассники читали все тексты вслух. 7. Очень важно, чтобы родители обращали внимание на правильность речи ребенка с того момента, как он произнес первое слово. 8. Удивительно, что вам удалось достать билеты на премьеру. 9. Странно, что вы расстроились тогда. 10. Не принимайте это близко к сердцу. Странно вообще расстра­ивать­ся по такому поводу. 11. Невозможно, чтобы машину никто не видел.

!!! Discussion: Do you agree that people behave differently when they wear different clothes? Can clothes influence the way people behave? Use specific examples to support your answer.

Additional exercises:

  • Natanson: 33(32), 34 (32), 35 (33); Krutikov: 14, 15 (106)

I.2.2. Object, predicative and attributive clauses.

The suppositional mood and subjunctive I are also used in object, predicative and attributive clauses after verbs and nouns denoting suggestion, demand, recommendation and order (to demand, to insist, to suggest, to order; suggestion, recommendation, request, etc.).

My suggestion that he should go with us was not accepted. (appositive)

The Suppositional Mood Subjunctive I

to order

to request

to advise

We to propose (THAT) smb should do smth / smb do smth

He to insist




His desire was that life should fall in with his new limited but deliberate plans. (predicative)

He suggested that we should take part in the excursion. (object)

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