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Интересно сравнить русские и американские идиомы.

  1. the last straw – последняя капля

  2. a guinea pig – подопытный кролик

  3. (like) water off a duck’s back – как с гуся вода

  4. to kill the goose that lays the golden egg – убить курицу, несущую золотые яйца

  5. like a bull in a china shop – как слон в посудной лавке

  6. a big fish/a big wig – большая шишка (большой человек)

  7. to drink like a fish – пить как сапожник

  8. to be packed like sardines – быть набитым как кильки в бочке

  9. a fly in the ointment – ложка дегтя в бочке меда

  10. to cling like a limpet – прилипнуть как банный лист

  11. to be head over heels in love – быть по уши влюбленным

  12. to be head and shoulder better than – быть на голову выше, чем

  13. head or tails - орел или решка

  14. have you lost your tongue? – ты язык проглотил?

  15. a bag of nerves – клубок нервов

  16. the flesh is weak – плоть глупа

  17. a bone of contention – яблоко раздора

  18. to scare the pants of – наложить в штаны от страха

  19. I have itching fingers – у меня руки чешутся

  20. a grass widow – соломенная вдова

  21. to sink through the floor – провалиться сквозь землю

  22. new brooms sweep cleaner – новая метла метет по-новому

  23. a sucked orange – выжатый лимон

  24. like a hen with one chicken - как курица с яйцом

  25. with the naked eye – невооруженным глазом




Пояснительная записка.

Данное методическое пособие состоит из аутентичных текстов, составленных на основе двенадцатилетней переписки с США. Тексты написаны на самые разные темы и являются живым откликом на те или иные события: например, Одри, дочь, которой во время урагана находилась в Новом Орлеане, описывает последствия урагана «Катрина». Из текстов учащиеся узнают непосредственно о жизни своих американских сверстников, об их участии в научно-исследовательской работе, об их проблемах, традициях, досуге, праздниках и т.д. Мои ученики с удовольствием читают такие тексты. Думаю, и другим учащимся будет небезынтересно узнать о жизни США

About Our Idea to Write a Book

I think writing a book about us is a marvelous idea. I have thought of it myself many times. I am not sure what would be the most interesting perspective for the reader. Should the book be told in 3-rd person or first person, from your viewpoint or mine? Or should it switch back and forth. I think the latter would be the most interesting. The reader would alternate seeing the relationships through your eyes and then through mine.

Let’s experiment by writing some pages about the same events and see how they differ. Write what you were thinking, perceiving, wondering, feeling on these four occasions:

  1. Our bus ride to St Petersburg.

  2. The Reunion party at Victor’s.

  3. Our day at the beach.

  4. Our day in Atlanta.

Using dialog makes for more interesting reading. I find that very hard, but I will try. I think if we do this we may discover things about each other that we do not know. To do this we will have to be brutally honest, but that will make it more genuine and a better story. The book would have to be written in Russian to be sold in Russia and in English to be sold in America. That would of course put a bigger burden on you to translate. The burden is always bigger on you, my friend, I’m sorry. I have just thought of this experiment so I don’t have anything written. I’m sure it will take a considerable amount of time. Let’s give ourselves the summer to see what comes of it. What do you think?

I realize that this may not be at all what you had in mind. If you would rather I just be out and let you write your own book your own way, just tell me so. It will be all right. I’ll not be offended. However the book is done, I do think excerpts from our letters should be included. Of course, it would be impossible to do this without us getting together again! What a great reason for a trip!!!

Audrey Works On The Future Book

I began work on our book by rereading my diary that I kept on my trip. Reading it brought me back such wonderful memories and gave me enormous pleasure. I was overwhelmed at how to express all of these feelings. I just dove in and started writing about the trip to St Petersburg. It was difficult. I wrote and wrote and then felt stalemated. So I stopped and began reading some of those political books I told you about. I have been quite consumed by them. Yesterday I got your letter with your version of the trip and was elated with the prospect of the book. I stayed up late at night to complete my story and type it because I want to get this in the mail today. It’s good to share our stories. I had forgotten comment about the Russian drivers although I did remember being alarmed by the driving. I will keep working – I think it is going to be very hard for me to write about events of your trip here because I did not keep a detailed diary like I did in Russia. I will try to keep up the good work.

What Audrey Knew About Russia Before

We Started Corresponding (1996 г.)

If you mention Russia, the ordinary citizen thinks communism and has feelings of distrust. These feelings were embedded over many years of the Cold war and are not easily erased. When I was in high school, I remembered the Cuban Missile Crisis which was a threat of nuclear war at our back door (We actually live close to Cuba). It was common knowledge that the USSR backed Castro. In high school I was on the debate team and remember debating issues of disarmament vs. escalation of nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union was definitely the enemy not to be trusted. We used to quote Khrushchev as saying, “Promises are like pie crusts, made to be broken”. It was not the Russian people we distrusted, if was the government. Propaganda given to us was that communist government was not truthful with the people. Russian people had a distrust of the American government and military.

Your country has a special place in my heart. I will try to explain why. About 8years ago I read a novel about Nicholas and Alexandra. I was appalled at how little history I knew. The limit of my knowledge of Russia was from the movie “Dr Zhivago”. When I was in college I had to take a course on communism (required of all students). It is the only course I almost failed. One point of great impact, which this novel had on me, was that this happened when my grandmother was a young adult. At that point the Russian people were a Christian nation. It only took two generations to wipe out the church. This frightened me very much. Not only for the church, but the realization of how quickly things can change and how in two generations a whole nation of people might not remember the old way of life. Another thing the novel made me see was the tremendous love the Russian people have for their country. This love in terms like “Mother Russia” reflects a goodness and strength of character in the people. I respect the longevity and richness of your heritage.

