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3.4. Translate into English. Use the prepositions of place.

  1. Никого нет в саду.

  2. На твоей рубашке грязное пятно.

  3. Когда я хожу в театр, я предпочитаю сидеть в переднем ряду.

  4. Мюнхен – большой город на юге Германии.

  5. Телевизор находится в углу комнаты.

  6. На углу улицы есть телефон-автомат.

  7. Я сидел на заднем сидении машины, когда мы потерпели аварию.

  8. Напиши свое имя на обратной стороне конверта.

  9. Я буду на работе до 5.30, а дома весь вечер.

  10. Я видел Джона на футбольном матче в прошлую субботу.

  11. Я была у Джуди дома прошлым вечером.

  12. Мне понравился фильм, но в кинотеатре было очень холодно.

  13. Встреча прошла в королевском зале.

  14. Вот список покупок. Не покупай того, чего нет в списке.

  15. Собрание проходило в штаб-квартире компании.

  16. Дом Анжелы находится в конце улицы.

Unit 4 prepositions of movement




into (in)

out of







t hrough





E x e r c i s e s

4.1. Put in a preposition up, off, through etc.

  1. Don't forget to put a stamp on the postcard before you post it.

  2. I looked ..... the window and watched the people in the street.

  3. I didn't have a key, so I climbed ..... a window ..... the house.

  4. You can put your coat ..... the back of the chair.

  5. Do you know how to put a film ..... this camera?

  6. He jumped ..... the bridge ..... the water.

  7. Some idiot pushed her ..... the swimming-pool.

  8. I went ..... the chemist's just now, but I didn't notice if it was open.

  9. The sheep got out ..... a hole in the fence.

4.2. Work in pairs. Use the map of your city. Look at the map. Somebody asks you the way to a place and you tell him/her which way to go.

4.3. Work in pairs. Think of a place near your Academy.

A: Give your partner directions, but don't say what the place is.

B: Listen to the directions. Where are you?


Study these examples: go/ come/ travel (etc.) to a place or event

go to America, return to Italy, drive to the airport, go to the bank, take (somebody) to hospital, come to my house, be sent to prison

In the same way: on my way to ..., a journey to ..., a trip to ..., welcome to ... etc.

Compare: to (for movement) and in/at (for position): They are going to England; but They live in England. See you at the party.

NOTE: I've been to a place.

Compare: get to a place, but: arrive in (a country or town/city), arrive at (for other places or events).

C ompare: go home, come home, get home, arrive home, on the way home etc. (no preposition), but be at home, stay at home, do something at home;

go into, get into etc. = "enter" (a room, a building, a car etc.)

NOTE: enter a building, enter a room etc. (not "enter into").

Also in may be used instead of into: Come in the house or Come into the house.

The opposite of into is out of (войти/ выйти): get out of the car.

NOTE: get on/off a bus (сесть на/ сойти) a train, a plane, etc.

E x e r c i s e s