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clause and the perfect form of Subjunctive II (Subjunctive II Past) is used in the adverbial clause of condition.

Ex. If she had worked hard, she would have finished the work long ago. (Если бы она работала упорно, она давно закончила эту работу.)

Type 4. Mixed conditional sentences. They are combinations of sentences of types 2 and 3, i.e. one of the clauses refers to the present (or future), while the other refers to the past. We speak here of the so-called "Split Condition".

Ex. a) If they had finished the work yesterday, they would be free now. (Если бы они закончили работу вчера, они были бы сейчас свободны.)

b) If I liked mathematics, I would have entered the mathematical faculty several years ago.

c) If you had rung me up yesterday to say you were coming, I should'nt have been waiting for you the whole evening.

Ex.1 Draw a table in your own notebooks and fill it in with examples from fiction (or your own) by analogy with those given in the table. Pay attention to the three types of unreal condition.

Condition Consequence

1. If I were free tomorrow 1. I would go to a concert.

2. 2.

3. 3.

1. If I had been free yesterday 1. I would have gone to a concert.

2. 2.

3. 3.

1. If I liked physics 1. I should have entered the physical faculty

last year.

2. 2.

3. 3.

1. If you had read for your exams before 1. you would not be working so hard now.

2. 2.

  1. 3.

Ex. 2 Say what you would have done if the weather had been fine yesterday.

Model: to go to the country - If the weather had been fine yesterday, I would (should) have gone to the country.

Prompts: to go fishing, not to stay at home, to go boating, to go for a drive, to weed the flowerbed, to invite my friend for a walk, to go for a picnic with my friend.

Ex.3 Change the answer:

Model: Why didn't Peter take his umbrella? - He didn't know it was going to rain.

- If he had known it was going to rain, he would have taken his umbrella.

1. Why didn't you do your homework last night? - I didn't bring my book home. 2. Why wasn't Ada on time for work this morning? - Her alarm-clock didn't ring. 3. Why didn't you send me a letter? - I forgot the address. 4. Why didn't Ann buy that new tape-recorder? - She didn't have enough money.

Ex.3 Translate the following sentences using the corresponding mood forms in the conditional and in the principal clauses:

1. Если бы я сказал вам это сейчас, что бы вы мне ответили? 2. Если бы я встретила его теперь, не знаю, узнала ли бы я его. 3. Если бы он сейчас и пришёл, мы всё равно опоздали бы на поезд. 4. Если бы ночью стало холодно, мы бы развели костер. 5.Если бы он попросил тебя помочь, ты согласился бы? 6. Если бы пошел дождь, он бы все испортил. 7. Если бы вы услышали, как она играет, вы бы со мной согласились, что ей надо поступать в консерваторию. 8. Если бы вы приехали в Москву, вы бы могли погостить несколько дней у меня. 9. Если бы не начало диктанта, он был бы совсем легким. 10.Если бы не мое волнение, я бы отвечала на экзаменах лучше. 11.Она могла бы быть прекрасной студенткой, если бы не её лень. 12.Если бы не её объяснение, я бы сейчас делала ошибки. 13.Если бы не туфли, которые мне малы (that pinch me), мне было бы совсем весело. 14. Если бы у меня было больше времени, я бы поговорила с тобой сейчас же.

!!! Discussion: Students at universities often have a choice of places to live. They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may chose to live in apartments in the community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of living in an apartment in the community. Which would you prefer? Give reasons for your preference.

Additional exercises:

  • Natanson: Ex. 13 (18), 14 (19), 16 (20)

  • Krutikov: Ex. 26 (100)

  • Rybakova S.I.15-16 (29-30)

Four Types of Conditional Sentences in English

Complex sentences with adverbial clauses of condition are usually called "conditional sentences". There are four types of conditional sentences.

Type 1. These are sentences of real condition in which the indicative mood is used both in the principal and in the subordinate clauses.

Ex. If it is really so, I can only say that I am sorry for it. (Если это действительно так, я могу только сказать, что сожалею об этом.)

Type 2. Sentences of unreal condition referring to the present (or to the future). In such sentences the non-perfect form (the Conditional Present) is used in the principal clause and the past form of the verb (Subjunctive II Present)is used in the adverbial subordinate clause of condition.

Ex. If he came into the room now, I'd know him right off. (Если бы он вошел в эту комнату, я сразу бы его узнала.)

Type 3. Sentences of unreal condition referring to the past. In such sentences the perfect form of the Conditional Mood (Conditional Past) is used in the principal

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