After I read this book I began to pray for the Russian people – for their liberation from communism. The American people did rejoice when the Soviet Union broke up and communism fell in your country and in Germany. We are happy for you and hope that a new government will result in freedom, growth and prosperity for all of you. I understand from things that you have said about having to spend all of your money on food, not being able to build your house and most of all people not getting paychecks on time, that the economic situation is not good. I think this happens when there is a major change in government. I genuinely hope that things begin to turn around soon.

The Cost of Living in the USA (26.05.96)

I am embarrassed to tell you how much I make because you will think I am a millionaire. The cost of living must be so different. I will tell you what I make and what our expenses are. Only so you can compare the cost of living. Please, don’t tell me that your rent, electricity, etc. costs as much as mine and yours only make $ 100.00 a month. I can’t believe it. I make $ 1,800 a month and David $ 2,000.00 a month. We borrowed money from the bank to work on our house so we have a loan payment of $ 650.00 a month. We pay a lot of insurance. Some is monthly, some quarterly: life insurance $ 100.00 a year, car ins $ 400.00/year, boat ins. $ 575.00/year, home owners $ 600.00 /year, medical) $ 1,800.00/year/ Most Americans are insurance poor! I pay $ 430.00/year professional dues, David pays

$ 200.00. Our electricity bill runs about $ 200.00/month. We pay the church $ 100.00/month, phone bill $ 70.00, gasoline $ 70.00, TV 25.00, dance classes for the girls $ 90.00/month. A pair of toe shoes for Ashley costs $ 50,00. Belonging to the yacht club which of course is a luxury item costs $ 150.00/month. We’ve paid over $ 600.00 medical bills since January (beyond insurance) because we’ve all been sick. Jessica will need an eye exam this summer $ 90.00 and if she needs new glasses $ 175.00. We even had animal doctor bills this year. Ghostie had a bacterial infection in his jaw and had to have surgery $ 170.00. It’s always something. Americans charge things on credit cards, which in turn charge exorbitant interest rates. Many people abuse these and end up in debt. This is what we have done and I am trying to pay off a $ 4,000.00 debt. I wanted to have this paid off by June, but every month there are more charges and I’m not making much progress.

There is always food and clothing to be bought too. I buy all of our clothes on sale so the prices I’m giving you are less that some people pay. A pair of jeans $ 25.00, dress $ 40 – 70.00, shoes $ 40.00, a bra costs $ 15.00 (and we’re needing a lot of those around here now), a T-shirt $ 17.00. A haircut is $ 21.00, a beer in a restaurant is $ 2.00, an average meal in a nice restaurant is $ 12.00, and a hamburger costs $ 1.70. It costs $ 4.00 to go to the movies. At the grocery store a gallon of milk is $ 2.25, a whole chicken fryer is 70 ¢ a lb, a loaf of bread is $1.20, a dozen eggs 1.00, a box of cereal $ 3.00. I spend $ 600.00 a month on food.

Most people have a car payment $ 300.00 – 450.00 a month and a house payment anywhere from $ 500 to $ 1000,00 a month depending on the house. We have neither since our house is paid for. Remember, we bought an old house real cheap and we’re renovating it. My car is a second hand station wagon that cost us $ 3,000 5 years ago. A new car costs $ 22,000. This is really absurd and shows how much costs have risen over the years. When David and I bought our first house 20 years ago in Shreveport, La it cost $ 27,000. Now a car costs that much! If costs about $ 5,000 a year to send a student to college. That will be staring us in the face very soon and I am concerned about that. Enough about money.

I sincerely hope that the economic situation improves in Russia.

Audrey About Her Father май, 1996

Your father sounds like a wonderful man and you have inherited much of his personality and character. I was struck by the similarity of hobbies of your dad and mine. My dad liked to play the guitar, sing, and dance. He also liked to draw and paint. He was athletic and a big man, but he was a gentle bear. He loved to build things with wood and could fix things; he was very patient. He was good at telling stories and making people laugh. He was a leader among men and respected by those who worked with him. When my dad died of cancer, it left a tremendous hole in our family, because we were dependent on him for so much emotionally. He was the leader and the strong one and I worshipped him. I used to think the best thing I could do for my friends was bring them home to meet my Dad. He was an engineer for an oil well surveying company, Schlumberger (French). Their job was to survey an oil well after it was drilled to tell if and where the oil was. The oil industry impacted my life greatly. Daddy died of cancer (melanoma) when he was 55. He had the disease for 1,5 years before he died and it was a horrible time. I asked him once during this time if he was afraid. He said no, there had been other times in his life when he was afraid like during the war (he fought in France during WW II) but he was not afraid to die. If only seemed so senseless, and he cried.

Audrey About Her Mother май, 1996

My mother is 72. She moved to Arkansas several years after Daddy died and built a log house on Lake Hamilton. My parents bought this property in 1957 and planned to retire there. Mother has been married twice since Daddy died. She married too soon after he died and that marriage only lasted two years. She is married now to a nice man, but he does drink and there are problems there. Actually I think mother plays a big part in those problems because she can be a screw. (In other words, I think she drives him to drinking). Mother had a difficult childhood. Her father committed suicide when she was only 3. Her mother later abandoned her and her brother by remarrying, moving away and not taking them. She left them to be raised by the grandmother who was rather cold, strict, and cruel. My mother adored my father and was a good wife and mother. After WWII while Daddy was in college she kept children and sewed for people to help earn money. When Daddy went to work for Schlumberger, Mother became a housewife. Our home was always immaculate. She was a good cook and a talented seamstress. She sewed all of our clothes. She was very energetic and industrious. She could do several things at once and Daddy nicknamed and always called her speed. Her maiden name was Susan Mckagen. Her ancestors were Irish and we say that’s where she got her fiery temper. (My father’s ancestors were English, his name was James Woodward Chance). Mother loved to dance and party. She always had a small group of close friends, but was very uncomfortable in large groups and fancy social affairs. She was not the intellectual that Daddy was. She lives in Hot Springs now and two of my nieces live there and one nephew actually lives with her. They are always complicating things for mother. We laugh and say it is worse than a soap opera.

