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2. Ask and answer 10 questions to the text.

3. Make a short summary of the text. Do it according to the following plan:

1. The title of the text is...

2. The text is devoted to ...

3. It consists of ...

4. The first passage deals with ...

5. The second (third, forth, etc.) passage deals with ...

6. The main idea of the text is ...

4. Put general and special questions to each sentence:

1) The academic year begins in April, and ends in March. (when)

2) Since World War II higher education has become so popular that universities have come down to the level of general education. (when, what)

3) Japan's universities are divided into three categories. (what, how)

4) There are 1,994,615 students in universities throughout the country. (how many)

5) The academic year is from April to March. (when)

6) Summer vacation differs according to the university. (what)

7) General subjects, foreign languages and physical education classes are generally taken in the first and second years. (when)


The belorussian state university

The Belorussian State University is a centre of culture and science, the major higher educational establishment in the Republic of Belarus. It is the oldest University in our Republic. It was founded in 1921 and 1,010 workers and peasants were admitted to its two faculties.

The republic's first University rapidly grew and developed and in the pre-war period a number of independent higher schools for medicine, pedagogic, national economy appeared on its basis.

During the Great Patriotic War the University was razed to the ground by the Nazi invaders. In the post-war years the University was quickly restored and in a short period of time it turned into one of the largest institutions of higher education of the country.

At present the University has 9,750 students, 125 Depart­ments (chairs), 1,441 teaching staff, including 211 full Professors, 935 Associate Professors and Doctors.

There are 13 faculties at the University at present: Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology, Philology, Journalism, History, Economy, Law, International Relations which train specialists in 17 professions and 50 specializations. It has day and correspondence departments where thousands of students study. They attend lectures and seminars. All the students study foreign languages. Students' practical work is given much attention to.

The University course lasts five years. An academic year is divided into two terms, each ending in an examination session. Those who pass the exams successfully get a scholarship.

The students of the University can do any sport and any recreational activity.

A lot of students carry out research work in various laboratories which are equipped with up-to-date devices.

Every year hundreds of young specialists begin working in different branches of national economy, science, education, in mass media, prosecutor's offices and courts.

In 1967 the Belorussian State University was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour for its contribution to the development of science and academic training.

The Belorussian State University is a major world University centre, a member of the International Universities Association. At present the BSU has links with over 100 higher educational establishments and research centres of the world. The University participates in a number of international projects like TEMPUS, INTAS, COPERNICUS, and ASE.

Its seventy-fifth anniversary the University celebrated as an internationally recognized classical university integrating essential features of the educational, scientific and cultural centre. The staff is proud of the University traditions and achievements but at the same time it realises the necessity of serious reforms aimed at preserving the accumulated intellectual potential and promoting progressive development of the Belorussian University in future.