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V. Questions and assignments.

1. What is ethics?

2. Give the definition of business ethics.

3. What are two important ethical concerns?

4. What does unethical behavior in relationships with customers and coworkers include?

5. Do you think it is ethical to give bribes, gifts and payments that might unfairly influence other persons business decisions?

6. What can you say about false and misleading advertising?

7. What do investors want in their relationships with manage­ment?

8. What do employees want in their relationships with manage­ment?

9. When is it easier for management to respond in an ethical manner — when business is good and profit is high or when profit is declining?

10. Why is effective prosecution of "illegal payoffs" difficult in international trade?

11. State three general sets of factors that influence the ethics of decision making.

12. State the difference between ethics and etiquette.

13. Should a manager stick to certain (определенный) rules of etiquette in his/her everyday activities?

14. Site the rules which are the most important to your opinion (no вашему мнению).

VI. Find in the text and write out.

1. The words and word combinations which define right ethics.

2. The words and word combinations which define wrong ethics.

VII. Speak on ethical behaviour of an ideal manager, and the rules of etiquette he/she should stick to (придержива­ться).

  1. Read and translate.


Sexual harassment is a fact of life in many workplaces.

To avoid sexual harassment managers must have some defini­tion of the term. Is it harassment if a supervisor demands that his secretary sleep with him to keep her job? Yes. Is it harassment if he flirts with her, or tells her an off-colour joke? Maybe. If he tells her she looks nice, is that harassment? Probably not, but not

everyone agrees. Most workers recognize this "unwelcome". Others insist that an action must be repeated to be offensive.

In 1986, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a ruling that stated that requiring sexual contacts as a condition of employment or promotion violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Requirement of sexual contacts or unwelcome sexual advances and coercions (sexual harassments) are crimes and are subject to punishment according to the laws of many countries.