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Writing assignment:

  1. Activate words and collocations from your student’s book:

ask for some expert advice

be over someone / sth

carefree life

It would be a big success


Just think!

consider it carefully

keep busy

cope with

keep in touch

determined to continue

make a tough decision


make decisions by throwing dice

fall in / fall out

make up his mind

feel a little concerned

phone a helpline

give up

Problems came up.

have a huge argument

respect and admire

have their own ideas

slight problem


He is desperately keen to do this.

His life was trouble-free.

sort the problem out

ignore the problem

swept away

It would have been much more sensible and more supportive of him.

It would have been wrong to force her to give up.

  1. Memorize extra vocabulary: idioms / proverbs

Honesty is the best policy.

Tomorrow is another day

Time and tide wait for no man.

If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.

Second thoughts are better.

As you make your bed, so you must lie upon it.

A change is good as a rest.

If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.

Good counsel does no harm.

He that never climbed never fell

.Grasp all, lose all.

He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.

Lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit.

A trouble shared is a trouble halved

It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem

If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have.

  1. Make up as many sentences as you can using words and phrases suggested above.

  2. Perform the following pre-writing tasks:

Pre-writing task 1

1.1 Look at the problems (1-5) and match them to the solutions (a-e). Which of these problems do you think is the most / least serious? Can you think of anymore problems and solutions?



  1. air pollution

  1. provide more litterbins

  1. heavy traffic

  1. move factories out of the city

  1. nowhere for people to walk

  1. encourage people to use public transport

  1. nowhere for children to play

  1. build more parks and playgrounds

  1. litter

  1. build wider pavements

1.2 Match the solutions above to each of the results below. Then talk about the problems, solutions and their results, as in the examples.