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Прочтите диалоги и расскажите об участниках и их проблемах.

Dialogue 1.

A: Hello! Is that 5553737?

B: Yes, you are right.

A: Can I speak to Mr. Brown, please?

B: Speaking. Tell me what it is about.

A: You know, I ordered 100 new detective story books for my library. It took place a month ago. You know, I received these books yesterday, but there were some problems.

B: Oh, really! What were the problems?

A: First of all, 2 boxes of 10 were badly packed, that’s why the packing material was damaged, so there were dirty the books in them!

B: Oh, we are awfully sorry! I can’t see how that could happen. Our client Services Department always takes care of the packaging material while sending the books.

A: To make matters worse, 5 books of 100 were not detectives at all! They were the same love stories which you sent to me last month.

B: Oh, we are terribly sorry! Please, don’t worry! We will deliver you 5 detective story books from the stock today in the afternoon, and you can send the damaged and wrong books back with our Client Services Department specialist who will come to you office. We will exchange all the damaged book for you.

A: That seems to be the best way. Thank you. I am looking forward to meeting your specialist with the books.

B: Bye for now.

Dialogue 2.

A: Hello! I’d like to speak to your office manager.

B: Just a moment, sir. What is it about?

A: I am afraid I have to make a serious complaint about the work of you flight agent.

B: I see. How can I introduce you to our office manager?

A: My name is Mr. Harris.

B: I am putting you through . … I am sorry, Mr. Harris. I am afraid Mr. Black – our Office Manager – is out at the moment. May I ask you what it is about, Sir? I’m Mr. Black’s Secretary. I can give him a message.

A: All right. You know, I’ve been traveling with your company for 5 years so far and I have always been satisfied with the work of your flight agents. But last Wednesday I was late for a very important business meeting in London because I didn’t catch the connecting flight from Boston to New York. Your flight agent Mrs. Smith was absolutely sure that I would have no problem and plenty of time.

B: I am sorry to hear it. It is very strange of Mrs. Smith, because she has been working in our company for 10 years and she has never had any complaints. I’ll tell our office Manager about your complaint. I think we’ll look into the matter for you and talk to the person responsible for the mistake.

A: Thank you I hope it will never happen again.

B: Certainly, Sir. We take care of our business reputation.

Dialogue 3.

A: Hello, my name is Jack Stewart. I’d like to speak to Mr. Bronson, please.

B: Do you have an appointment with us?

A: Unfortunately not, I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. Bronson.

B: What would you like to speak about?

A: He told me to call him about my project. It is called Australia, 2005. It is a book of pictures about the life in Australia.

B: What kind of book is it?

A: It is a coffee table book. I have included different photos into my book, everything we spoke about 3 month ago.

B: Could you describe of your photos?

A: You know, the book includes some picturesque places in Australia, such as Crocodile parks or Peaceful Gardens in Nerrena, and a lot of photos of people working, having a rest, traveling.

B: Oh, I see. But what is the problem?

A: You know, Mr. Bronson promised to send me some advance payment when I finished some photos of Woodford Folk Festival on the New Year. So, I am ready to show all the photos he needed.

B: Oh, I can fit you in his schedule for tomorrow. You can show your photos to Mr. Bronson and his marketing people and you’ll get your advance payment.

A: Thank you very much. What time should I come?

B: Come around 8 a.m., if you can.

A: That suits me. See you tomorrow, bye.

B: Bye-bye.

Exercise 5. Прочтите диалоги еще раз и побеседуйте с партнером от имени одного из участников беседы.

Exercise 6. Заполните пропущенные в диалогах места, подходящими по смыслу выражениями:

Dialogue 1.

A: Hello! Is that … ?

B: Yes, you are right.

A: Can I speak to … , please?

B: Speaking. Tell me what it … .

A: You know, I ordered … . It took place a month ago. You know, I received …, but there were some problems.

B: Oh, really! What were the problems?

A: First of all …

B: Oh, we are awfully sorry! I can’t see how that could happen. Our … Department always takes care of the packaging material while sending the books.

A: To make matters worse… .

B: Oh, we are terribly sorry! Please, don’t worry! We will … .

A: That seems to be the best way. Thank you. I am looking forward to meeting your specialist with… .

B: Bye for now.

Dialogue 2.

A: Hello! I’d like to speak to … .

B: Just a moment, … . What is it about?

A: I am afraid I have to make a serious complaint about the work of you flight agent.

B: I see. How can I introduce you to our …. ?

A: My name is … .

B: I am putting you through . … I am sorry, Mr. Harris. I am afraid Mr. Black – our Office Manager – … . May I ask you what it is about, Sir? I’m Mr. Black’s Secretary. I can give him a message.

A: All right. You know, I’ve been traveling with your company for 5 years so far and I have always been satisfied with the work of your flight agents. But last Wednesday I was late for a very important business meeting in London because I didn’t catch the connecting flight from Boston to New York. Your flight agent … was absolutely sure that I would have no problem and plenty of time.

B: I am sorry to … . It is very strange of Mrs. Smith, because she has been working in our company for 10 years and she has never had any complaints. I’ll tell our office Manager about your complaint. I think we’ll look into the matter for you and talk to the person responsible for the mistake.

A: Thank you I hope it will never …. .

B: Certainly, Sir. We take care of … .

Dialogue 3.

A: Hello, my name is … . I’d like to speak to … , please.

B: Do you have an appointment with us?

A: Unfortunately not, I’d like to make an appointment with …. .

B: What would you like to speak about?

A: He told me to call him about my project. It is called Australia, 2005. It is a book of pictures about the life in Australia.

B: What kind of book is it?

A: It is a coffee table book. I have included different photos into my book, everything we spoke about 3 month ago.

B: Could you describe of your photos?

A: You know, the book … some picturesque places in Australia, such as Crocodile parks or Peaceful Gardens in Nerrena, and a lot of photos of people working, having a rest, traveling.

B: Oh, I see. But what is … ?

A: You know, Mr. Bronson promised to send me some advance payment when I finished some photos of Woodford Folk Festival on the New Year. So, I am … all the photos he needed.

B: Oh, I can fit you in his schedule for tomorrow. You can show your photos to … and his marketing people and you’ll get your advance payment.

A: … What time should I come?

B: Come around 8 a.m., … .

A: …. . See you tomorrow, bye.

B: Bye-bye.

Exercise 7. Побеседуйте со своим партнером и обсудите проблемы доставки, перемены или получения авансового платежа.

Exercise 8. Напишите письмо-жалобу на работу отдела по работе с клиентами большой промышленной компании.

Exercise 9. Напишите письмо в компанию по производству сельскохозяйственного оборудования с просьбой заменить часть оборудования, которое оказалось низкого качества.

Exercise 10. Задание для самостоятельной работы.

Выберите из предложенных вариантов правильный, запишите его следующим образом: 1А или 3С.

1. I am writing … about your Computer manager work.

A. complain

B. complaint

C. to complain

2. Your Information system is …

A. out of order

B. out order

C. out to order

3. We can’t settle the problem as your computers …

A. of poor quality.

B. are of poor quality

C. is of poor quality.

4. I am greatly dissapointed and Iwould like to have… .

A. fully compensation

B. fully compensated

C. full compesation

5. I am awfully sorry, Sir, and I will try to … as soon as possible.

A. sort it out

B. sort its out

C. sort it off.