American Weather

March 13 (1996) The weather here now is fluctuating. One day it will drop to the 30’s, then by the end of the week it will go up to the 70’s. Snow is a rare thing on the Gulf Coast. I don’t like cold weather. I cannot imagine living where it’s below freezing though I’m sure it’s fun to go skiing and sledding every day…

January is my least favorite month. I’m glad it is over. It is cold and I am not a cold weather person. I really should not complain because the weather here fluctuates. One day it will be in the 30’s, but by the end of the week the high will reach the low 70’s. Cold to me is between 20o – 40o. Sometimes it drops below 20o, but usually those are our winter temperatures. What is winter like for you? We have a fireplace and have enjoyed it more this year than ever. That’s because we have lots of firewood. A tree in our yard blew over this summer during a hurricane so David cut it and split it for firewood. It was a large tree so we’ll have firewood for about three winters (29.01.96).


(12.09.04) I don’t know if you have heard on the news that Florida has been hit by two bad hurricanes in the last few weeks. A third very large and powerful one, Ivan, has hit Jamaica and is moving up the Gulf of Mexico toward pan handle of Florida. We are watching it carefully because it could drift westward and hit us, but it is not supposed to. David has been busy this afternoon tying the boat, moving things in the yard, and buying flashlight batteries just in case.


We have survived two hurricanes since I last wrote to you. We were out of school for two days for the first one; it rained so much that the roads were flooded and buses could not get through. Now we will have to make up for those days so our Wednesday holiday the day before Thanksgiving will be taken away. I hate that because I have a house full of company coming for Thanksgiving and had planned to cook all day Wed.

The second hurricane was a direct hit on Lafayette. There was a lot of tree damage and therefore electric Lines were down in many places for as long as two weeks.


We survived Hurricane Ivan, but many didn’t. It was a very bad storm. Gulf Shores and Pensacola were the hardest hit. Many tall condos and houses that you saw there were blown down or washed away. These areas were hit with 40’ foot high tidal waves and sustained winds 130 miles per hour. The high water even caused an interstate bridge to collapse. Baldwin County schools were closed for almost two weeks. Fair hope and Mobile were fortunate because the storm turned east really at the last minute. The storm hit Wednesday night. All day Monday and Tuesday it was predicted to hit somewhere from New Orleans to Mobile. New Orleans was under mandatory evacuation. I was really worried about New Orleans because the city is below sea level. If a storm like this hit it, thousands of people would die. Ashley drove to Baton Rouge to Jessica’s app-t but what a horrific adventure it was. If normally takes I hour to make this drive, but there were so many cars on the highways that it took her 13 hours to get there! The traffic was literally creeping… I fell asleep but was awakened by a very loud crack! Followed by a clinking sound! I jumped out of bed and David ran into the room. We shone our flashlight out the window and could see that one of the big oak trees had snapped in two and fallen. It fell across the yard onto the parking apron beside the kitchen. The clinking sound was the tree fell toward Jessica’s room. I think it would have come through the roof and killed me. Shortly after that every thing stopped. It was the eye of the storm…

Music in Audrey’s Life

You asked about music and songs that I like. My favorite music is Mo-Town from the 60’s. This was favorite music when I was a teenager and it is still fun to dance to. There are some oldies radio stations that play this music. The groups that sang it were the Four Tops Temptations, Aretha Franklin, Supremes, Otis Redding, James Brown. All of them were black singers and many were from Detroit, Michigan, where cars are manufactured – thus the name Mo-Town (short for motor). I like to put this music on the radio and turn it up real loud when I’m cleaning house. It makes me feel good.

Elvis Presley was the king of rock-n-roll but I was never crazy about him. I wasn’t crazy about the Beatles either, but my husband was. When I was in college hard rock became popular with people like LedZeplin and Mick Jaeger. I still preferred Mo – Town. During this time a type of folk music also was popular. Everyone (except me) learned to play the guitar. It was fun to sing songs by Paul and Neil Simon, Mamas and the Pappas, Carpenters, etc.

There isn’t much popular music of today that I like. My daughters listen to it, but I don’t even know the names of the singers. I like Michael Bolton, Billy Joel, Barbara Striesand, and Bette Midler. River of Dreams by Billy Joel is my favorite song from the last several years.

I love Broadway musicals, Songs from Sound of Music, Annie, Grease, Fiddler On the Roof. Last year we went to New Orleans to see Phantom of the Opera. I’ve never really appreciated opera, but this was great! The year before that we saw Les Miserable. It was great too.

David likes a singer called Jimmy Buffet. We have every tape he ever recorded. I like it too. It’s a Ballard type of song with a Polynesian beat. After a while all of it sounds alike though. He sings a lot about ocean and sailings.

Have you ever heard of Barbershop Quartet music? This is sung acapello in four-part harmony. Years ago I sang in a chorus version of this called Sweet Adelines. I sang the melody part because I don’t sing well enough to harmonize. This music is full of energy. It was a lot of fun to perform in front of audiences. I learned to appreciate a different type of music.

As I get older I’m beginning to enjoy classical music, mostly piano concertos. I’m not well educated in this area, but I do like it. I also like jazz and blues, which is a black culture music and thrives in New Orleans.

When I was a little girl we used to sing a lot. My Daddy played the piano and the guitar. We sang old song from the 40’s. They were “crooning” songs by people like Frank Sinatra and the Mills Brothers. These were songs my Dad liked. He also sang funny songs about a chimp marrying a monkey, a frog who went courting and a man who knew everything there was to know.

