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дом.читання част.1.doc
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Grammar Tasks

1. Give three forms of the verbs: to feel, to spit, to sit, to lead, to hold, to fling, to lie, to rise, to tread.

2. Put the correct reflexive pronoun.

  1. “Well, Mabel, and what are you going to do with _____?”

  2. He felt quite safe _____.

  3. The dreary dining-room _____, with its heavy mahogany furniture, looked as if it were waiting to be done away with.

  4. Luckily he was engaged to a woman as old as _____.

  5. He was master of any horse, and he carried _____ with a well-tempered air of mastery.

  6. The dog faintly wagged its tail, the man stuck out his jaw and covered his pipe with his hands, and puffed intently, losing _____in the tobacco, looking down all the while at the dog with an absent brown eye.

  7. “You’ll have to make up your mind between now and next Wednesday,” said Joe loudly, “or else find _____ lodgings on the kerbstone.”

  8. “I thought you were concerned about the patients, wondered if you might be one _____.”

Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

  1. What’s happened to the brothers and the sister one day?

  2. How did they feel?

  3. Did they know how to cope with the problem?

  4. Who was Jack Fergusson?

  5. Why did he come to brothers’ house?

2. Discuss the following:

  1. Can you find the expressions in the text to show the brothers’ attitude to their sister?

  2. Can you give the brothers and the sister’s portraits?

P. 125-133


Pre-reading Tasks

  1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the dictionary:

retrieve, coarse, shears, causeway, churchyard, chrysanthemum, scrupulously, sincere, consciousness, tombstone, portentous, rough, clairvoyant, callous, thighs, abdomen, hideous, burden, kneel.

Vocabulary Tasks

1. Find in the story the English for:

будинок без слуг; маленьке вибрукуване подвір’я; неосвічений чоловік; страшенна метушня; усе пішло собаці під хвіст; борги та погрози; брати-невдахи; необмежені кошти; лихословити; незаконнонароджені діти; стати холодним, жорстким із ким-небудь; бути сама собі господиня; величезні ножиці та губка; дим з ливарного заводу; бруківка, мощена доріжка; мармуровий надгробок; успадкувати від; дивитися наче заворожений; дивовижні очі; у безперервній квапливості; рух лікував, відновлював його; найближчий край містечка; поспішати від оселі до оселі; іти повільно й обережно прямо до середини ставка; стояча вода; неприємна, огидна глина; холодна вода піднялася вище стегон; відчайдушна спроба; втратити рівновагу; вона була непритомна; важка ноша; стати на коліна; витерти насухо рушником.

2. Use one of the words or word combinations from the box in an appropriate form to fill each gap.

immune abdomen outpatients turmoil foundries clairvoyant tombstone suffocating persistent smouldering

  1. The stables had been full of horses; there was a great … and come-and-go of horses and of dealers and grooms.

  2. Mindless and … , she seemed in a sort of ecstasy to be coming nearer to her fulfillment, her own glorification, approaching her dead mother, who was glorified.

  3. It was a grey, wintry day, with saddened, dark green fields and an atmosphere blackened by the smoke of … not far off.

  4. Nevertheless, once under the shadow of the great looming church, among the graves, she felt … from the world, reserved within the thick churchyard wall as in another country.

  5. There remained distinct in his consciousness, like a vision, the memory of her face, lifted from the … in the churchyard, and looking at him with slow, large, portentous eyes.

  6. As he hired now to attend to the … in the surgery, glancing across the graveyard with his quick eye, he saw the girl at her task at the grave.

  7. In the distance, across a shallow dip in the country, the small town was clustered like … ash, a tower, a spire, a heap of low, raw, extinct houses.

  8. He seemed to see her in the midst of such obscurity, that he was like a … , seeing rather with the mind’s eye than with ordinary sight.

  9. The cold water rose over his thighs, over his loins, upon his … .

  10. And so doing he lost his balance and went under, horribly, … in the foul earthy water, struggling madly for a few moments.