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Informal letters

  • address & date (your address in the top, right-hand corner, followed by the date.)

  • greeting (e.g. Dear John, Dear Mum, etc.)

  • informal language (e.g. I’ve been meaning to write to you for ages; Don’t worry; By the way;

It was a piece of cake; 1’ll pick you up; We can give it a try, etc)

  • ending (e.g. Yours/Love/Best wishes! Regards! +your first name)

Informal letters are sent to people you know well (e.g. friends, relatives, etc) aboutyour recent news, personal problems, information you need, etc. They are written in an informal style with a chatty, personal tone.

An informal letter should consist of:

an informal greeting (Dear Ken /Aunt Joan/ etc );

an introduction in which you write your opening remarks (i.e. asking about your

friend’s health, etc) and mention your reason for writing (e.g. Hi! How are you?

I thought I’d write and let you know that ... ;)

a main body in which you write the main subject(s) of the letter in detail, starting

a new paragraph for each topic;

a conclusion in which you write your closing remarks (e.g. That’s all my news for now. Write back soon ... ;)

an informal ending (e.g. Lots of love/Best wishes/ate + your first name).

MODEL 1 6, Greenway Road


17 May, 2011

Dear Sarah,

I’ve got some great news. Richard and I are going on holiday for a whole month. Guess where – Hawaii!

We’re leaving on 1st June. We both love swimming, so we’re going to stay at a fabulous hotel right next to the beach. I’m going to relax as much as possible because I’m quite tired after working hard all this year.

We’re coming back from our holidays on 30th June, and I’ve got lots of plans for the rest of the summer. First, I’m going to work at a café because I want to earn some extra money and buy a new car. I’m also going to join a gym to lose some weight. Finally, I want to find a better job in autumn, so I’m going to start a computer course.

Oh, I nearly forgot! On 16th August we’re having a garden party to celebrate Richard’s birthday. Please try to come. You’re welcome to spend the night here. Well, that’s all for now. Hope to see you soon.




17, Green Street


29 May, 2011

Dear Emily,

I’m writing to invite you to my birthday celebration on Friday, 15 June. It’s going to be an all-day affair, so you should be here by eleven o’clock in the morning.

Since it’s my sixteenth birthday, my parents want it to be a very special day, so this is what we’re going to do. First, we’re going to take everyone to the stables and hire horses. Then we’re going to ride to Elmington Estate and have a picnic there. When we get back, there will be games and refreshments in the garden, and in the evening there’ll be supper and dancing. I just hope the weather is fine!

Let me know if you can come, and tell me your news as well. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Lots of love.


Pre-writing task 1

Use the information below to write a letter to a friend about your holiday in Rhodes, Greece.

Para 1.

Where you are: Rhodes, Greece

What the weather is like: hot and sunny

Where you are staying: Rodos Park Suites Hotel near the old town

Para 2:

What you have done: been to Kalithea Spa/Tuesday/ lovely/ relaxing/ took pictures; walked around the

old town/ yesterday/ fascinating/bought some souvenirs

Para 3:

What you haven’t done: visited the Archaeological Museum; been to the Hydro-biological Institute

What you are going to do: visit the museum/tomorrow afternoon/ to admire the exhibits; go to the Hydro-

biological Institute/ Friday/ to see the many different fish

Para 4:

What you think of the place: magnificent – worth seeing it one day

When you are returning: 2nd September – see you then

Pre-writing task 2

Your friend called Charlie has invited you to go clubbing next Saturday, but you can’t go. Write an e-mail to Charlie. In your e-mail you should

  • thank him for inviting you

  • tell him you can’t go

  • suggest meeting another time

Before writing, read the e-mails A, B and C. Decide which is the best answer and why. What is wrong with the other two answers?


Dear Charlie

I’m inviting you to go clubbing with me next Saturday. I hope you can come, but, please, tell me if you can’t. If I don’t see you on Saturday, we could meet another day. Are you free on Friday?



Dear Charlie

Thank you for inviting me to go clubbing with you next Saturday. I’m sorry, but I can’t go because I’m going to Edinburgh for the weekend with my cousins. I’d like to see you next week. Are you free on Monday evening?



Dear Charlie

I can’t come clubbing with you on Saturday. Can we meet another time? I am free on Tuesday. We could go to a café.


Pre-writing task 3