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2. Put 10 questions to the text.

3. Give the synonymous words from the text to the following:

  • to change place of living

  • recently

  • speak to

  • to pass away

  • impecunious, necessitous

  • consequently

  • pseudonym

  • reside

Text B

  1. Translate into Russian using a dictionary: prince charles, superstar

It is his complexion that first strikes you: the ruddy, weathered face of the country­man, its rosy cheeks offset by tired and deeply bagged blue eyes. You can see that he once broke his nose playing rugger. He lets his sideburns advance, wedge-shaped, across his cheeks. When talking to him, it is hard to take your eyes off him.

In private, the automatic public gestures remain. The wringing of the hands, for want of being able to put them in his pockets. The nervous smile, the apprehensive frown whenever the conversation takes an unexpected and possibly undesired direction. He inclines his head, like a child, and looks at you through his eyebrows, wondering what you're after. His guard is never down.

Onstage or off, he lives on his nerves. He grinds his signet ring around his little finger, he licks his lips, he strokes the contour of his nose. His mouth has an involuntary tic, which drags its corner down towards his chin, unhappily giving an impression of disapproval. He can get so wrapped in his own thoughts, remem­bering what he must do next, guarding against the unexpected, that he can appear unduly solemn; he forgets to laugh at people's jokes, lets glowing compliments pass by without his practiced, graceful smile.

His voice has the unmistakable huskiness of his father's, but his vowel sounds remain his mother's. Whatever he is saying they remain in danger of under­standing it. They are not of the real world ... It is as well people read, rather than hair, most of what he says.

And yet it is not; he has an excellent line in repartee, which falls limply on the printed page. His comic eye is for the absurd, and he is both quick and remorseless with puns. Meanwhile, he has his own ways of amusing himself. The tiniest detail, he knows, can create an enormous effect. He will occasionally substitute "My mother..." for the more correct "The Queen...", to insert a calculated frisson into the conversation. It helps him take control.

At 5ft. l0 in. he is slightly shorter than you expect; his 11-stone frame wears its fitness and strength lightly, its slight shoulders and trunk settled on generous hips. His waist, thanks to constant exercise, remains a trim 31 in., but his chest a rather disappointing 37. His movements are sudden and awkward - he has a tendency to knock things over - but furiously ever onward. Wherever he is in the world, he is the focal point of an ebb tide flowing his way and that on the tightest of schedules. The pace in his company is exhausting. When he stops for a conversation his eyes keep moving, working out where to go next, unable to igurve the frantic activity going on around him.

From Charles, Prince of Wales by Anthony Holder

2. Put 10 questions to the text.

3. Decide whether these statements are true or false according to the passage.

  1. When talking to him, it is easy to take your eyes off him.

  1. In private, the automatic public gestures remain.

  2. Charles never lives on his nerves.

4) He forgets to laugh at people's jokes, lets glowing compliments pass by without his practiced, graceful smile.

5) His voice has the unmistakable huskiness of his mother's, but his vowel sounds remain his father's.

4. Make a short summary of the text. Do it according to the following plan:

1. The title of the text is...

2. The text is devoted to ...

3. It consists of ...

4. The first passage deals with ...

5. The second (third, forth, etc.) passage deals with ...

6. The main idea of the text is ...


  1. Read and translate into Russian using a dictionary: