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Грамматика 1 часть январь 2008.doc
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2.2. Here is a story. Make it sound better by putting personal pronouns instead of nouns where you think necessary. Sir Isaac Newton’s Egg

One of the greatest Englishmen who ever lived was Sir Isaac Newton. No man of that time, or of almost any other time had greater or wiser mind than Newton had, but Newton was very absent-minded about small matters when Newton was thinking about his work. One morning Newton got up very early because Newton was working on a very difficult problem. Newton was thinking about the problem so deeply that Newton would not leave the problem to go to breakfast. But his housekeeper thought Newton needed food so the housekeeper sent Mary, a servant, to his study with a pan of water and an egg. The housekeeper told the servant to boil the egg and stay with Newton until Newton ate the egg. But Newton wanted to be alone, and Newton said, «Mary can leave the egg with Newton, and Newton will boil the egg.» The servant put the egg on the table by the side of Newton’s watch and the servant said, «Sir Isaac Newton must boil the egg for four minutes and then the egg will be ready», then the servant left the room. The servant was afraid, however, that Newton might forget to boil the egg, so Mary returned about an hour later and found Newton standing by the fireplace. Newton had put the watch in the saucepan and was boiling the watch. Newton was holding the egg in his hand, quite unaware of the mistake that Newton was making.

2.3. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Я представил ее им.

  2. Она сказала ему правду.

  3. Нам нравится эта книга, потому что она очень интересная и познавательная.

  4. Эта женщина – наша соседка. Я знаю ее очень хорошо.

  5. Я бы хотел поиграть с ними в волейбол.

  6. Пойдем со мной в театр.

  7. Я сделал все, что мог, но этого было недостаточно.

  8. Все в порядке, не так ли?

  9. Говорят, он хороший юрист.

  10. Дождь шел три дня.

  11. «Кто там?» – «Это я».

  12. Лекция очень интересная. Не пропусти ее.

  13. Покажи нам свой новый велосипед, пожалуйста. – Вот он.

  14. Я и Эрик хорошие друзья.

  15. Когда вы едете, всегда набрасывайте ремень безопасности.

  16. На столе грязная посуда. Вымой ее.


1. The demonstrative pronouns are: this, that, such, (the) same. The pronouns this and that have two numbers:

singular: this, that;

plural: these, those.

2. The demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those are used:

  • to point to physical objects (this and these refer to things close to the speaker, that and those refer to things which are more distant from the speaker, or not present.): This is a list of rules. Get that cat off the piano. ‘I brought you these,’ Adam held out a bag of grapes. All the time I was in that country I hated it.

  • t o identify or introduce people, or asking who they are: Who’s this? These are my children. Was that Patrick on the phone?

  • to refer to things that have already been mentioned or are going to be mentioned: That was an interesting word to use it just now. This is what I want to say: it wasn’t my idea

3. They say this one, that one, these ones and those ones: I like this one better. We’ll have those ones, thank you.

Which one or Which ones are used in questions: Which one do you prefer?’ Which ones were damaged?’

4. The pronoun such is often used with a noun: such + (adjective) noun. Note that the indefinite article a/an is used after such with countable nouns in the singular. No article is used with uncountable nouns or countable nouns in the plural: It is such an interesting book! There are such interesting books! It is such nice weather!

Such is not generally used demonstratively to refer to things in the present situations: Where can I get trousers like those? (Not: … such trousers?)

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