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          1. there would be fewer cars on the roads

          2. the streets would be cleaner

          3. the air would no longer be dangerous to breathe

          4. children would have somewhere safe to play

          5. people would be able to move around more easily

e.g. If people were encouraged to use public transport, there would be fewer cars on the roads. So, the traffic would not be so heavy.

Pre-writing task 2

Read this excerpt from a psychology magazine. Sort out the problems and solutions mentioned there. Express your opinion. Pay your special attention to a correct use of reflexive and reciprocal pronouns.

Self - talk

Self-talk is the way we explain a problem to ourselves. It can affect how we feel and how we act. Take the case of Tom and Sara. They both laid off their jobs, but their reactions were very different.

Sara frequently called her friends, continued her free-time activities, and kept herself fit. Tom, on the other hand, spent all his time by himself, didn’t allow himself to have a good time, and gained ten pounds.

Why were their reactions so different from one another? They both lost their jobs, so the situation itself can’t explain Tom’s problems. The main difference was the way Tom and Sara explained the problem to themselves. Sara told herself that the problem was temporary and that she herself could change it. Tom saw himself as helpless and likely to be unemployed forever.

Positive self-talk can make the difference between winning and loosing, Many athletes use self-talk to help themselves succeed. For example, golf pro Jack Nicklaus used to imagine himself making a winning shot just before he played. Olympic swimmer Summer Sunders prepares herself for a race by smiling. One sports psychologist believes that Olympic athletes are not very different from one another. – they are all the best in their sports. When the top athletes compete against each other, the winner is the one with the most powerful positive “mental movies”.

Psychologists say that ordinary people themselves can use these techniques as well. We can create “mental movies” to help themselves succeed tin difficult situations.

Pre-writing task 3

Read the article about setting goals. Comment on the advice given. Then complete the worksheet for yourself, using future time clauses.

GO FOR IT !!!!

What are your dreams for your future? Are you going to get your degree by the time you are twenty-two? Will you start your own business before you turn forty?

We all have dreams, but they won’t become really until we change them to goals. Here’s how:

  • Put your dreams on paper.

When you write your dream down, it will start to become a goal. Your path will be a lot clearer.

  • Now list your benefits.

For example, Latoya Jones is going to go back to university as soon as she saves enough money. One benefit: she’ll get the job she wants when she has her degree. When things get tough, Latoya will read her list and remember the benefits.

  • Write down smaller goals.

It’s easier to reach a goal when you break it down into steps. Before Latoya applies, she’s going to look at university catalogs. She won’t decide on a school until she visits several of them.

  • Act today.

Will you watch TV before dinner tonight or read university catalogs? After you know your smaller goals, it will be easier to make these small decisions every day.


  1. Write your major goal.

(e.g. I’ll get a highly-paid job after I graduate)


  1. List three benefits of achieving your goal.

(e.g. When I get a highly-paid job, I’ll have enough money to buy a car)

  1. How will you reach your goal? Write down smaller goals.

(e.g. Before I have a job interview, I’ll improve my computer skills)

Pre-writing task 4

Read the extracts, identify each person’s problem, then read the advice Auntie Claire gives each one of them. Which piece of advice matches each problem? Write a short essay mentioning the problems of the people and their possible solutions.


I moved to London with my family a month ago. I haven’t made any new friends yet and I miss my old friends. I’m going to start at my new school next week but I don’t want to. I’m afraid my new schoolmates will tease me because of my accent. I think I’ll be miserable there. I want to go back to my village. What can I do?


I’m a working mother with a two-month-old son. My house is very far from my workplace. If I carry on working there, I‘ll miss out on the pleasure of spending time with my son. I’m thinking of applying for a part-time job in a place which is much nearer, but if I get the job, I’ll earn a lot less money and I’ll have no chance of promotion. Could you please help me?


I am 65 and I have always been kept busy with my shop, but I will be retiring in February, so I’m not going to have anything to do. I’m an active person and it will be impossible for me to sit around the house. If I spend my time just going on pensioners’ trips or walk s in the park, I’ll feel useless. Any ideas?