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Грамматика 1 часть январь 2008.doc
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Entry Test

1. 1. Incorrect – It is unclear whether the antecedent of ‘it’ is ‘telescope’ or ‘moon’. 2. Incorrect – The pronoun should be singular, not plural, because the antecedent is ‘stamp collecting’. 3. Correct – ‘It’ does not need an antecedent when it stands in for time, distance, or weather. 4. Incorrect – He or she is the correct pronoun to refer to ‘a person’ since both are singular. ‘You’ changes the voice from 3rd person to 2nd person. 5. Incorrect – In this sentence it is unclear what is the antecedent of ‘which’. Normally, pronouns refer to the closest noun.

2. 6. she, me; 7. me; 8. me; 9. I; 10. I; 11. us; 12. us; 13. me, us, we; 14. them; 15. it, it, it, it; 16. them; 17. them, They, her, it, she; 18. me, him; 19. me, him; 20. me, I.

3. 21. that; 22. that; 23. This; 24. these; 25. that; 26. this; 27. That; 28. that; 29. those; 30. those.

4. 31. mine; 32. his; 33. hers; 34. theirs; 35. ours; 36. hers; 37. his; 38. yours; 39. ours; 40. theirs.

5. 41. herself; 42. me; 43. himself; 44. her; 45. themselves; 46. you/ me/ him, etc.; 47. you; 48. yourself; 49. themselves; 50. myself; 51. you; 52. itself.

6. 53. looked at each other; 54. dislike each other; 55. each other’s coats; 56. one another’s names; 57. give each other a hard time; 58. one another’s equipment; 59. books to each other; 60. They met in 1994; 61. talking to each other; 62. They married in 1991.

7. 63. Whose; 64. Who; 65. whom; 66. Which; 67. Who; 68. Whose; 69. What; 70. Who; 71. Who.

8. 72. what, which; 73. which; 74. what, what; 75. what, which; 76. which; 77. what; 78. which; 79. what; 80. what; 81. which; 82. what; 83. which.

9. 84. Other; 85. the other; 86. the other; 87. another; 88. another; 89. the other; 90. others; 91. another; 92. other; 93. another; 94. another; 95. the other; 96. the other. 97. another; 98. another; 99. another; 100. the other.

Review 2

1. 1. Albert took the book and opened it. 2. My father is fat. He weighs over 90 kilos. 3. ‘Who is that over there?’ ‘It is John Cook.’ 4. Mary is reach, isn’t she? 5. We’re going for a drink. Would you like to come with us? 6. Dad said he didn’t mind. 7. Why don’t you and I go away for the weekend? 8. Anne loved the picture because it reminded her of home. 9. It is a horrible place, London. 10. Can you help them? 11. It is ten miles to the nearest petrol station. 12. Did you give it to them? 13. They say she’s very clever. 14. I spoke to Mr Brown yesterday. He said he’d call me back. 15. These women, I’ll be glad when I go back home. 16. The ball hit her in the face.

2. One of the greatest… , but he was very absent-minded about small matters when he was thinking about his work. One morning Newton got up very early because he was working on a very difficult problem. Newton was thinking about the problem so deeply that he would not leave the problem to go to breakfast. But his housekeeper thought he needed food so he/ she sent Mary, a servant, to his study… stay with Newton until he ate the egg. But Newton wanted to be alone, and he said, «You can leave it with me, and I will boil the egg.» The servant put the egg on the table by the side of Newton’s watch and she said, «Sir Isaac Newton must boil the egg for four minutes and then the egg will be ready», then she left the room. The servant was afraid, however, that Newton might forget to boil the egg, so she returned about an hour later and found Newton standing by the fireplace. He had put the watch in the saucepan and was boiling the watch. He was holding the egg in his hand, quite unaware of the mistake that he was making.

Review 3

1. c; 2. a; 3. c; 4. b; 5. c; 6. c; 7. c; 8. b; 9. a; 10. c; 11. c; 12. a; 13. b; 14. c; 15. a;

16. b.

