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дом.читання част.1.doc
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  1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate pronoun.


    1. Now he was dead and … was gone to the dogs, there was nothing but debt and threatening.


    2. Then however brutal and coarse … was, the sense of money had kept her proud, confident.


    3. … , however, could shake the curious sullen, animal pride that dominated each member of the family.


    4. Why should she answer … ?


    5. She thought of … , not even of herself.


    6. … but work, drudgery, constant hastening from dwelling to dwelling among the colliers and the iron-workers.


    7. He stood on the bank, breathing heavily. He could see … .


    8. She was breathing regularly, her eyes were wide open and as if conscious, but there seemed … missing in her look.

  2. Choose the right pronoun:

    1. For months, Mabel had been servantless in the big house, keeping the home together in penury for her/ herself ineffectual brothers.

    2. But so long as there was money, the girl felt her/ herself established, and brutally proud, reserved.

    3. Mabel had no associates of her/ herself own sex, after her sister went away.

    4. She had loved her/ herself father, too, in a different way, depending upon him, and feeling secure in him/ himself, until at the age of fifty-four he married again.

    5. She would always hold the keys of her/ herself own situation.

    6. She need not demean her/ herself any more, going into the shops and buying the cheapest food.

    7. Some mystical element was touched in him/ himself.

    8. He could see the stables and the outbuildings distinctly, as they lay towards him/ himself on the slope.

    9. He felt, if he looked away from her, in the thick, ugly falling dusk, he would lose her/ herself altogether.

    10. She was conscious in her/ herself, but unconscious of her surroundings.

Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

  1. Were Mabel’s parents alive?

  2. Who helped her to keep the big house?

  3. Did the girl have friends?

  4. Did she suffer from poverty?

  5. Where did she feel infinite security?

  6. What happened to Mabel one evening?

  7. How did the doctor act in this situation?

2. Discuss the following:

  1. The doctor couldn’t swim, he was ill, he was so afraid of dark water in the pond. What helped him to have the courage to rescue Mabel?

  2. “Fergusson being a mere hired assistant, was slave to the country.” Why did the author call the doctor a slave?

P. 133-143


Pre-reading Tasks

1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the dictionary:

clayey, towel, gulp, instantaneous, conscious, divest, dive, cushion, extricate, convulsive, thighs, triumphant, murmur, issue, yearning, passion, knee, tangled, patient, honour, violation, stubborn, rhapsodic, effort, inevitable, assurance, steady, ached, doubt, fountain, breast, falter, jeer, alter, vibrating, release, wrap, scullery, voile, blindly.

Vocabulary Tasks

1. Find in the story the English for:

великий ковток; пильно подивитися в очі; знімати одяг з кого-небудь; смертельно боятися; пірнати у ставок; вагатися; промоклий одяг; диванна подушка; визволятися; кінцівка; розкиданий одяг; приводити до тями; танути; прошепотіти у дивному захопленні; сплутане вологе волосся; бути огидним комусь; обнімати коліна; оголені плечі; відчути запах стоячої води; болісне зусилля; глузувати; змінений голос; загорнутися в ковдру; волочитися; побачити на мить; схлипувати.

2. Use one of the words or word combinations from the box in an appropriate form to fill each gap.

extricate clayey unfathomable groan dimly gulp lap stagnant mortally scattered muffled drooped

  1. He drank a … himself, and put some into her mouth.

  2. He could not bear the smell of the dead, … water, and he was … afraid of his own health.

  3. He was afraid now, because he felt dazed, and felt … that her power was stronger than his, in this issue.

  4. It was as if she had the life of his body in her hands, and he could not … himself.

  5. She saw her clothing lying … .

  6. With an inward … he gave way, and let his heart yield towards her.

  7. Then, as it were suddenly, he smelt the horrid … smell of that water.

  8. He wanted her eyes not to have that terrible, wistful, … look.

  9. She sat still, away from him, with her face … aside, and her hands folded in her … .

  10. A tumbling, … noise from within the dark house startled him.