Of course, I like hymns too. My favorite ones are How Great Thou Art, Amazing Grace and In the Garden. I have a hard time singing How Great Thou Art because it was my Daddy’s favorite hymn and it was sung at his funeral. Every time we sing it at church I start crying. My children find very embarrassing.

Music in Audrey’s Life

I have had so much fun making these tapes for you. U hope you enjoy them. I put a variety of music that I like: the whole CD of Acapello Hymns. These four men sing acapello without musical accompaniment and it’s amazing what they can do with their voices. After Acapello are a few country music songs that are popular now. Jessica recorded these. My children used to loathe country music but suddenly they are listening to a few certain country singers. Next is a selection of Jimmy Buffet songs. He sings a lot about the ocean and sailing. We listen to him on the boat. Marguerittaville and Cheeseburger in Paradise are old but still very popular songs. If they are played at a party or a bar, everybody there will be likely to break out in song. Brown-eyed Girl was not originally recorded by Jimmy Buffet but it is an old favorite of mine. I guess because I have brown eyes. The next songs are from a tape of the Oklahoma City Chorus, which won the International competition way back in 1982. It is an old tape and I apologize for the quality, but I wanted you to hear the four part harmony music that they sing. Listening to the octave changes and tags always gives me a thrill. Tape two starts with the Four Tops. I like the so called Mo-Town music. This is the music. This is the music that was popular when I was in high school. Some radio stations called “oldies” still play this music (June 29, 1996)

This morning David and I were listening to our regular Sunday morning radio program and they had a special news report about blues music in Russia. If was very interesting. It traced the beginnings to blues music that had been played in England and then migrated to Russia. If talked about how most blues music in Russia was recorded in English because the Russian words were too multisyllabic to fit the music. A few efforts had been made to record it in Russian and they played some. It sounded strange to hear that rhythm with Russian words. A man has written a book called “Russia Gets The Blues” about the popularity of this music now. All of this made me think of Victor (Audrey visited Victor in Likhoslavl and they both sang the Blues. Victor is crazy about jazz and especially the blues) (September 12, 2004).

Classical Music in Audrey’s Life


I am enjoying listening to my classical music. I made a list of all the recommended selections in my book. I am trying to listen to as many as I can. It is very pleasurable. I often turn it on at night and let it relax me before falling asleep. If David isn’t home, I listen to it in the morning too. Schumann’s Piano Concerto is on now.

Speaking of classical music there was a special on the Sunday morning news show that we sometimes watch. If was about the new conductor of the Moscow Chamber orchestra. He is American! His parents emigrated to the U.S. from Russia during the revolution. He was born in San Francisco. He was invited to play with the orchestra and a year later when the conductor passed away, he was voted by his fellow orchestra members to be their leader. He considers it a very great honor. There were clips of the orchestra playing in Moscow. As the camera scanned the audience, there were several ladies with beautiful auburn hair like yours. It made me miss you.

Cajun Music

Beausoleil is playing Cajun music. Cajun music is from Louisiana. The Cajun people migrated there from France via Canada in the 1700’s. These people have a unique culture and still speak French. They made a living fishing in the bayous, trapped alligators and ate crawfish. I grew up among Cajun people and I love them. I will write you more details about Cajuns some other time. This is a sample of their music. They use fiddles, harmonicas, washboards and accordions. It is a spirited music and their dancing is equally spirited. No one can out-dance a Cajun. My neighbor gave me this tape. Her husband bought it because he was intrigued with Cajuns. He played it a little too often to suit her. If was driving her crazy. I love it. I turn it up loud and let my heart sing.

The last three songs on this side are from. Jessica’s tapes. She picked River of Dreams by Billy Joel because it was a favorite of mine a couple of years ago. Gangsta’s Paradise is off the soundtrack for the movie Dangerous Minds, which was about some very rough high school kids who were “saved” by a young teacher. Sweet Home Alabama is of course popular with everyone in Alabama. Some of the music Jessica picked is called rap music, which is really talking, not singing. I can only tolerate very small doses of it.

Audrey’s First Day at School 12.08.96 г.

School Buses

The car pool had to leave a little early so we could be there at 7:30 when registration started. Usually registration was the day before school starts, but since we started school early this year August 13 instead of August 27 we had it on the first day. Because I am a special ed. teacher and do not have a homeroom I help with registration in someway. Sometimes I stand in the hall and direct parents and children to the right classroom. This year I worked in the cafeteria directing parents to the place to pay for school lunches. School lunches for children have gone up from 1.10 to 1.50. For teachers they went up from 1.25 to 2.00. Children can pay daily or by the week or month. Parents who cannot afford this fee can apply for free lunch or reduced lunch. The cafeteria serves a hot meal everyday and breakfast for some. We have 800 children at our school and most of their parents come on the first day, so it’s rather crowded and hectic. Those who have never been to our school before have to present birth certificate, social security, immunization record or they can’t register. Many need to be assigned a bus and that’s a hard job because you have to figure out where they live on the city map and make sure they get the correct bus. If they attended our school last year they just have to find their name on lists posted by grad to find out whose class they are in. Everyone is very excited and happy on this day and all smile. The children look so cute. Of course on the kindergarten halls there is always a good bit of crying and clinging by children who are afraid for mom and dad to leave. School takes in at 8:00, but on this day it’s usually 9:00 – 9:30 before things settle down, everyone is in their room and parent have gone home.

