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Грамматика 1 часть январь 2008.doc
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2. Complete the sentences using patterns indicating inequality.

  1. (bronzed) The skin was …a Tahiti native’s.

  2. (nice) You are … many people think.

  3. (hot) Today the sun is … it was yesterday.

  4. (proud) The mother is … her daughter.

  5. ((musical) John is … as his sister.

  6. (interested) You are … in my dress … my dressmaker.

  7. (active) She is … her brother.

  8. (deep) The Naroch is … the Baikal.

  9. (expensive) Gold is … silver.

  10. (experienced) This secretary is … as that one.

  11. (narrow) This street is … that street.

3. Translate into English.

  1. самый чистый

  2. намного чище

  3. самый лучший

  4. значительно лучше

  5. гораздо интереснее

  6. гораздо более занятый

  1. намного хуже

  2. чем ярче солнце, тем теплее дни

  3. чем больше пьешь, тем больше хочется пить

  4. чем больше женщину мы любим, тем меньше нравимся мы ей.

Unit 5

Choose the right adjective.

  1. We were (horrifying/horrified) to know about the accident

  2. Why do you look so (boring/bored)?

  3. The (exciting/excited) children were opening their Christmas presents.

  4. He told me an (amusing/amused) story.

  5. It’s sometimes (embarrassing/embarrassed) to ask for help.

  6. Are you (interesting/interested) in politics?

  7. The situation is rather (depressing/depressed).

  8. She looked (worrying/worried).

  9. The room hasn't been cleaned for a long time. It looks (disgusting/ disgusted).

  10. The most (fascinating/fascinated) insect was walking across the paper.

Unit 6

Instead of the regular adjectives use substantivized adjectives.

  1. Rich people should pay more taxes.

  2. This memorial is to dead people.

  3. He liked to bask in the company of young people.

  4. It was a surprise to experienced people.

  5. He was wearing green: a garrison hat and the ribbons.

  6. He was part of the rich class.

  7. Poor people must stand together everywhere.

  8. We had to hand over our valuable things.

  9. Two Swiss girls were standing near the column.

  10. Scotch people are very proud.

Total 100/______

Chapter 3


Entry test

Unit 1

Translate into English.

  1. Воздушный шар не поднялся очень высоко.

  2. Собака подошла довольно близко.

  3. Они очень много (усердно) работают.

  4. Вряд ли у них было время на обед.

  5. Я почти поймал рыбу.

Unit 2

1. Put the adverbs in their usual position.

  1. (usually) Are you at home in the evening?

  2. (finally) They have caught the cat.

  3. (often) Sally doesn’t listen to the news.

  4. (generally) The weather is good here.

  5. (probably) David will be there.

  6. (never) You take risks.

  7. (hardly ever) Jerry is angry.

  8. (frequently) I lie awake at night.

  9. (seldom) You tell jokes.

  10. (always) Mary is late for work.

  11. (often) Ray worries.

  12. (enough) He did not try hard.

  13. (lately). She has been sad.

  14. (sometimes) He argues with his wife.

  15. (yesterday) He laughed at the comedy show.

  16. (never) I wish things were different.

  17. (soon) It’ll be 9 o’clock.

  18. (just) I have seen a marvelous film.

  19. She did not read (enough, then, quickly).

  20. (finally) The exam is over.