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Грамматика 1 часть январь 2008.doc
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8.1. Put in the correct preposition. If no preposition is needed, leave the space empty (–).

  1. She isn’t going out yet. She’s waiting for the snow to stop.

  2. Don’t ask me ….. money, please. Ask somebody else for a change.

  3. My granny is often not well. She suffers ….. very bad headaches.

  4. If they want a job at the plant, who do they apply …..?

  5. It is dreadful that some people are dying ….. hunger while others eat too much.

  6. She has searched everywhere ….. her child but she hasn’t been able to find him.

  7. They don’t want to talk ….. what happened yesterday evening.

  8. The accident was his fault, so he had to pay ….. the damage.

  9. I don’t want to discuss ….. what happened last night. Let’s forget it.

  10. They didn’t have enough money to pay ….. the bill.

  11. The teacher complimented him ….. his English. He spoke fluently and made very few mistakes.

  12. They discussed ….. the problem but they didn’t reach a decision.

  13. She doesn’t know whether she’ll go out tonight. It depends ….. how she feels.

  14. My friends are touring the USA. They’re in New York at the moment, but tomorrow they leave ….. Florida.

  15. The children wore warm clothes to protect themselves ….. the cold.

  16. The house is in very bad condition. I think we ought to do something ….. it.

  17. The house consists ….. three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

  18. My brother has just got engaged ….. his girlfriend.

8.2. Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs + preposition. Change the form of the verb where it is necessary.


explain, invite, laugh, listen, point, glance, speak, write, accuse, apologise, approve, congratulate, depend, live, pay

  1. He looks stupid with this haircut. Everybody will laugh at him.

  2. My parents don’t ….. what I do, but they can’t stop me.

  3. They don’t understand what this means. Can you ….. it ..... them?

  4. When you went to the theatre with Max, who ….. the tickets?

  5. He ….. his watch to see what the time was.

  6. It’s not very pleasant when you are ….. something you didn’t do.

  7. They’ve been ….. the party but unfortunately they can’t go.

  8. Are you playing golf next Sunday? – I hope so. It ….. the weather.

  9. Please ….. me! I’ve got something important to tell you.

  10. Things are very cheap there. You can ….. very little money.

  11. Tom and Ann had an argument and now they’re not ….. one another.

  12. When I saw my friend, I ….. him ….. passing his driving test.

  13. He ….. Linda last week but she hasn’t replied to his letter yet.

  14. He was very rude to his mother. He should ….. her.

  15. Be careful with those scissors. Don’t ….. them ….. me!


believe, concentrate, divide, drive, fill, happen, insist, succeed, apply, ask, do, leave, search, talk, wait

  1. He wanted to go alone but his wife insisted on coming with him.

  2. Police are ….. the man who escaped from prison.

  3. I haven’t seen my classmates for ages. I wonder what has ….. them.

  4. I’m still ….. a reply to my letter. I haven’t heard anything yet.

  5. He couldn’t stop in time when the car in front of him stopped suddenly, so he ….. the back of the car.

  6. He likes his job but he doesn’t ….. it much.

  7. It’s a very big house. It’s ….. 4 flats.

  8. When we had finished our meal, we ….. the waiter ….. the bill.

  9. Some people ….. ghosts. I think they only imagine that they see them.

  10. I am unemployed. I have ….. several jobs but I haven’t had any luck.

  11. She gave me an empty bucket and told me to ….. it ….. water.

  12. If something is wrong, why doesn’t he ….. something ….. it?

  13. Don’t try to do two things together. ….. one thing at a time.

  14. Tom is from England but now he lives in the USA. He ….. England ….. the USA when he was 20.

  15. It wasn’t easy but in the end they ….. finding a solution to the problem.