I spend this day locating the children on my caseload trying to work out a schedule. I call the parents of my preschool children and schedule a time for them to come. If is a quiet day for me. At the end of the day I work at the horseshoe where parents pick up their children by car. We assign children numbers and it’s very efficient, but on the first day they don’t have numbers and also many parents will pick up their children for the first week and then let them start riding the bus. Horseshoe is very hectic this first week. Buses load on the opposite side of the building. We have two waves of buses with 15 buses each wave, so it’s imperative that the children know their bus number or have it written on a tag on them. So the teachers make sure they get on the right bus. All teachers do bus duty the first week.

I forgot to mention that the school has a library and all classes are scheduled a time to use the library. We also have a part-time music and art teacher who sees them once a week. They have physical education every day. I have worked my schedule around all of these as well as trying not to take children from their language arts period. We also do a school wide head check on the first day at school. Unfortunately a number of children were sent home with head lice. We have a part-time school nurse and this year we have a full time nurses aid who will give out medication. We also have an additional counselor at our school this year.

American School

Ashley couldn’t believe your students don’t have to take Science. Science is taught as a subject here beginning in the second grade. She has always liked science and she enjoyed Biology this year. Our high school in Baldwin County has just switched to a new system. Instead of having 6 one hour classes, they have four 1½ hour classes and divide the year into two semesters. This way in a year’s time they can cover 8 subjects instead of 6. It is much like college semester. It is hard though for a high school student to cover a year’s worth of material in ½ year even if your class time is longer. I think there is just so much they can absorb in one sitting. It has been stressful on the teachers. In high school Ashley will take 4 years of English (Literature and Grammar), 2 years foreign language (probably Spanish), 4 years Science Biology, Human Anatomy, Chemistry, Physics, 4 years Math, Algebra I and II. Geometry and Ashley is not a real strong math student. She will also have social sciences: History, Economics and a number of electives, like art, computer science, and I forgot Physical Education.

June 26, 1996

Speaking of School, Ashley did bring her grades up. She made all B’s except a C in Algebra. Math is her weakest area. Next year she will have to take Geometry and I made her sign up for Business Math as an elective. She is learning toward a business curriculum in college and bonds, investments, banking, budgeting. I wish I had it in high school. It would have been a lot more practical than Algebra.

Some Problems at School

We have had some problems with Ashley and had to meet with two of her teachers. When I got her mid-semester grade report, I found that she had some very low test grades and her average in three courses was a low C. The most upsetting thing about it was that it didn’t seem to bother her. She insisted that a «C» was average and there’s nothing wrong with average. Unless, of course, as I pointed out, you are capable of doing above average work! After a good deal of lecturing, arguing, tears and meeting with her teachers I think she has realized she is expected to put forth more effort. She has to bring all of her grades up to a B by the end of the year except algebra.

Algebra has been very hard for her and I will be satisfied with a C in that class Ashley has always cared about her grades and was in the honor society in middle school. Her problem now that she is in high school is a flourishing social life, which includes boys, and going out with friends. Schoolwork is rather low on her list of important things. She is pulling away from me. She does not want to tell me about any of these boys who call and buddy around with her. There is no coming in from a party and telling mom what everybody did and said. She’s always complaining, «Why do you have to ask so many questions?» I think I am entering a difficult decade.

Jessica is Working on Her Science Project

We have been busy since school started back after Christmas. Jessica has been working on her science fair project. For the fair the students do an experiment, write a report and make a display on a piece of cardboard. The projects are then judged by a panel of judges from local industry and the university. All middle school students are required to participate in the fair. Jessica decided to do her project on water pollution in Mobile Bay. Her hypothesis is that the water on the Mobile side is more polluted than the water on the Fairhope side. We did some research and obtained statistics from the Alabama Coastal Foundation. The foundation is a group of citizens who became concerned about pollution three years ago. They organized this group to raise public awareness, monitor the bay, and promote solutions. They have Bay watch teams, which test the water 1 to 3 times a month at 8 different sites around the bay. The test they do is an oxygen level test. A high school student who is on the Bay Watch took Jessica to our municipal pier and let her watch while she ran the test. I think Jessica has learned a lot although she has complained a lot along the way.

Mostly the purpose is to teach the students to do research and use the scientific method. Science is not Jessica’s favorite subject. I think boys have become her favorite subject.

The Dogwood Pageant

This weekend an important even will take place in Fairhope. It is the Dogwood Pageant. The pageant is sponsored by a service club called the Optimist Club. The Optimist Club main service is for youth in need. David used to be in the Optimist Club and even helped with the pageant. Years ago I remember my father being president of his Optimist Club, so it’s been around for a while.

The pageant is a fundraiser, but the girls who are selected to be on the Dogwood Court serve as ambassadors for our community. They make as many as 70 appearances at various Festivals and events around the state and even out-of-state. The word dogwood is a tree that blooms in a beautiful white or pink flower in the spring. There are many of them in Fairhope so they picked that as the name of the court. There are five girls on the court. They dress in pastel-colored antebellum dresses with large hoop skirts and bonnets. They are the epitome of Southern belles. The pageant is basically a beauty pageant although that term is frowned on. The girls are judged on poise, beauty, scholarship, physical fitness, and their speaking ability. The winners are awarded scholarships to our local junior college. My girls have been dreaming of being on the Dogwood Court since they were in elementary schools. Ashley will be old enough next year to enter. If is for 10-th and 11-th grade girls. I think just being in the pageant is a lot of fun for the girls even if they don’t make the court.

The Fair

The fair has come to town. Actually it’s not in Fairhope, if is in Robertsolale, but it is the Baldwin County Fair. My kids didn’t even go when I was a child Jennings, La the County Fair was a big deal. There were agricultural competitions for biggest sweet potatoes, etc, livestock competitions biggest pig, etc. and craft, cooking, and art competitions. I used to take oil painting lessons and my teacher would enter our work. I can remember the excitement of walking into the pavilion where the work was displayed and finding my painting with a red or blue ribbon on it. There was a parade on Saturday morning that everyone in town turned out to see. Then we went to the fair grounds and rode the rides, ate cotton candy and played games to win teddy bears. In the afternoon there was a rodeo. Such fairs still exist in America.

