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Language Work The Article (a/an; the)



No article

1. singular countable nouns:

  • a student

1. when it is clear in the situation which thing or person we mean:

  • Turn off the light, please. (= the light in this room)

1. plural countable nouns:

  • students

2. uncountable nouns, used in the meaning of countable nouns:

I bought a paper to read. (= a newspaper) but

I need paper to write on. (= material for writing on)

2. when we are thinking of a specific thing:

  • I mended the computer yesterday (= my computer)

2. uncountable nouns:

  • water, ore

3. when we mention thing or person for the first time:

  • A man was sitting opposite me.

3. only one of something:

  • The captain is on deck. (there is only one captain on a ship)

3. in the word television but

The television = the television set

4. singular:

  • nationality can be singular a Japanese, a Sudanese, a Swiss

4. we say: the sky, the sea, the ground, the country, the environment

4. noun + article: room 127 (in a hotel) question 3 (in an exam)

5. if the plural noun of a nationality ends in –s:

  • an Italian -> Italians;

  • a Turk -> Turks;

5. before same:

  • the same

5. prison, hospital, university, college and church (as a general idea of these places)

6. usually the radio

6. bed; work; home

7. with most places: the cinema, the bank, the theatre, the post office

7. go to sea; be at sea; go/be on voyage

8. when we mean a type of something:

  • The computer is my favourite device.

8. about things or people in general:

  • My favourite subject is physics.

9. the + adjective (without a noun) to talk about groups of people:

  • the young

  • the unemployed

9. man (= human beings in general/ the human race)

10. the + nationality adjectives ending in –ch or –sh:

  • the English

  • the Spanish

ending in –ese:

  • the Chinese

  • the Japanese

  • the Sudanese

10. before names of people, continents, countries, states, islands, cities, towns, mountains etc.:

  • Jack

  • Europe

  • Bermuda

  • Cairo

  • Everest

11. in names with Republic, Kingdom, States:

  • the United Kingdom

  • the Republic of Belarus

11. Mr./Mrs./Captain/Doctor etc. + a name:

  • President Johnson

  • Doctor Johnson

mount (= mountain) and lake in the same way

  • Mount Etna

12. with plural names of people and places:

  • the Taylors

  • the Rocky Mountains

12. names of companies, airlines etc.:

  • Sony

  • Apple

  • IBM

13. before adjectives and adverbs in a comparative degree:

  • The sooner you come back the better.

13. with prepositions from, to:

  • from side to side

  • from day to day

14. if a noun is an object to a verb:

  • to lose sight

  • to take part

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