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English in the context of psychology.doc
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Information presented in the text? The words to choose are listed below:

bias, prejudiced views, cooperatively, of similarities, mutual attraction,

contact, illusion.

to transmit ________, recognition __________, to enhance __________, to counter ________, to promote ____________, to reduce ___________, to work ______________.


Insert the necessary prepositions:

  1. Children acquire prejudice ________ their parents, other adults, their peers, the mass media.

  2. We must discourage adults ______providing training ________ bigotry.

  3. Once they come face _______face with their own prejudices, many people do seem willing to change their behavior.

  4. Not all parents realize the threat of transmitting prejudiced views _____ their offsprings.

  5. Contact between persons leads to a growing recognition of similarities ______ them.

  6. Stereotypes are resistant _______ change.

  7. Individuals are encouraged to meet “exceptions” _______ their stereotypes and it reduces their tendency to rely _____ stereotypes.


Fill in the missing words.

us” and “them”, prejudices, stereotypes, contact, discourage, attitudes,

bigotry, cooperation, tolerance

  1. Most people would contend that ________ are made, not born.

  2. We must _______ adults who serve as models for children from providing training in _____________.

  3. Few persons are willing to describe themselves as [prejudiced; instead they view their own negative ________ toward various groups as entirely justified.

  4. Modern world calls for a higher degree of tolerance than ever before.

  5. Direct intergroup ________ may be one effective means of combating prejudice.

  6. The contact situation must involve interdependence and __________ so that the groups work toward shared goals.

  7. The shift of boundary between ________ is an important step toward the reduction of many forms of prejudice.

  8. _______play an important part in prejudice.


Answer the following questions:

  1. The subtitle of the passage in the text is “Breaking the cycle of Prejudice”. What kind of cycle does the author mean?

  2. Psychologists say that stereotypes are resistant to change. Does that mean that prejudice reduction is a hopeless idea? Discuss it with your group mates.


Give the written translation of the following passage.

Prejudice Based on Gender

Sexism, prejudice based on gender, involves acceptance of gender stereotypes suggesting that males and females possess sharply different traits. In fact, gender differences are smaller than these stereotypes suggest. Overt discrimination against females is now illegal in many countries, but several subtle forces continue to operate against female achievement. These include lower expectations and low self-confidence on the part of females, negative reactions to and evaluations of female leaders, and the glass ceiling – barriers that prevent women from attaining the highest-level jobs in many organizations. Recent findings indicate that the glass ceiling is real, but that it stems from such factors as lower developmental opportunities in organizations for females than for males.


Write a short summary of the text.



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