Student Life. Part-Time Job

Jessica is doing fine. She has started classes and is taking a very full load. She is taking a Literature (fiction class), Spanish, Physical Geography, Advanced American History and Library Science. She also has gotten a job, which I told her she had to do this year.

She has a job called Tiger Talk. She works in the office of the assistant dean of the university making phone calls to alumni requesting donations to the University. They work at night, which is perfect for Jessica. I think the job is perfect for her, too. She is great at talking to people and will probably be able to talk most people into making a donation.

Traffic Violation

Ashley made a right hand turn on green light and the cops waved her over she turned the corner. She said the first cop was very rude and asked if she hadn’t seen the sign which she had not. There was a sign that said, “Wait for green arrow to turn”. The light turns green (which of course means go) and 30 seconds later a green arrow comes up. The police said this was to allow pedestrians to cross. There were no pedestrians when Ashley turned. They gave her fine of $ 180.00! Can you believe it?

Politics 31.03.03

The future seems so uncertain. We listen to war reports several times a day. It is going to be longer and bloodier that was expected. The longer it lasts, the more likely that other Arab nations will join in that would be catastrophic. While I was driving to Hot Springs, I heard on the radio that Russia was selling munitions to Iraq. I started crying. The thought of U.S. going to war against Russia was more that I could bear. Later I heard that it was not the Russian government, but Russian Companies who were doing this. Then later I heard that Putin denied that even Russian companies were doing this


I read an article in the newspaper that said that Zuganov might win because the communists were united behind one candidate while the democrats were divided among many. That does give him a political advantage. I hope the democrats win and the economy begins to grow.

Audrey About Boris Yeltsin’s Victory

News of victory came to us on our Independence Day. I’m glad for all of you and hope that he is smart enough to lead Russia to economic growth. The media here was all in a dither over his health. What do you think of that?

26.06.96. Oh, we saw Yeltsin on TV dancing at a political rally. Then they clipped an old shot V.P.A l Gore dancing at some social function and put them side by side and asked who is a better dancer? If was hilarious.

Audrey and Politics

I have been reading a lot of political books. I am very concerned about the problem of world terrorism. Al-Qaeda is responsible for this. Ben Ladin is their leader. They planned and executed the attack on the World Trade Center. They are behind the terrorist attacks in Russia because they are known to be giving money and support in Bosnia, Chechnya, the Philippines, Egypt, Morocco and Europe. They have terror cells everywhere even U.S. and Canada. I don’t know how many have been shut down since 9.11. Their goal is destruction specifically of the U.S. and establishment of an extremist Islamic Society. Anyone who gets in their way will be eliminated.

The actions of the U.S. at this point in time are critical for the stability of the whole world for the next 20 years. I do not though have a clear view of which action is the right one for eventual peace. The Middle East is such a volatile area with so much religious and ethnic hatred. I do not know if the war against Sadam Hussein was the right thing. I am not sure who to vote for. I do believe that nothing else matters; not health care, or tax increases, or education, or employment rallies – the war on terrorism is the critical issue. The outlook looks gloomy to me.

(October 17) I asked Kelly and his buddy what they thought about President Bush’s intent to declare war on Iraq. They are not enthusiastic about it but they feel “something has to be done”. They also are assuming that it will all be over with by the time they are out of pilot training which will be in about 9 months. I t is their lives that are on the line.

Bush is declaring that these steps must be taken to protect us from terrorism. I think declaring war on Iraq or trying to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime will escalate terrorism beyond anything we could ever imagine. I think our lives are going to be forever changed. It seems no one around me has these fears. They think we can just go bomb the hell out of their country, overthrow that government and nothing will happen here. I think there will be massive repercussions including retaliatory attacks on us. One gov. official said he didn’t think Saddam’s army would fight for him once there was a U.S. presence. We are just going to tell those soldiers “you don’t have to fight for him, you can support the new regime. What a moron! Those people are going for the U.S. I am praying that the UN will act with enough authority to prevent a war. That is our only hope.

Audrey’s response to the terrorist act in Manhattan

A week ago I called to tell you that I plan to come to Russia this summer. I was on top of the world – my heart was rejoicing. On Tuesday the whole world changed. I do not want war, but I feel certain we will go to war. I am hoping that the rest of the world will see this as a global problem and not just a U.S. problem and that the efforts to stop terrorism will be a joint effort by all major powers and all sympathetic third-world countries. God willing we will be together again this summer.

In a crisis one immediately thinks of those closest to the situation. It was amazing how many people we knew who had potential involvement. We have two friends who are commercial pilots. One flies for Continental Airlines so He was okay. The other actually flies for United, but he didn’t work that day. We have four friends whose children live in Manhattan. One was actually on the 20-th floor of the second tower, but evacuated when the first building was hit. Another whom we know, worked at the Trade Center we cannot check on because both parents are in France and we have no one to call. The other two work in other parts of the city, so they are traumatized but alive. My friend Ann’s cousin worked at the top of the Trade Center, but he didn’t go to work that day. Ashley was in New York this summer and her boyfriend took her to the top of the World Trade Center. She kept saying to me, “Mom I was just there!” Of course I thought immediately of Buster who is in the Air Force and his wife Debbie who is a flight attendant for Continental. She flies out of Newark Airport. Ashley called me on Thursday night sobbing. Ironically in her History class they were studying about Iran, Iraq the Persian Gulf War and about the HAMAS (an Arabic terrorist organization which supports Ben Ladin). She had discovered that HAMAS gets 1/3 of its 30 million dollars budget from a funding network within the U.S. She was hysterical about this and that the pilots were trained in the U.S. The reality of the situation hit her very hard.

