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Прочтите диалоги и расскажите, что вы узнали о путешествиях участников.

Dialogue 1.

А: Thank you for calling Quick Air Travel. Can I help you?

В: I’d like to by a ticket from New York to Toronto. I am planning to fly on Friday, the 10th of June.

А: Would you like to by a one-way ticket or a round trip?

В: I would like it to be the least expensive round trip ticket and I’d like to be back on the 14th of June.

A: I see, sir. Then, you can stay in Toronto over a Saturday night and since it is still more than 14 days before you travel, you can get a supersaver ticket.

B: What’s the price?

A: It is 300 dollars for a round trip. It is cheaper than a one-way ticket.

B: Thank you very much. Please, reserve 2 seats for me.

Dialogue 2.

А:Helen! What are you doing here?

В: Hello, John! I am flying to London, by British Airways.

А: You look worried! What’s the matter?

В: You know, I have got some problems with my baggage. It is some excess baggage and I can’t take something out because I have some gifts for my friends and relatives in London. And I have no time to pay extra.

А: Oh, I can help you. I have only one small bag because I am flying on business. I can take one of your bags and bring it in.

В: Oh, John, you are very kind. Let’s hurry up! The boarding is coming to an end. Thank you very much.

A: Let’s go!

Dialogue 3.

A: Are you all right, madam? You look pale!

B: Oh, I am not quite right. I feel airsick a bit.

A: Would you like something to drink – some mineral water or juice?

B: Yes, that would be nice. And please, lower the back of my seat.

A: Yes, certainly. Is it better?

B: Yes, thank you. Could you ring for a stewardess? Maybe she can give me something for airsickness.

A: Just a moment, madam.

Exercise 5. Прочтите диалоги еще раз и побеседуйте со своим партнером от имени одного из участников диалога.

Exercise 6. Заполните пропущенные места в диалогах возможными ответами:

Dialogue 1.

А: Thank you for calling…

В: I’d like to by a ticket from…

I’m planning to fly on…

А: Would you like to buy…or…?

В: I would like to buy…

А: I see, sir, you can stay in…

В: What is the price?

A: It is…

Dialogue 2.

А: … .What are you doing here?

В: Hello, …! I am flying to…

А: You look … What’s the matter?

В: I have some problems with…

А: Oh, I can help. …

В: Oh, thank you very much. …

Dialogue 3.

А: Are you all right …?

В: I am not quite right. …

А: Would you like to drink something?...

В: Thank you. Could you ring for …

Exercise 7. Напишите письмо другу о своем путешествии самолетом, используя материал Unit 2.

Exercise 8. Побеседуйте со своим американским партнером и расспросите его об особенностях путешествий самолетом в США.

Exercise 9. Вы отправились в отпуск самолетом, перелет и сервис в аэропорту не оправдал ваших ожиданий. Напишите письмо – жалобу в фирму, используя следующие выражения:

  • I am writing to complain about … - Я пишу, чтобы пожаловаться…

  • To make matters worse…- Что еще хуже…

  • On top of everything – Сверх всего

  • I’d like to have full refund for all inconveniences – Я хотел бы иметь полное возмещение затрат за все неудобства

  • I am looking forward to your early reply – Я с нетерпением жду вашего быстрого ответа

  • In the case of your refusal I tend to … - В случае вашего отказа, я намереваюсь…

Exercise 10. Задание для самостоятельной работы:

Выберите из предложенных вариантов правильный и запишите его следующим образом: 1А или 3С.

Test 2

1. I would like … travel first class.

A. -

B. for

C. to

2. … forget your personal things on board the plane!

A. not to

B. don’t

C. to not

3. Where …you going to spend your summer holidays?

A. have

B. is

C. are

4. Have you …through the Customs yet?

A. gone

B. go

C. to go

5. How much … a return ticket to Huston, please.

A. is

B. are

C. am