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9. Put the verb in brackets into the Passive Voice.

  1. My new computer (deliver) tomorrow.

  2. Teachers ought to (pay) a higher salary.

  3. A new drug for cancer (develop) by scientists now.

  4. Her purse (steal) on the bus some days ago.

  5. A new underground station (complete) by Christmas.

  6. The old building (pull) down recently.

  7. A lot of new houses (build) in the provinces at the present moment.

  8. This ancient settlement (find) by archaeologists before the war.

  9. Thousands of rare animals (kill) every year.

  10. The day before yesterday we (invite) to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins.

  11. The letter and the parcel (post) tomorrow.

  12. Margaret (know) to be a very industrious person.

  13. In Greece the Olympic Games (hold) once in four years.

  14. The Tower of London (build) by William the Conqueror in 1078 as a castle and palace.

  15. This story (tell) by Charles Dickens.

  16. The old man (take) to the hospital.

  17. Look! The bridge (repair).

  18. The problem (study) for three years, but they haven’t got any results.

  19. All the students (invite) to the party.

  20. Mr. Snowdon (interview) at the moment.

  21. The salad already (make).

  22. The book (discuss) yet.

  23. One of our windows (break) by the wind last night.

  24. The pre-war education and material base of the University (restore) at the end of the 1950.

  25. A new University building (construct) in the center of the city.

  26. Highly qualified specialists (train) at numerous departments and faculties of the University.

  27. None of the goals in education (achieve) quickly or easily.

  28. Much discussion (hold) now about quality of education and its influence on life quality.

  29. Ecological problems (give) much attention to lately.

  30. He told me that he (offer) a well-paid job at a publishing house.

10. Put the verb into the Active Voice or the Passive Voice.

  1. It is a big plant. Four hundred people (employ) there.

  2. Water (cover) most of the Earth's surface.

  3. The park gates (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.

  1. The parcel (post) before Christmas and it (arrive) only yester­day.

  1. The ship (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody (rescue).

  1. Brian's parents (die) when he was very young. He and his sister (bring) up by their grandparents.

  1. While I was on holiday, my camera (steal) from my hotel room.

  2. I (take) these photographs in Paris.

  3. I (bear) in Rome but I (grow) up in the north of England.

  4. They (appoint) a new director by the end of the week.

2. Modal verbs

I must hurry. I must warn him of the danger.

Я должен торопиться, я обязан предупредить его об опасности.

duty, obligation

(необходимость, моральная обязанность)

We have to carry out this experiment two times.

Мы должны провести этот эксперимент два раза.

necessity, duty

(необходимость, вызванная внутр. обстоятельствами)

The meeting is to take place at 5 p. m.

Совещание должно состояться в 5 вечера.

plan, agreement

(необходимость, вытекающая из заранее намеченного плана)

I can carry his heavy bag.

Я смогу нести эту тяжелую сумку.

ability, capability

(возможность выполнения действия благодаря физич. или умствен. способностям)

He should work harder.

Ему следует работать усердно.



You may use dictionaries.

Вы можете пользоваться словарями.

permission, request
