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2. Ask and answer 10 questions to the text.

3. Decide whether these statements are true or false according to the passage.

  1. Many people from small towns go to live in big cities.

2) Urban areas contain mainly hills, mountains, rivers and streams.

3) Many people go to live in urban areas to find work.

  1. Factories are built inside residential areas.

  2. Business districts are usually in the downtown area of the city.

  3. Workers often live in skyscrapers in the suburbs.

  4. The suburbs of a city usually contain more trees and parks than the downtown areas.

  5. The movement from country to city will definitely continue in the future.

4. Make a short summary of the text. Do it according to the following plan:

1. The title of the text is...

2. The text is devoted to ...

3. It consists of ...

4. The first passage deals with ...

5. The second (third, forth, etc.) passage deals with ...

6. The main idea of the text is ...

Учебный элемент 2 (уэ-2) «polotsk state university»


1. Dwell on the following proverbs:

  • It is never too late to learn.

  • Lost time is never found again.

  • Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

2. Do you know any difference between the education system in Belarus and the education system in Great Britain?

3. Do you agree that for individuals and families, education increases income and improves health?

4. What made you choose this particular university and this faculty for studies?

I. Improve your word power.

1. Pronounce the following words and memorize them:

abroad (adv)

- за рубежом

access (n)

- доступ

achievement (n)

- достижение

amateur (adj)

- любительский

anniversary (n)

- годовщина, юбилей

annually (adv)

- ежегодно

application (n)

- применение

aspiration (n)

- стремление

assignment (n)

- задание

assistance (n)

- помощь, поддержка

available (adj)

- доступный

breadth (n)

- широта, ширина

confidence (n)

- уверенность

contest (n)

- соревнование; конкурс

diverse (adj)

- разнообразный

essential (adj)

- существенный

establishment (n)

- учреждение

event (n)

- событие

fame (n)

- слава

graduate (n)

- выпускник

improvement (n)

- усовершенствование

lawyer (n)

- юрист

maintenance (n)

- поддержание

notable (adj)

- выдающийся

outing (n)

- загородная прогулка

performance (n)

- представление

photogrammetry (n)

- фотограмметрия

priority (n)

- приоритет; очередность

probation (n)

- стажировка

purification (n)

- очистка

refectory (n)

- студенческая столовая

renovated (adj)

- отреставрированный

scientific (adj)

- научный

sewage (n)

- канализация

staff (n)

- штат сотрудников

unsurpassed (adj)

- непревзойденный

to aim (v)

- ставить цель

to attend (v)

- посещать

to elaborate (v)

- разрабатывать

to enable (v)

- позволять

to enrich (v)

- обогащать

to equip (v)

- вооружать, оборудовать

to evaluate (v)

- оценивать

to carry out (v)

- проводить

to implement (v)

- внедрять

to improve (v)

- улучшать

to involve (v)

- вовлекать, включать

to gain (v)

- приобретать

to participate (v)

- участвовать

to provide (v)

- обеспечивать, предоставлять

to require (v)

- требовать

to shape (v)

- формировать

to suit to (v)

- подходить; соответствовать

to update (v)

- модернизировать

up-to-date (adj)

- современный