I am proud of heroic rescue efforts beeing made in New York City and of the immediate response by the American people to pull together by: giving blood, sending money, playing, and showing their colors (You just thought you saw a lot of American flags when you were here, now they are on every house, building and car). I’m less proud, actually ashamed of the taunting and violent mistreatment being shown to the Moslem- American community. All Moslem people don’t support terrorism! I am praying that the terrorist situation will not prevent me from coming to Russia. I’m going to be optimistic and forge ahead. I am exuberant at the thought of being there.

Audrey Entertains Herself

We went to New Orleans to the Jazz Festival. I have wanted to attend this for years, but we always had a conflict. We let each daughter invite a friend. We drove to New Orleans early on a Saturday morning (3 hr. drive) and parked at the Super Dome. We rode a bus from there to the fair grounds. This was great because we avoided parking problems. We spent the whole day walking around the fair grounds listening to different music. There were about 12 different tents and pavilions to visit with gospel music, Dixieland jazz, blues African, Cajun, and rock music. We left that night at 6:00 and drove home. Everybody had a good time (17.06.02).

An Adventure in New Orleans

We went out to eat before the show at a well-known Italian restaurant on Bourbon Street called Jonnie Moran’s. When we were seated, a man sitting not far from us smiled and made a teasing remark about our waiter. My waiter whispered to me that this man was in the movie business. Later I heard him say something to another guest about a production company in Florida. Anyway, he made a remark about our wine and then about our ordering of garlic bread. He said, “You won’t be able to kiss anyone tonight”. I replied, “It won’t matter because it’s girls’ night out”. His girlfriend arrived and they left. Our food arrived and my waiter said, “Mam, when it’s time to pay your tab you do not have to worry about it, your tab has been taken care of. That gentleman paid your bill!” I was speechless. I asked for the man’s name but our waiter said, “He comes here often but I only know him as C.J”. What a blessing. Can you imagine a perfect stranger paying your bill for no reason! I wondered if he does that often just to make people happy. How nice to be able to do that. I wish I could thank him.

Casinos 1996 г.

The gambling casinos are in Biloxi. Gambling has been legal there for about 6 years and there are 8 casinos there. Gambling is not legal in Alabama. I have only been to the casinos one other time. I think it’s fun. There are slot machines everywhere, but I don’t like them. I like the poker machines. I was playing on this machine and loosing because I was trying to double up. When you win a hand you get the chance to bet against the machine and double. I told Sandra I was going to have to play move conservatively. She started laughing and said, “How to play more conservatively than the nickel poker machine?” They have quarter machines and dollar machines. In one casino there was a room with $ 100.00 slot machines. We could not believe how many people were in playing them. I also liked the blackjack tables, but I lost my allotted amount of money in a hurry and had to quit playing. The casinos are open 24 hours a day and always seem full. I don’t know where all the people come from besides, the gambling; the casinos have restaurants and floorshows. We stayed at a hotel. We shopped during the day, walked on the beach, and went to the casinos at night. It was fun to feel relaxed, do everything leisurely and talk and laugh with my good friend. While I was in Biloxi I got casino cups (donated by one of the casinos) for our school casino night party. The school committee is at work again! Last year we planned a casino night because the teachers wanted to have a party and invite our husbands. Well, the committee decided that if the men were coming we had better have something for them to do. At our party we don’t gamble for money, we just gamble for chips. Then at the end of the party people beg on prizes with their chips. We have blackjack tables, roulette wheel and craps table and horse racing (with stick horses). Men from a Foley service club are our dealers. We have a radio station disc jockey there to provide music. We also have a lot of good food. The party is tomorrow night. I’ll try to take some pictures to send you.

Independence Day

We went to yacht club for the fourth of July. Early that morning we took the girls water skiing. It was their first time this year. Ashley got up the second try and stayed up a long time. She even ventured across the wake a couple of times. Jessica’s form looked improved from last year, but she couldn’t manage to stay up. She just needs to keep trying.

We met a group of friends at the yacht club for the day. We barbequed, and swam an sailed all day. That night we watched a very impressive fireworks show which the city puts on every year. This is the way we always spend the 4-th of July.

Audrey in New York

This will be a long letter for we did something that for us may be a once-in-a-lifetime-experience. We (the whole family) went to New York City for four days! We flew to New York on Friday night so we could wake up in the city on Saturday morning. We arrived at the hotel (Broadway 54th street) at 12:30 p.m.

On Saturday we took the Apple Tour bus and went on a traditional sightseeing tour. If was great. We saw almost all of the things you are supposed to see in NYC, the Empire State Building. Times Square, China Town, Harlem, Greenwich village, central park, etc., etc. This is called a hop-on hop-off tour. If goes by 70 different sites. You can get off wherever you like and catch the next bus when you’re ready. They run every 15 minutes, white you are riding a guide talks to you about the sites. One of our guides was a darling young man who looked just like Rocky (Sylvester Stallone). He had a heavy Bronx accent and was very funny. He would flirt with my girls and then argue with the driver who was being angry.

We were going to get off and take the Stanton Island Ferry, which passes near the Statue of Liberty. The actual tour of the Statue and of Ellis Island takes a full 3 hours. I’ve heard that Ellis Island tour is a very moving experience but we just didn’t have enough time for all of it. By the time we got to the Stanton Ferry the girls were cold, tired and hungry so we got off in Chinatown instead and made our way to Little Italy, which is actually one street deep in Chinatown. We ate at a small restaurant that had the best Italian food I ever ate.

The thing I wanted to do most in NYC was go to Broadway shows. I got tickets for 4 shows. We had brought dressy clothes because I thought if you couldn’t dress up in New York to go the theatre where in the world can you dress up. Of course we were over dressed. You can wear what you want to… After the show we wanted to go to the Rainbow Room, which is a restaurant bar on top of the Rockefeller Center Building. The girls were really tired of walking so David decided to hail a cab for us. Riding in a cab is supposed to be part of everyone’s New York experience that is unforgettable. It was! Just hailing the cab is not easy. Finally we got a cab. Our driver was from the Middle East with a turban on his heard and every thing. There is a joke that there are 10.000 cab drivers in NYC and collectively they speak 150 languages but none of them speak English. We did make it to the Rainbow Room where we had fancy after-dinner drinks while looking at the panoramic view of New York’s night-lights.

On Sunday we went to Radio City Music Hall and saw the Rockets Christmas Show. It was spectacular. That afternoon we went to a Broadway show called Tony and Tina’s Wedding. It is an interactive play. The actors talk to you and involve you in the show. It’s very funny. You are supposed to act too.

After the wedding we had to leave the city and go to New Jersey with David… What a wonderful trip it was! My girls will remember it always. I still smile when I think about it. I will write to Peace Links. The next trip will either be me to Russia or you to the U.S.!

Audrey About My Letters 12.09.04

I had been depressed when I got your last letter. It was a breath of fresh air for me. I wanted to tear it open the moment I took it out of the mailbox, but I made myself wait because I had some tasks (paying bills) I had to go. So I used your letter as a reward for completing my task I made myself some tea and read. It lifted my spirits tremendously. Thank you! (12.09.04).

It’s always so good to get a letter from you. There is something inside me now like a clock that knows I should be getting a letter soon. I have been checking the mailbox regularly for about two weeks hoping it would be there. Yesterday was the day. It was wonderful. Otherwise I only check the mail about every two or three days you know. I drive from Fairhope to Point Clear to get my mail. David doesn’t like the Fairhope post office because it is too busy and he refuses to have a mailbox by the street because it would be ugly. Isn’t that strange?

Audrey Thanks Me For All I Did For Her

You gave me a gift of wonderful moments. Moments that have forever changed my life. I treasure all of them. They flash through my life. I treasure all of them. They flash through my mind constantly. Thank you, my dear friend for all you did for me. You endless and untiring efforts to arrange travel and lodging and sights and events were appreciated. I loved it all. I miss everybody – your mom, Alyosha, Mike, Uncle Sam, the vest of your family and many friends…

I will share something with you. While you were here, I was totally happy. When we returned home at one point David even commented to me, “You look wonderful, you look happy, I can see it in your eyes”. This was not an off-hand comment. It hit him that my whole persona was remarkably different and that I must have been unhappy before. We were eating breakfast one morning and the things David was saying and the way he said them upset me greatly (I won’t go into what and why) and you noticed. You asked, “What’s wrong with you, are you upset?” (Do you remember this?) When you asked that I realized that my unhappiness shows in my eyes even if I try to conceal it. I do not want you to think that I was being a fake with you, Tanya. Actually, the opposite is true. You know that “authentic person” talked about in Simple Abundance. That is what you saw this summer. This is what you allowed me to be. Perhaps for the first time in almost thirty years I could just be me.

Russian Trip Presentation

Audrey was invited to present her Russian Trip presentation at a Catholic Church in a small town east of Fairhope.

“I made my door and wall look like a Russian Orthodox Church and I displayed all of the artwork that I brought Russia. I have had many comments from students and teachers. Then are very impressed. Next week is PTA Open House. I am sure many parents will enjoy looking at it that night.

My Sunday school class was most eager to hear all about the trip. I put my pictures in a large album and took them to church. I also presented the class with the gifts from Tanya and her church members. My class has asked me to do a presentation in October and the church at large has scheduled me for December 4 at their Wednesday night program my journal and formulate a presentation. When I accomplish that I will send you a copy.

Audrey and Handicraft Quilting 8.07.96

We have been sewing some this summer. Ashley said she wanted to learn to sew so we bought material for her to make a dress. Luckily the fashion now is simple A-Line shift dresses, which are easy to sew. Her dress turned out good. She made all of it except the zipper. I had to help with it and we had to put it in three times. Do you sew? I used to try to sew clothes for myself and the girls but they never looked very good so I quit trying. I do sew things like curtains, pillows, and costumes. My mother was a wonderful seamstress. We’re also starting to work on a baby quilt for my niece’s new baby boy. I found the squares in my sewing box in the attic. The pieces (squares) have already been appliquéd. It is called a little boy’s quilt and looks like this (рисунок с изображением фигурки мальчика с удочкой): obviously, I started to make this for some other baby in the family years ago and never finished it. The hats are all black and the shirts and pants are a variety of colors and prints. All we have to do is embroider the fish and fishing pole on each square and then connect the squares with a border and quilt it. If will not be a full bed size, if will be something he can nap on the floor, cover up with on the sofa, and carry around with him. I used to enjoy quilting. My mother has made numerous beautiful quilts. She also does magnificent embroidery work. I embroidered a baby quilt for Ashley that had the story of Peter Rabbit in picture form on it. It was such a laborious task that when I finished I swore I would never embroider again!

Audrey Tries to Comfort me in my Grief

Hold on, Tanya to the confidence and happiness you so recently gained and in your own words: keep your eyes on the Lord during your darkest times and he will pull you through. Here is a poem from me to you:

Hold on to what is good

Even if it is a handful of earth.

Hold on to what you believe Even if it is a tree, which stands by itself.

Hold on to what you must do

Even it is a long way from here.

Hold on to life

Even when it is easier letting go.

Hold on to my hand

Even when I have gone away from you.