Review 4

1. 1. I’m writing to a friend of mine. 2. …a relative of ours. 3. …a book of mine. 4. …a neighbour of ours. 5. …a friend of his. 6. …a colleague of hers. 7. They went on holiday with two friends of theirs. 8. …classmates of his. 9. A daughter of hers. 10. A partner of mine. 11. … a friend of ours. 12. a/ that boyfriend of Lucy’s. 13. a cousin of the Queen. 14. He watched each gesture of hers. 15. … an old friend of mine. 16. …a teacher of mine.

2. 1. her; 2. her; 3. his; 4. his; 5. his; 6. their; 7. his; 8. my; 9. her; 10. my; 11. your; 12. my; 13. my; 14. your; 15. his; 16. his; 17. my; 18. her; 19. her; 20. her; 21. my; 22. your; 23. her; 24. my; 25. their; 26. his.

Review 5

1. 1. I cut myself…. 2. … dried ourselves. 3. … get myself some tennis shoes. 4. Talking to oneself … . 5. … about himself. 6. … to tell her… . 7. I love you for yourself… . 8. … do it yourself. 9. The house itself … . 10. … by myself. 11. … They can do it by themselves. 12. Do you shave on Sundays? 13. Try to concentrate. 14. I feel better today. 15. Hurry! 16. ... introduce herself to them.

2. 1. It can’t have been Picasso himself who painted this picture. 2. It was O. Wilde himself who said: ‘A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.’ 3. I was told about that by the headmaster himself. 4. It was the husband himself who painted the house. 5. It was Mary herself who solved that problem. 6. It was the Robinsons themselves who printed the card. 7. It was John himself who has never read the book. 8. It was I myself who painted this picture. 9. It was S. Bach himself who composed this fugue. 10. It was he himself who was too weak to do that. 11. It is you yourself who are mature enough for this. 12. It can’t have been P. McCartney himself who composed this song. 13. There can be no doubt that this book was written by E. Hemingway himself. 14. It was the CNN correspondent himself who told me the whole truth. 15. It was Julia herself who wrote her examination paper. 16. It was the President of the company herself who appeared on television on Monday.

Review 6

1. … bitterly disliked each other. 2. … they usually embrace each other. 3. We and the Smiths … . 4. We heard about them a lot … 5. Tom and Nicole parted from each other … . 6. We could talk to one another for hours! 7. … collided with each other. 8. … who are quarrelling with each other. 9. … I saw myself on TV yesterday. 10. … for herself and you? 11. … We can rely on each other. 12. Juan will do it himself. 13. Will you help me and my friend … 14. She cooked herself … . 15. … cooperate with each other … . 16. Don’t argue with each other!

Review 7

1. which 2. which 3. whom 4. what 5. who 6. what 7. what 8. what 9. who

10. what 11. who 12. which 13. how 14. what 15. whose 16. whom

Review 8

1.The book which/that I bought at the bookstore was very expensive. 2. The woman I met yesterday was nice. 3. The people who live next door to me are friendly. 4. I met a woman whose husband … . 5. Do you know the people who live … ? 6. The professor who/that teaches … .7. … who visited my/our house on Thanksgiving day. 8. The people who/whom I met at the party last night were interesting. 9. I enjoyed the music which/that we listened to. 10. The man whose bicycle was stolen was very angry. 11. The mother whose child was hurt rushed to the hospital. 12. The pen which/that I lost was a birthday present. 13. Paris which/that is so attractive in spring is too hot in summer. 14. I’ll have to talk to him, which I hate. 15. She is the only person whom/that I can trust. 16. I invited whoever wanted to come.

Review 9

1. a) 1. There is much ink left in my pen. 2. The storm did much damage to the house. 3. There is much milk left in the jug. 4. Many passengers were see-sick. 5. We have little time to go to the station. 6. I have few books in my library. 7. This train stops at any station. 8. We expected few people to visit us.

b) 1. Neither of the answers was correct. 2. There was nobody at the piano. 3.There is nothing unpleasant in his voice. 4. I don’t want to speak to any of them. 5. We hear nothing interesting there. 6. We saw nobody working on the road. 7. Nothing is being done for her.

2. 1. everything; 2. few; 3. it, it, one; 4. much; 5. one; 6. it; 7. little; 8. it; 9. one; 10. each; 11. every; 12. one; 13. both; 14. either.

4. 1. other; 2. some; 3. others; 4. either; 5. one; 6. neither; 7. one; 8. one; 9. one; 10. the other.